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    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    Hitman Cocaine is a hell of a drug

    Hitman Cocaine is a hell of a drug

    Cocaine is a hell of a drug

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Its raining men Part:4

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    What I hope comes next

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    With the probable announcement of season three coming soon, I'd like to take some time to compile my thoughts on what I hope Season Three will look like. I won't be making any pretense that my opinion matters, but it is still nice to get my ideas out there and see if I am an outlier or if people agree with me. I want to see what people think.

    So first with the stuff, I hope they don't bring back:

    • Can we just fuck off with the elusive targets now and forever? They are the dumbest thing to me. Does anyone like the concept of them even? Locking missions behind a random wall seems stupid and needlessly content restrictive and knowing that I came in late and will never be able to unlock all the unlockables makes the completionist in me turned off of playing Season 2. It actually really pisses me, and I truly think it was one of the dumbest things that IOI has ever done, barring Absolution.
    • MkII weapons. I think IOI got the memo already but still, these are just dumb-looking and are barely even new content.
    • Resetting data. Assuming legacy content will be included to owners of the previous game, please don't make me do SA/SO on missions again

    Overall I don't have too much I dislike(But I really fucking hate ET's) so now on to the stuff I hope they add:

    • Darker Levels or themes would be nice. I love fucked up levels like meat kings party, and this is something missing from the new games. It feels like a spy thriller sometimes, and while that is fine and fun, I miss the fucked up stuff in the old games. Stuff like the organ harvesting in Hokkaido and the murder basement in Whittleton Creek felt like little shots of what I miss, but I would still like more.
    • More cold levels. This is super specific but I always like cold places in video games, and they are very absent in the new games. We have plenty of winter-specific suits and items, but it feels like the only appropriate place to use them is Hokkaido.
    • Weapon Customization. Instead of cluttering up the loadout screen, why not just let us have the base models and the variations just unlock customization parts. We don't need essentially 4 identical W2000 models in the loadout, just let us choose what we want with it to make it feel less cluttered.

    This is obviously not everything, but its my biggest things. But I'm curious what people think. Are my opinions shared or am I just a veteran Hitman player shaking his fist at birds because the franchise isn't what i wanted it to become?

    submitted by /u/jotofirend
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    Anyone else having serious travel nostalgia during this pandemic?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Xbox - Hitman 2 Gold Edition - 70% sale - 6 days remaining

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Day 40 - Dawood becomes a Youtuber and reacts to the Mumbai WR Speedrun by punkstarfunk IRL

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Optional Targets

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I have recently completed Hitman Blood Money and I was blown away by all the "new" features and gameplay elements. When I first played Flatline and saw how you could kill 3 extra bonus targets if you so choose and get extra money and score, I wished it was in the new Hitman games. These targets would be like smaller assassinations in a bigger level. Although they probably would have a smaller loop and less ways to kill them, I still think it would be fun to do some extra killing. For example you could kill Hector or Catalina Delgado, the Kashmiran, Gunther Muller, Moses Lee, Helen West, Blake Nathaniel, and any of the 3 people on the bank who hold the backup data. I would like hear your own ideas and thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/EpicManTheDude
    [link] [comments]

    Grilling Season - Haven Island (PS4, First Contract)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

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