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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Hitman Jason Portman approved melee weapons

    Hitman Jason Portman approved melee weapons

    Jason Portman approved melee weapons

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Nothing can't stop 47, not even a damn bullet on his chest.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Any fans of The Boys in here?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hitman Paris level now runs locked 60@4K on XSX

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Would be nice to see some of these weapons return for hitman 3.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    The I.C.A makes no sense.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    I just can't figure it out. They are a politically neutral, criminal organization who take money from wealthy clients in order to kill people for them.

    Got it.

    But what stops Mark Zuckerberg taking out the heads of Twitter? If the ICA are so good, it would never get lead back to him. He could eliminate ALL business competition if he so desires.

    If the ICA were real, they would effectively destroy capitalism as an idea. If I can hire 47 to murder the board of any competition, and he will succeed, and there is zero chance of prison time for me, there is NOTHING from stopping me from doing that other than ethics.

    The whole idea of an assassination organization that is neutral in world affairs, who just accept money from the highest bidder... it makes my brain all fuzzy. It doesn't compute.

    We also have to accept that people in these upper echelons of society, who know about the ICA, are simply in a race to put a contract on their rival first. If Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO know the ICA is real, they have no reason not to expect the other will use the service.

    Sorry for the rant. It's late. I'm drunk. I don't care THAT much. But would love to hear some theories of how a neutral assassin network could actually work.

    submitted by /u/TheSasquatchKing
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    First Kill in Dubai

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    The Showstopper SA w/ El Matador, Emetic Mine, and Muffins in less than 2 minutes ... Muffin OP Again

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Anybody else running OG hitman titles still ?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    My review of Hitman: Codename 47

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:53 PM PDT


    Hitman: Codename 47 is the game that started a whole franchise and presented one of games' most recognizable characters: Agent 47. This game has great ideas impaired by technical limitations, both from the technology of the time and the budget, but counters it by having fun gameplay and a flawless story.

    It is amazing how intelligent games were back then, detailing storylines and interesting characters displayed with an easy-to-follow presentation. At the beginning of every mission you go to a briefing where you learn about your target and the details surrounding the hit you are going to perform. This is presented all in text and all you have to do is read it. One of the most interesting aspects of the game is the video of the target filmed by an ICA agent - which gives us an idea of how organized the Agency is.

    After the briefing you have the mission map and the equipment list of what you want to bring with you in order to complete your mission. So read the briefing, study the map and pay attention to your surroundings - patrolling paths, NPCs you can talk to, different entry points etc. The game almost always gives you several different courses of action, but it is much more linear than its sequels. There is always one strategy that was clearly the one intended by the developers and level designers; if you are having a very hard time in a mission, or if you take much longer than 10 minutes, chances are you're on the wrong track. Missions take around 5-10 minutes to complete, provided you know what you have to do. You might be able to complete missions in a different way, but it will usually be a much, much harder way.

    Hitman: Codename 47 is a stealth game and, therefore, discourages shootouts - but they do happen as part of some missions. This one is a feature I like, even if the moving and shooting mechanics are clanky, as killing a few guards shows how heavily protected your targets are. You have to do that in the Ochoa mission and the Rotterdam missions; and I dread how this feature was abondened in later games. Agent 47 was cloned through the DNA of his French Foreign Legion fathers not to be just an assassin, but to be the perfect soldier; so he knows how to handle himself in a firefight.

    This game also has some great details, such as the greatest voice line ever uttered in a video game: "I need to use the BATHroom".

    You have to chat with NPCs in order to gather intel, so pay attention. Some voice dialog are weird and somewhat funny, but Lei Ling's best voice is in this version. You will mostly hear "He's packing!" and "This guys is loaded!" at first, but dialogue such as Ort-Meyer's provide needed context.

