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    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Hitman Our HITMAN 3 Fan Campaign - Mission 6: "TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS" - The Hague, Netherlands

    Hitman Our HITMAN 3 Fan Campaign - Mission 6: "TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS" - The Hague, Netherlands

    Our HITMAN 3 Fan Campaign - Mission 6: "TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS" - The Hague, Netherlands

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    The perfect Hitman movie would be a low budget, dark comedy murder mystery

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Think Clue, but the murderer is Agent 47 in various disguises that are hilariously obvious and everyone acts like it's the most indecipherable mystery. Throw in 47's dry wit contrasting with all these bombastic, eccentric characters and I think it would be great.

    Let's face it, trying to make the stealth series into a knockoff Bourne movie never worked and never will work.

    submitted by /u/f0rever-n1h1l1st
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    "Make sure you hide the body very discreetly, where no one can see it."

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Have 47 and Agent Smith met before events of Codename 47?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    In Lee Hong Assassination mission of Codename 47 and Contracts you were tasked of rescuing Agent Smith from Triads, which also was supposed to be 47's first encounter with Smith.

    What I found very interesting in Codename 47 when you encounter Smith in basement, both have a small conversation which suggests they know each other before, or Smith had probably heard about 47 but haven't met in person. The dialogue goes something like this:

    47: "Just the man I've been looking for."

    Smith: "Geez, am I glad to see you. I'm halfway dead here..."

    But it's that true for former case, it makes me wonder how did their first meeting went, or more importantly, how many times 47 had to bail out Smith from troubles he got into it.

    In Contracts version the dialogue exchange is a lot different than in Codename 47, which acts as Smith first time meeting with 47. But it's hard to tell which event in Codename 47 and Contracts is correctly played out, I leave that out.

    submitted by /u/Kebaboman
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    Happy Birthday Jordan

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Ninja in ghost mode miami

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    How to change f1 key?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    So, if you press f1 key, the opportunity tab opens, however if i press the key, m computer goes to sleep

    submitted by /u/BlazingFiery
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    Non target casualties

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Coudnt think of a good title.

    I find it very relaxing not caring about my score and just having fun by stealthily eliminating npc's that are in the way of the target especially when its a hostile environment with guards such as Delgado's mansion or the entirety of Colorado, while its not exactly guns blazing or pure non-lethal stealth its still pretty satisfying to just say "hey screw this pacifist stuff im just gonna kill them" and not care about your not so silent assassin rating so im just curious about how many people just experiment and maby even adopt this playstyle.

    submitted by /u/username_who
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    A love letter to the HITMAN franchise.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I've been a fan of this series since the PS2 era when I first played Blood Money and spent countless hours on that game. My favorite map was the one set in the theater, I kept finding ways to kill the targets and looking back I think it's amazing that I never felt bored while playing it, even though I knew everything about that game, how to get the Silent Assassin rank in every map and so on.

    Then I tried the previous Hitman games, and when Hitman: Absolution launched I loved it! Fast forward some years after that and then I started playing HITMAN (2016) on the PS4, and I spent like 30 hours easily on the Paris map, trying to complete all challenges without looking it up on the internet. But I stopped playing for a year because reasons, and then last week I decided to buy HITMAN 2 since it had the missions of the first game + the newest mechanics that HITMAN 2 offered.

    And, once again, I sunk lots of hours on the Paris map but not as much as the first time since I've already knew all the in's and out's of it, the optimal path for assassinating the targets and where every relevant item was located, but I never felt bored playing that map all over again. It was just as fun as the first time I played it.

    Anyways, today I finally got the chance to start playing the Sapienza map and... Wow! I actually felt really intimidated by how big of a map it is! I still haven't finished my first run of the map, so far I was able to kill Silvio Caruso (by poisoning his spaghetti and then choking him with the fiber wire) and destroy the virus by overheating it. Now there's only Francesca De Santis left and I can't wait to go back and find a "out of the box" way to eliminate her!

    I can't even think of a way to complete the Silent Assassin, Suit Only challenge in this map, and I play in the Professional difficulty with minimal help from the game, I can't even imagine how it's like to play it on the Master difficulty. But that's what I love about this game: it makes you find new ways to complete your objectives, without punishing you for finding clever ways of doing so, and even when you already know everything about the map, you still can be creative or make your own challenges, the replayability is through the roof!

    This game is so awesome and I'm so glad this franchise was part of my childhood, adolescence and now adulthood. Agent 47 will always have a special place in my heart and I'm super pumped for the final installment of the game! (And I still have to play the rest of the maps!!!

