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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Hitman Should I consider making a Hitman 2: Attention to Detail vid?

    Hitman Should I consider making a Hitman 2: Attention to Detail vid?

    Should I consider making a Hitman 2: Attention to Detail vid?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Colorado Master Speedrun PS4 WR 1:35

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:15 PM PST

    "How did you kill the ET?" "Pistol" "So you shot him?" "No"

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:55 AM PST

    New Mode: Kill ‘Em All (with npc counter)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:12 PM PST

    For Hitman 3, please add this mode since it's such a popular way to play. Any map, all npc's highlighted red like patient zero, as well with an npc counter so you can see how many NPC's are remaining to kill all. Remove Crowd Cow npc's because they disappear off the map sometimes when panicked. A leaderboard for players that want a score for fastest time. Maybe add some extra points if it can be done without being spotted or having a body found to add some challenge. Could also add a 10, 20, 30 minute countdown timer for kill as many in such time.


    Yay or Nay?

    EDIT: Didn't think of performance issues. But maybe to fix that and since SA isn't an issue when targets find dead bodies, maybe make dead bodies disappear after a short while? Or the game disappears the next body killed after the last one? Something like that would help greatly to make this mode feasible.

    submitted by /u/wattdafuqq
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    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Why does the virus kill 47 but nobody else?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:32 PM PST

    In Patient Zero, if 47 is infected he has 5 minutes until he dies. However, when other NPCs in the map get infected the virus will never actually kill them... Why is 47 so susceptible to the virus?

    submitted by /u/hitman2468
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    OK, why the hell are the wristwatches at the Milton-Fitzpatrick Bank illegal items?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:38 AM PST

    Alpha & Omega

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:47 PM PST

    Alpha & Omega

    Kill Order: 3-10-9838608-40

    Contract Type: Xbox One

    Contract Client(s):

    • Dr. Ebisawa Miyoko

    Contract Payment(s):

    • $1,500,000.00 US

    Contract Status: Active

    Contract Briefing: Good morning, 47. Your destination is the GAMA Private Hospital, located outside of Hokaido, Japan. It is one of the world's leading medical facilities, and one of the most secure locations on the planet due to its innovative chip-based identification system. Your primary targets are Yuki Yamizaki, a cutthroat Tokyo lawyer whose connections to the Yakuza have led to the client's life being put in grave danger, and Akira Nakamura, the director at GAMA and an affiliate of the Yakuza.

    Our client has paid ICA for our best services due to the nature of the situation they find themselves in. They have found that GAMA is affiliated with a ring of organ harvesters and organized crime from across East and Southeast Asia, where they find their "materials" for life-saving surgeries and other major operations. According to the client, they were approached by a Yakuza middle man and threatened to keep quiet on the matter. Afterwards, they found that the Yakuza had bribed the director of GAMA, Akira Nakamura, to terminate the client's career so that the Yakuza could "properly" deal with them. Today is the day that they send their affiliate, Yuki Yamazaki, to negotiate the final deal proceedings.

    The client has offered a sum of 165,120,750 Yen laundered from GAMA's depository, though this brings us to a secondary target: according to the client, one of the heads of security at GAMA knows what they have done and has suspicions on what they plan to do with the money, and has threatened to turn them over to the authorities. This cannot be allowed to happen; your secondary target is Hideyo Shibata, one of the heads of security for GAMA. The client is planning on leaving GAMA when Yuki Yamazaki arrives to speak with Director Nakamura in person; you will have a limited window of opportunity to deal with all three targets in rapid succession. Due to a heavier security presence in the main wing of GAMA, usual infiltration means will not be viable; an ICA asset will smuggle you in through the morgue. I recommend that you go long-range for this contract to terminate the targets in rapid succession; the longer you are present and the longer the targets are still active, the more likely it is for the client to be intercepted before an ICA extraction team can reach them; they have covered their tracks with the help of ICA white-hats, leave ours covered as well. Collateral damage is not an option for this contract.

    Happy hunting, 47.

    Contract Conditions:

    • Only the sanctioned targets have been targeted for termination. Additionally, if you are caught, if anyone has been pacified, or if there is additional collateral damage, ICA will not consider the contract valid and will not be able to help the client in their own exfiltration of the facility.
    • You will be smuggled into GAMA's morgue through one of ICA's contacts as the victim of a climbing accident. Apart from a quickdraw for exfiltration purposes, you will not be allowed to infiltrate with any other equipment. However, our ICA contact is willing to smuggle in an agency pickup in the morgue's storage area.
    • To ensure that handiwork cannot be traced back to ICA if one were to look too deeply, camera systems are to be disabled and recordings of your endeavors destroyed if you are caught; understand that exfiltration with evidence pertaining to your hand in this contract is unacceptable.
    • Exfiltration teams will be stationed in Hokaido proper for the client, as well as around the mountains surrounding GAMA. There is a helicopter pad for exfiltration as well, where you may meet with a debriefing team at a location of your choosing, but understand that the heavily-guarded nature of GAMA at this time means that exfiltration via helicopter is likely not viable.
    submitted by /u/NagandEmerald
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    Oh, I get it now. They hide the cocaine with polar bears because it's snow

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    A couple different kinds of crashing issues

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:50 PM PST

    So I have scoured the internet for something that can help with the crashing issues I have had since I bought HM2 during the 70% off sale. So when I boot the game, the launcher comes up for a few seconds then crashes to desktop then nothing. I eventually figured out that I can skip the launcher with a steam command which I did. So I put a considerable amount of time into the game and have recently started getting random crashes after like 5-10 min of play. From what I have read changing the DX settings can help with that, but to my knowledge I cant change the DX settings without the launcher, which you know crashes. I don't have any Razer products, no MSI afterburner or anything like that that most posts suggest uninstalling. So I'm kinda stuck. Is there any other known methods to fix either of these issues?

    submitted by /u/daware
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    Ansel Expert Wanted! [HELP]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm looking for a experienced Ansel user who knows how to make some good shots. I'm a console player and I'm uploading walkthroughs of the game on my YouTube channel, but I need someone to make some cool and unique thumbnail pictures for me, so my videos stand out.

    I'll give a honorable mention in each video's description as a thank you. I hope one of you guys would like to help out!

    submitted by /u/Danger_dog_guy
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    What are people's opinion of the two Hitman titles, is it well liked? I already have the game and I love it.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

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