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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Hitman Hitman Lore

    Hitman Hitman Lore

    Hitman Lore

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    2020 am i right fellas

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Why did it take me so long

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    This game looks incredible, even on PS4.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    By far the cheapest feeling SA/SO I've ever done

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    I love going full on shooter and just killing all of Miami it’s so frickin fun, I also try to create scenes like this one to make it look super brutal. ;)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who noticed this?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Had these poison vials replicas made & I’m so happy with them!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Missed Opportunity

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    2 (Probably) Useless tricks and Discoveries i have found

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    1.The secret whistle audio: So if you kill sierra Knox on the race track with either the golden dragon or white sieger 300 (i think, didnt try it out) you might hear a slide whistle as her car is rolling down the track.

    2.Choloform flask grenade: I discovered this while in Chongqing melting the core. If you throw a flask on the floor it will give a big cloud of sedative smoke, which can be used to knock out guards without ruining your sa

    submitted by /u/Glass-Distribution-2
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    47 got lost trying to find his targets!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    HITMAN 3's soundtrack sounds awesome

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    I made a Tier list on how observant the targets are when it comes to their potential demise

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Isle of Sgail

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    This is random, but I was just wondering something about isle of sgail. Why are the commemorative tokens in trespassing zones? I thought the point is that the initiates are supposed to get them, so how are they expected to get any that are in trespassing zones?

    It doesn't really affect anything, I'm just curious if there's an explanation.

    The only thing I could think of is that Zoe is specifically looking for someone who could think outside the box and risk trespassing zones for the coins? Not sure if that's what's intended but I'm thinking it's probably that right?

    submitted by /u/BigLadLuke
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    Blood Money is my fav

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    What are your opinions on the 2007 Hitman film?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    A genuine question I have. I know the film wasn't... reviewed well by film critics. But I'm curious on what the reception is among Hitman fans. I've only seen bits of the film in passing.

    submitted by /u/WeirdoTZero
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    Warning Shot; My first custom contract

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Hey all, I made my first custom contract after coming to the board for advice and wondered if anybody would take a peek. (Hitman 2, on PC if these things make a difference)

    A Warning Shot

    ID : 1-02-6232139-93

    This is INCREDIBLY basic with a simple theme and plot in the description/title. the Optional objectives were supposed to be removed entirely (but I don't want to go back through the setup for one I'm using to practice with the system) and had I been really thinking about it I'd have made the optional objectives based around pistol kills.

    Going on from this, I'm still struggling a lot to find interesting/mobile NPC's that aren't already very important ingame. Two options I wanted to use were Julian Wakefield and Madison Lang, both seeming to be unique NPC's and yet both virtually never moving (at all) from a HUGELY populated location in Paris. How viable would targets like that be for players who wanted to aim for the SA?

    Any thoughts/tips hugely appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Holy-Fox
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    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Mission Stories Need to be More Challenging - An Opinion Piece

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Contextualization and Issue

    When I first played Hitman 1 this past January, I played the entire campaign with minimal story guidance. I thought it was pretty cool to have some intel and made me feel like a spy, until I realized that the game would have been way more gratifying had I figured everything on my own instead of having Diana tell me "hmmm maybe if you did this I don't know just maybe, it would be a shame if you did that 47 lol".

    So I played H2 with no intel for the first couple of runs on each mission.

    While the experience was way better, it also felt sort of frustrating for a simple reason: a good handful of mission stories are way too easy to complete, or downright too convenient to be fun.

    They're not necessary all easy to figure out on your own (although most of them are), this is not my complaint, they're just too easy to complete once you've got the idea.

    To complete the contextualization, my first run in Miami with no intel got me into the mascot mission story. And while I was glad to have figured out a scripted event on my own, I also felt a little frustrated because I knew from the moment I got into the hotel garden that I just had to follow blindly and eventually Sierra Knox would conveniently tell her bodyguards to leave her alone with me.

    And that's my problem: once you're in, it's done. You don't need to think, you don't need to observe or listen, you just follow and a convenient conversation will most of the time lead you to a one-on-one meeting with the target.

    It was frustrating because I felt like even with no guidance, I was still too heavily guided. I did not feel like a true badass assassin and more like, well… a video game character. Most of my no-intel runs have been like that: figure out a mission story on your own, follow blindly, take the opportunity. Cool, but where's the improvisation in that?

    Now I'm not saying the majority of the MS are like that (upon researching for H1 and H2, I find that nearly all of the missions end up having at least 1 or 2 MS ending in the convenient-one-on-one-meeting-with-the-target category, around 15% of MS have this issue in my opinion), but those which are need a more challenging approach.

    The solution

    Now it's one thing to complain and another to offer a solution. So here's mine: make these type of mission story completable with a mini-game or a multi-choice dialogue in order to set off the final opportunity. I have two main examples for that.

    • Example 1: Club 27, you manage to take the disguise of the replacement drummer and meet Cross. He asks you to play the drums. At the time, I made myself ready to play the drums but nothing happened. Although it was pretty funny seeing 47 play the drums like a bald Dave Grohl, it was also a little bit frustrating to have Cross immediately ask you to follow him in a convenient spot with no guard.