    The most enduring feature of the Hitman series is the collective of creative kills and approaches, and many of those came from movies (as the game itself). The hit on the Chief of Police took the idea of planting the pistol in the bathroom from the God Father. Ochoa's character is taken from Al Pacino's Tony Montana (Scarface) but the mission looks really based in Sniper (1993) - the targets in both game and movie are called Ochoa - and the soldiers really look like a South American drug army.

    One of the most creative missions is "Traditions of the Trade" (the best version), where you have to talk to NPCs and have many different ways of killing Fritz - plus an emblematic hit on Frantz.

    Ochoa is the most wronged of the fathers in the series: Colombia has a more military feel, already opening with 47 looking like a jungle warrior king in the loading screen and then rappeling into the middle of the jungle by helicopter. Plus exotic natives, leaf physics and Ochoa's threats during the gunfight - that are hilarious. With all 5 fathers having served in Indochina, the jungle setting is a nice touch and should have been remade (albeit smaller and self-contained in one mission).

    Cutscenes and loading screens are great: the cutscene of Tzun protecting Lee Hong from Agent 47 and the killing of Fritz Fuchs in the pool or the sauna.

    Given this game was first conceived as a Chinese mobster action game, it is no surprise the Hong Kong missions are so memorable. The presentation screen of Lee Hong, the Lei Ling character arc, saving Agent Smith, and getting the jade figurine.

    While people make some constructive complaints, some of them are not - like not having a command for dropping a body, even though all you need to do is hit the right mouse button, something I got right the first time I played (back in the day).

    This game is not hard if you're well informed but it's punishing; its main flaw being the faulty AI, with an awereness problem and very thick skin. The guards' AI has only two modes - idle and combat - and sometimes they simply "know" 47 is bad news. Nowhere in this game is this more evident than in Ochoa's hit, with guards attacking you for no reason, and that's why so many people hate it.

    Add to that the poor knife mechanic where you can easily slit someone's throat with it, but if he moves you go into a thrust mode. One or two strikes is something you can do before being shot, but needing 4-6 stabs to kill a target is simply too much.

    Another complaint about the Colombian missions is the "bad design" of the enemy camp, where you need to run all over the other side of the fence to enter the camp; but this is misplaced, as the design both serves to show you the size of the camp with its many guard patrols, showing how well-guarded the drug lord is, and also because you sneaked from behind said camp.

    The main strengths of this game are the story and the atmosphere. The soundtrack made by Jesper Kyd is simply amazing and conveys a perfect immersion to the different settings - action, suspense, fear. My favorites are the Hong Kong and Colombian settings, with their exotic themes. Maps are quite big and populated. The henchmen in each mission are also expertly done and genuine: they range from Chinese Triad members to Colombian drug soldiers, biker gangsters and masked gunrunners. The NPCs are also diverse, with bartenders, hotel staff and sex workers. The presentation is near flawless with unique signature kills and different approaches to make the perfect hit, giving Agent 47 a solid entry into the assassination business.

    I wrote this review on Steam, if you like it give it a thumbs up there.

    submitted by /u/FilipeREP
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    Guess I won't be wearing that uniform then...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Knight vs 100 guards

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    47 makes a Nightcall

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Who would like to have the ability to play as Victoria?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I'm sure you all remember Victoria from Absolution and that she was suppose to do what 47 did, but wouldn't it be worth it, if we could play as her?

    submitted by /u/micro_door
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    Sawed off bartoli is the best loud gun in the game

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I just unlocked this gun from the New York Bank level and it's just so much fun to use. It's loud as fuck and fires faster than the regular bartoli and the best part is that it's concealable. I now take it on every mission because it's so much fun to use. It's the closest the new hitman gets to the shotgun hidden in a box of flowers from Traditions of the Trade

    submitted by /u/ReverendBizarre69
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    A Few Random Suggestions

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Just a few things I thought could be changed / added in Hitman 3 or some future version of the WoA Trilogy:

    • To make fiber wires more unique and useful, they could be chosen instead of a pistol, taking up that dedicated slot in the loadout screen.
    • At a few places in the game, guards will deny you entry based on your disguise despite the fact that the same disguise is legal in the area they're guarding. One example is the Castle Staff disguise in Sgail - the Raider guard between the necklace area and the helipad will deny you, but if you sneak in, no one will find you suspicious.
    • In Miami, you cannot dump guard bodies through the window in the top-floor security room in the Kronstadt Expo Building, despite the fact that 47 can move freely through it. There are a handful of other windows like this, most notably every open window in Whittleton Creek except the one in Janus' bathroom.
    • Maya Parvati's voice lines could be re-recorded using one of the female Indian NPC voices to make things mesh better, compliment the lore, and to make her stand out more. As it stands now, I'm afraid she sounds more like an angry grade-school teacher than a badass Sri Lankan drill instructor.
    • The "Andrea Martinez" NPC in Paris still looks like a generic NPC even though there's obviously a model for Martinez in the game. A minor clothing edit and it would be perfect.
    • Despite Propane Flask explosions counting as accidental kills, Fire Extinguisher explosions do not count as "accidental pacifications," such as with the Rake or Banana items.
    • The item variety in Hitman 2's stages is considerably more than in Hitman 1's stages. Of course, this is because more items are added to the games over time. While this can actually be good in a way, as new players who start in Paris are less likely to feel overwhelmed, it means that the potential number of in-level weapons is far greater the later in the campaign one goes, making the earlier stages feel more sparse.
    submitted by /u/BTWNM
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    A middle ground scenario for Elusive Targets.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I am more a lurker at times here, about the elusive target system. It seems like team #onetry and team #unlimitedtries debate about what they should do it. The argument for team one try is they love that thrill and challenge of only having one try to complete the mission in a few days. Whereas team unlimited tries does not like content locked out for them to play. So here is my idea on how to add a compromise that both teams could agree on.

    1. Remove all exclusive unlocks from ET. Hitman is not a big online game. It's not like a multiplayer game where you can show off your special limited unlock online. So there is no reason to make this stuff only available in elusive targets.
    2. Once you beat the elusive target it's yours to play forever. I feel like this is a fair way for people who would want to go back and play this challenge again in a new way, or even hear some of the new dialogue.
      1. However, your 1st try is the only one that gets put on the scoreboard. This still adds that competitive "one try" for the community that likes that feeling.
        1. There are three different scoreboards for each difficulty.
    3. Add Casual, Professional, and Master difficulty to elusive targets. Here, people of all different skill levels can play the elusive targets to their own enjoyment.
      1. Master - One Try only, there are no restarts when the mission starts.
      2. Professional - Two tries, can restart up until the Target has been eliminated.
      3. Casual - Three tries, can restart anytime during the mission.

    Things happen, sometimes people hit the wrong button, someone plays there file, a controller dies, why should that ruin the experience?

    Let me know your thoughts on this idea!

    I am curious to see what #onetry thinks of this compromise.

    submitted by /u/Mastermiine
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    47s terrible recoil/accuracy

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Does anyone else really hate how bad 47 is at recoil control? He's meant to be an expert marksman as one of his many skills but after a second of firing an automatic weapon the bullets could be hitting any part of your screen. I wouldnt mind if the area where bullets could land increased a little bit when firing or even adding more vertical kick instead of a wider spray but they make automatic weapons so annoying to use and it's a shame because some of them are really cool like the silenced AK looking thing. Just curious to see if anyone shared that opinion

    submitted by /u/TheMayorOfSuplexCity
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    Why is the fish the most fun weapon to use

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    I can't stop throwing it at people or slapping them with it I love it

    submitted by /u/-WaifuHunter-
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    Is it just me or is Absolution more graphic than HITMAN 1 & 2?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Hitman:Blood Money Beta footage

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    lines on screen in hitman 2

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    lines on screen in hitman 2

    Can anyone help i have lines on my screen while the gameplay in hitman 2. its ok in cutscenes. pls help i tried updating driver but i dont think i did it correctly.

    pls help

    submitted by /u/CyberPunk710i
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