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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Hitman Can't a man just do his job without being sexually harassed all the time?

    Hitman Can't a man just do his job without being sexually harassed all the time?

    Can't a man just do his job without being sexually harassed all the time?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    It's my IRL cake day today. No-one thinks it's a particularly special age, but I was born in 1973, sooo...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    What upcoming map do you think looks better?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    The many uses of the muffin in HITMAN 2

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Lmao I beat a level and made this

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    Grave Dive...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Steady on there tiger we've only just met! The A.I in these games is a bit forward.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Feeling Zen

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    The most baddass momment in Hitman: Codename 47

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Hitman 2 PS4 Problem

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Hello, could someone help me with this problem? The problem is that my keyboard and mouse couldn't connect to the game for some reason. How do I connect it?

    submitted by /u/Phobos504
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    "The failed coup in Morocco. The Ether virus..."

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    This one 47 did for free. (And I am glad he did)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Will there ever be a steam preorder?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    I have epic but I am trying to avoid it as much as possible for PC. The game comes out Jan 20 but I will have no access to a computer from the beginning of Jan all the way to July (leaving home for some time)

    I'd hate to miss out on content if I won't be able to play until July. Should I preorder it despite not boring able to play about 5 months later?

    submitted by /u/djau444
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    The chandelier is so close!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Oh Absolution, you magnificent mess...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - the crucible of the series

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is the second game in the franchise and helped to establish many of the core aesthetics of the series. Addressing the biggest complaints about the first one, Silent Assassin is a solid and worthy sucessor. Controls are more solid and responsive, with better aiming, and wider options for the player to tackle the missions; and everything is bigger and better. The main new feature is the creation of the famous rating system, were the highest rank is Silent Assassin.

    The briefing is now narrated by Diana, creating one of the most recognizable features in the Hitman series, which you can hear while watching the mission video (the first one, in St. Petersburg Stakeout, is glitched though, as it cannot transition to the second part of the video). Locations are more alive, more populated with NPCs and with more indirect approaches. The map is now more useful, showing real time positions of NPCs and critical elements like elevators and ICA caches. Albeit still mostly linear, Hitman 2: SA tries its best to give the player different options of approach and has more signature kills, with the most famous being the killing of Hayamoto Jr. with a badly prepared Fugu fish.

    The story is a "back in the game" type, starting shortly after the first game with 47 peacefully tending the garden of a church in Sicily until being forced back into the killing business, in an epic adventure that will take our hero to exhotic locations such as a Japanese fortress and a rebel underground base in Afghanistan. Japan is by far the most epic in its visuals, soundtrack, design and plot; but also the most broken. The soundtrack by Jesper Kyd is amazing, superbly well syncronized with the atmospheres presented in the game. Characters will speak their native language, with Russians speaking Russian and Japanese yelling "Yame! Yame!" and shooting you for no reason.

    Hitman 2: SA is noticeably much harder than all other games in the series, with trigger happy guards and inconsistent AI; plus longer missions containing more complex objectives. The gameplay is more slow-paced, with 47 now walking most of the time as running will attract suspicion; that you can manage through a suspicion metter that is somewhat useful but not much, especially because guards will now see through your disguise if you get too close, run or get caught doing something you shouldn't. But the AI is really underdeveloped and guards will spot you when they shouldn't and the frustration in this game is really present, worsening the trial and error basis of the gameplay. "A waiter running harmlessly far away in the distance? Not on my watch!"

    Another bad decision is the painfully slow stealth mode. You cannot simply walk near people, they are going to hear you, so you need to go into stealth mode but it is soooooooooo slow as to be nerve wrecking. Enemies can simply turn back for no reason and now you are dead.

    Nowhere in the game is this AI problem more evident than in the utterly broken Japan missions. Not only the trucks in Mission 7 - The Hidden Valley are glitched, stopping for no reason and forcing the player to keep restarting until the game gets it together, the bloody ninjas always come for you to check your ID; an irrational design decision, given the game's concept of hiding in plain sight. And this happens at any distance, with the guards either following you or shooting you outright. Basically, the game throws away its own rules in Japan, making The Hidden Valley, easily, the worst mission in the entire Hitman series.

    Graphics are a great step-up from the original game, with far better character models; starting with 47's suit, the snow suit used in Japan, with a white heavy smock and thick combat boots. Agent 47 also dresses as an Afghan.

    NPCs and guards are really varied, from Russian soldiers to Sikh guards and Afghan guerrillas. The Japanese Yoyimbos can be said to be the coolest guards ever designed. Lei Ling is really hot in her short kimono, and she looks the best as she has ever looked in the series - albeit the heavily-accented voice is a step-down from the earlier game.

    There are little nods to the first game, either by mention in the story or by means of easter eggs.

    If you are a stealth fan, very stubborn and determined, and want to check the Hitman series before it became casual, this game is for you. This game is cinematic, with advanced narrative and an engaging story, but the main product is the gameplay. Despite it's flaws, Hitman 2: Silent Assassin can be easily considered the best of the first three games.

    I wrote this review on Steam, give it a thumbs up there if you liked it.

    submitted by /u/FilipeREP
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    Agent 47 (played by Johnny Sins) infiltrates deeply the German embassy in Moscow.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Elusive Target and always online...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Does anyone know a way to get an Elite Guard outfit on the Isle of Sgàil map in Hitman 2?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Does anyone know a way to get an elite guard outfit without being seen?

    submitted by /u/TheActualRealOlive
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    Downloaded all the episodes, but can't play them?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    So I recently wanted to try out Hitman, since it's a good stealth game from what I heard. Until I realized I needed to download additional episodes, so I'm like "okay fair enough". So I downloaded the episodes individually(All of them are installed), I try to go into the campaign and nope, still can't access them. So I downloaded the episodes (1-6) but I can't play them. I need some help with this issue. If anyone has advice for me, I'll gladly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Captured_Bear383
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    Hitman2 speedrun Miami 1:38

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Did you just assume my gender?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    how about being hunted when the body is found and a NPC saw you are entering or leaving the crime scene?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    To be hunted, your crime must be noticed. If the crime is never noticed but dead body is found, you will not be hunted, and it is quite far from the reality.

    So my idea is how about to be hunted when someone noticed you entering or leaving the crime scene if body is found?

    For example user killed a target in a conference room. Nobody saw the crime and user left the body on the ground because he thought noone will come here and the body will not be discovered(or just hiding body there was impossible) . Unfortunately, after some seconds, a NPC entered the room and found the body. NPC will call security guards and guards will start investigating crime scene and ask to citizens "did you see anybody entering this room? or any strange person? " Like in real.

    so if any NPC has seen agent 47 entering or leaving the crime scene(of course just enter and leave without killing or pacifying doesn't count) and says "Yes, I saw a baldhead with barcode!" to guards' question, 47 will be hunted.

    If you eliminated target by accident, this will not work because you don't need to hide the body when accident is the cause of death.

    So how do you think guys about my idea?

    Technically I think it is pretty hard to implement because it does extra calculations, but the game will be more cool and challenging:D

    submitted by /u/oehqoehfo
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