    • The mini-game: Club 27, you manage to take the disguise of the replacement drummer and meet Cross. He asks you to play the drums. A mini-game ala Parappa the Rapper appears and you need to hit the buttons at the right time to play the drums right. Three levels of completion are available:

    1. You fail and Jordan Cross tells you to piss off, saying they'll find a new drummer. Once that happens, they escort you out and the 3rd level becomes a trespassing area while in the drummer disguise. You need to find another way in, 47.

    2. You pass averagely and Jordan Cross tells you that you're good enough and to make yourself comfortable until they start recording. You are able to roam freely in the studio but no private meeting with Cross. You may explore and find something to sabotage or tamper with, 47.

    3. You pass above a certain score and Jordan Cross is so impressed with your skills that he invites you to a private meeting to invite you into the band. You get the best opportunity to kill him, 47.

    Whenever you fail the MS, it doesn't necessarily mean the level is over, you're not gonna get gunned down, you just failed that opportunity to either get free access to the studio or a private meeting with Cross.

    • Example 2: Santa Fortuna, you acquire the disguise of the tattoo artist and enter the villa. Delgado greets you into his office and conveniently asks for his wife and guard to leave. You kill him with the needle because obviously.

    The dialogue mini-game: Santa Fortuna, you acquire the disguise of the tattoo artist and enter the villa. Delgado greets you into his office and you start tattooing him. Now, four prompts appear:

    1. Leave.

    2. Kill.

    3. Tell Delgado to stop moving.

    4. Tell Delgado you need to be alone with him.

    If you choose 2, you'll kill him in front of the guard and wife, which is neither very SA nor very smart to do.

    If you choose 3, Delgado will tell his wife and his guard to leave because he feels distracted by his nagging wife and the sight of the guard's big rifle. Potentially, you could even need to choose 3 twice in order for the wife to leave first, and then the guard, but just once could be at least a tiny bit challenging enough. The MS is completed and you have the opportunity to kill Delgado alone in his office.

    If you choose 4, the wife will leave but the guard will stay, asking you why the hell you'd want to be alone with Delgado and that he doesn't trust you. From this point on, you may either kill both or just complete the tattoo (because 47 is probably as much of a great artist as he is a great drummer). Delgado thanks you and tells you to make yourself at home tells you to stay the night before going back to America (or whatever country P-Power comes from), the entire villa is now a free zone with the tattoo artist disguise, but you didn't get the proper opportunity to kill Delgado earlier.


    Now I understand the need for MS in order to catch a wider, more casual audience and I don't mind that. And I also know that most of them are not necessarily like what I've described. It's just that those specific ones often don't feel all that engaging or challenging.

    Alternatively, IOI could even allow for adjusting these challenges in the difficulty settings. Casual could have no MS Challenges as it is right now, while Professional and Master could have them.

    I just feel that such a simple solution could give the player a more unique experience and call for the improvisational skills of an actual assassin.

    Not all MS stories need them, some are perfect as they are, but a bunch of them in my opinion were just too easy once you've understood them and turned too convenient to be enjoyable and rewarding. I have taken it upon myself to list H1 & H2 MS that needs a revamp in my opinion (and those which answer to that issue perfectly) in an answer below.

    I don't want to have that feeling of near 100% certainty I'll have a perfect and convenient opportunity of killing a target when I enter a MS, I want to be able to still mess up. What do you do when you realize you've messed up and haven't attained your goal as you've planned it? Reload? No, improvise: you're 47, not a wimp.

    Hope I can create a discussion, I shall leave you to prepare.

    submitted by /u/NaonedPride
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    Infuriatingly, The Proloff Parable is still impossible to beat (for me at least).

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    Level 2 of the Proloff Parable requires you to kill with the White Katana to refresh your 20 second timer until you can get to the target or else the mission automatically fails. I have been trying since the escalation released to beat Level 2 but it is literally impossible.

    All the guides show that you just need to keep killing to refresh the timer, but for me the timer takes several seconds to update and then 9/10 times it only restores the timer by a few seconds, nowhere near enough to get to the next target in time. I've not been able to get past the two shotgun guards in the armory because the timer always runs dry before it'll refresh.

    And the kicker? It's most likely due to shoddy connection to the server/bad internet, but I can't play the escalation offline where that wouldn't be a problem because IOI insists on always online DRM and locks escalations off from offline mode! I've tried over and over at different times of day/night but no matter what it's always the same issue.

    IOI needs to address or offer a workaround for this, even if it's just a button to skip Level 2 of the escalation.

    submitted by /u/Quitthesht
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    I haven't played any of the hitman game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I just played the hitman 3 and I haven't played any prequels so in hitman 3 game there are some extra gameplayand here is training,hitman,hitman2 also So are they the complete hitman games or I should buy the orignal ones and if to purchase so on what order

    submitted by /u/__iamsameer___
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    No Stickers, No Siekers (PC) 1-29-4465003-28

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Anyone else think that the Arc Society level in Hitman 2 is the hardest one?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    I found it incredibly difficult, with guards EVERYWHERE, even on casual difficulty. Any experts, how do you do it? Also mission stories are also impossible to do as you need certain disguises which allow you to enter certain parts of the caste, but you cannot just knock someone out in the middle of a bar for their disguise! Any pro tips?

    submitted by /u/globalviewpoints
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