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    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Hitman “Good evening 47, today, your target is Tom Nook.”

    Hitman “Good evening 47, today, your target is Tom Nook.”

    “Good evening 47, today, your target is Tom Nook.”

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    2B Outfit Mod (Modding Tools in comments)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    The Killing

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    "Peace of mind."

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Every Hitman Mission Ranked PART FOUR - Hitman: Blood Money (May wait to start playing Absolution, just to prepare for the disappointment)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    PART ONE - Codename: 47

    PART TWO - SIlent Assassin

    PART THREE - Contracts

    S- A New Life

    A- A Dance with the Devil, Curtains Down, Requiem

    B- Amendment XXV, A Vintage Year, Flatline, A House of Cards, The Murder of Crows

    C- You Better Watch Out…, Till Death Do Us Part

    D- (None)

    F- Death of a Showman, Death on the Mississippi

    13. Death On the Mississippi - I've tried about every strategy there is on this one, but it's so inconsistent that I just gave up (ex. sometimes pushing one of the targets flat out doesn't work). The layout led to guards walking in on me pushing one of the targets many times, and sometimes throwing bodies over railings just stopped working, and they would stay wherever I knocked them out. Definitely never going back to this one.

    12. Death of a Showman - A horrible tutorial that basically teaches you the wrong way to play the game. The whole mission is designed so you basically have to kill as many people as you can if you want to make it out, and it is easily the most linear mission in the game. Silent Assassin takes so much extra effort that it's barely worth it. The only thing I can give it is that it teaches players about pretty much every move you can make in the game (but this was released in an era where instruction manuals were still a thing, so why not just have that?)

    11. Till Death Do Us Part - The better Mississippi mission, but still pretty long, and a bit too easy. Poisoning the cake was the quickest strategy I can think of to kill the groom, and the LeBlanc was just sitting in his room, ready to be killed by the time I finished with Muldoon and got a guard disguise, which was a bit tricky, since I had to do a lot of sneaking around.

    10. You Better Watch Out… - This was a tough one to get through. The layout of the place was confusing at first, but eventually I figured it out. Killing Bingham in particular was tough, from getting a disguise to just getting him by himself. Killing Lorne de Havilland was honestly a bit too easy, since all I had to do was push him (though I did have to kill the dog, since he was a witness for some reason). I appreciated it a bit more once I finished it, but it had too many things that were a bit frustrating for me to say it's one of the greater missions in the game.

    9. The Murder of Crows - A really cool concept, and has good variety, but execution was a little shaky. The randomness was appreciated, but my problems with it is that trying to set up things like sedating the delivery guy or killing Angelina Mason can often end up going super poorly if some guy decides to walk in the exact moment you make your move (I know you can make it an accident with a bomb but I decided not to go that route) Killing the other targets was a bit too easy as well (Purayah and Kulinsky don't really do anything).

    8. A House of Cards - This was the one I was dreading the most, since I heard that it was really long, and the map was pretty large. But it was actually one of the easier missions in the game for me (though I did know about things like the elevator strat/calling the sheikh beforehand). On average, it usually takes me 20+ restarts to get SA on some of the harder hitman missions (I'm not the best at these games). I finished the mission on my third try, and that was probably only because I forgot to buy a silencer for the sniper rifle (I never used it before this point).

    7. Flatline - A pretty interesting location for a mission, and the idea of having to identify your target once you've already arrived is interesting as well (and having Agent Smith return is also a big bonus). Not too much variety in execution, but the accidental kills were all different (choke with weight, sabotage gas, bomb chandelier), though still pretty basic. A good early mission, but not too special in terms of variety/complexity.

    6. A Vintage Year - A better tutorial than Death of a Showman was. Not as much variety as other missions in the game (I can really only think of one or two strategies to get SA), but it was still a really fun mission. To be honest, I'm not the best at Hitman games (though I do make sure I get SA whenever I can), but when I pulled this one off for the first time, it made me feel pretty smart.

    5. Amendment XXV - A great last mission that lacks some of the variety other Blood Money missions have, but still feels like a classic Hitman level. Getting the Marine disguise at the beginning was iffy, but after that, it was pretty smooth, if not a little easy to figure out. On my successful run, I was feeling levels of stress and excitement I hadn't felt since Codename: 47's Lee Hong (which isn't a bad thing).

    4. Requiem - Definitely the best out of the classic shoot everyone finales, and I owe it all to the better feeling shooting. Playing it on pro made it a tough one, but it was definitely a satisfying conclusion to the classic Hitman games.