    If you've read through this wall of text, then allow me to thank you for your time and attention. I hope you love this game as much as me!

    submitted by /u/DanielSoul
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    So good to be back with a new contract pack! This time, I decided to celebrate my Italian origins by making a series of contracts all set in the different versions of Sapienza. Enjoy!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Which character(s) in the series do you think deserved their "Hit" the most? How about the least? Spoilers obviously.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Who do you think were the most vile? What about the ones who deserved it the least?

    submitted by /u/smash_n_origin
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    Contact Ideas

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    So I came up with some contract ideas and I had no idea where to post them so I figured I'd post the briefings here. If there's enough interest, I may post the other 2.

    Contract 1: "Good morning 47. Your destination is Athens Greece. Our client is the wife of famous deceased athlete Joshua Williams. Joshua Williams made the headlines last year when he died of a overdose of performance enhancing drugs. Due to this fact he has had a lot of his awards taken from him posthumously. There was also a clause in his contract that stated that if he was caught taking performance enhancing drugs, he would be forced to pay damages to the Olympic commission and the United States government. This has left his surviving wife and kids deep in debt. Our client claims that due to her husband's devout religious beliefs, there is no way he would take the drugs willingly. That leaves his coach, Sebastian Crosse, as the only possible culprit. Our client wants proof of his guilt recovered as well as Sebastian taken out. Time to put Sebastian into early retirement 47. I will now leave you to prepare."

    Contract 2: Welcome to Los Angeles, 47. Your destination is the largest indoor arcade in the world, Damien's Palace. It stands at 6 stories high, and is on the verge of bankruptcy. The disappearances of over half a million teens and young children have caused the company stock prices to hit an all-time low. Our client, Damien Pitchford, wants to shadowy cloud surrounding his business dispelled for good. Your first Target, is the unknown Mastermind behind the kidnappings known simply as "The Engineer". Little is known about him other than the fact that he has ties to organized crime and suffers from epilepsy. your second target is the prosecutor working on the investigation, Julius Stokes. Our client believes that Prosecutor Stokes is on the payroll of "The Engineer" due to the fact that the investigation has made no progress in 2 years, and the private investigator sent by Damian was killed under mysterious circumstances. The contract calls for the elimination of both men as well as the recovery of evidence of everyone involved in the trafficking. The safety of thousands of children as well as the jobs of thousands of employees rests solely on your shoulders. Good luck.

    submitted by /u/DatSpicyBoi17
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    Accidents and hidden bodies in sniper assassin missions

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Just started playing the sniper assassin missions and while I find them pretty fun I have a couple of problems/questions about them.

    What's the point of accidental kills if you get spotted for them anyways? I've killed several targets with accidents yet I always get spotted for them. Is this the way it's supposed to be or am I doing something wrong? Because it feels a bit broken and aside from completing challenges I don't see the point if there's no difference between accidents and a regular direct shot.

    Also does a body count as hidden if it's never spotted or does it have to be deliberately hidden? Like if there's only one guy patrolling a roof do I have to shoot him off the ledge or can I just leave him on the roof as long as no one finds him?

    submitted by /u/mitch-tibbens
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    Will Hitman 3 on Epic Store have the modular download system it had in previous installments? (you could download a specific episode, instead of the whole thing)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I really liked the feature on Steam where you could download only your favorite stuff or maps you haven't played yet (like the DLC episodes). You could even download while you played (on launch you didn't have to get the whole thing to start playing)

    Does Epic have that kind of functionality? Hitman 1+2+3 is going to be a ridiculously huge install :(

    submitted by /u/Tolkfan
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    Is blood money worth $20?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Been wanting to play it for ages but have been waiting for a sale on Xbox for the past couple of months but I'm starting to get impatient. Is it worth the price?

    submitted by /u/With-Confidence
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    New Paris Ps4 Casual Record (33sec on Casual+ A small Tutorial). I plan to go for 30 seconds and beat the fastest time on PS4 (31 seconds on professional) next!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Inventory Suggestion

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Maybe it's just a me-problem but I tend to pick up tons of stuff around the levels (always useful to have something on hand to throw as a distraction or non-lethal KO), but eventually I'll get to a point where I have to scroll through 20+ items to get the 1 thing I need. I know it doesn't take that long to go through everything but it can get tedious if you need to switch between 2 items frequently (I.e. coins for distraction and silenced pistol for taking out cameras).

    Anyway I thought it would be helpful if, after a certain number of items were picked up (say 10), the inventory could divide into smaller "folders." These could be: Guns (all pistols and rifles), Tools (wrench, crowbar, etc), Melee (non-lethal non-tool throwables), Lethal Melee, Distractions (throwables that do not lock on to people), and the Briefcase (if applicable).

    Would other people find this useful or should I just be less of a kleptomaniac?

    submitted by /u/JongoFett12
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