    3. Curtains Down - Takes a while to set up, but feels great to pull off. Swapping the prop pistol for the real one is classic Hitman, and there was a good amount of variety in how to kill the targets (D'Alvade at least, Delahunt doesn't really do much and the bomb strategy is probably the best one)

    2. A Dance With the Devil - This mission had a good amount of complexity, and pulling it off was really satisfying. A few issues were that Eva's one hit kill was kinda BS, and the CIA agent was way too easy to figure out how to kill (just wait until he goes to the bathroom). Other than that, it was a great mission that while pretty long, was still super satisfying to Silent Assassin.

    1. A New Life - One of those missions that comes to mind whenever I think of Hitman. So much variety in ways to finish the mission, and discovering new ways to use the tools given to you is always rewarding. Killing Sinistra's wife by throwing a coin at the indoor pool's window is always a laugh.

    submitted by /u/HorgeLord
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    Contract: The Open Window Maniac

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    When ur trying to get outside time during lockdown, but your neighbour's always on their balcony

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Outside "quarantine"

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Sorry for potato quality + glare on screen. But I've never seen this article before.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    He seemed to take a bullet pretty well

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    How many languages does 47 speak?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    How many languages do you think 47 can speak overall?

    submitted by /u/the_dodo13
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    Favorite ways to be a nuisance?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I know how much we love making fun of orson and jason Portman, but it is particularly enjoyable for me to piss off the priest in sapienza by "playing with his organ".

    Honorable mention for sebastian sato. Who needs a hundred dollar ticket to the sanguine fall fashion show when you can get a juicy up-close show with the designer himself for the cost of one coin?

    I also particularly enjoy knocking out the bank robbers, getting reactions out of guards by walking up to their trespassing barriers/intentionally falling behind when I am being escorted from a trespassing area.

    Any particular NPCs or behaviors you like triggering?

    submitted by /u/Jakinator178
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    Can't get past menu [PS4]

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    I recently got the expansion pass on sale so I've been playing all the DLC.

    I was waiting for both special assignments missions to install and it said they did.

    Now I can't start the game. It says "Press X to Start" and no matter how many times I press X it doesn't start.

    Also the X button works as it works in the menus and other games.

    Could anyone explain a fix for this?

    I want to play my DLC's DAMN IT!

    submitted by /u/queer_pier
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    What do you do when the NPCs like being choked?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Hitman games have the best character reactions

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Some thoughts on the new Hitman story/direction vs the original 4 games

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    I just finished playing Hitman (2016) and i have to admit, it really perfected and improved on a lot of the gameplay mechanics of Blood Money in ways I've wanted for many years. This is going to be a long read but I just want to get it all out there. I love the Hitman franchise overall, and have played almost every single game several times over. This new one was a great addition but there is something I don't really like about it compared to the originals before 2006...the story direction and characterization of Agent 47.

    Back in the old days, of Codename, Silent Assassin and Blood Money (i'm skipping out Contracts because that was just a rehash of Codename) 47's life was this...a super soldier clone born in a dark and isolated world. He escapes, and does what he does best...kills people for money. He's very good at it, and the way it's portrayed is that, yes, the people he's killing are usually corrupt or bad...but he's no superhero...he's just killing people who are as bad as him, that is until Ort-Meyer begins tricking him into killing his 'fathers', the men who contributed to his DNA. Eventually he murders the man who made him, Ort-meyer, his 'father' after he learns Ort-Meyer tricked him into these contracts and the game ends.

    Silent Assassin kind of changed that a bit by making 47 a man of faith, someone who wanted forgiveness and to atone for all the crimes he did in the first game... until of course the bad guys come knocking on his door and steal away 47's friend Vittorio. This story was so interesting because for once, 47 isn't protrayed as a hero...he's just trying to rescue a friend who means a lot to him, but he does it in ways which are cruel and brutal. This game was less like 47 and more like 007...but with a dark twist to alot of the missions. You felt more like an international agent than a contract killer...but to me this, was the best story in the whole series because it portrayed a natural arc of someone trying to escape their past and be a better person but being unable to escape their true nature. The ending to me is 47's most tragic point because he WANTED to be good...he wanted a life of peace, but ultimately he realized he was better at contract killing than tending to Sicilian gardens.

    Blood Money (and to a lesser extent Contracts) felt like peak Hitman. This man who is a cold-blooded killer whose primary motive is literally money, the job and his suit. We still see the softer side of Hitman with his pet canary bird...but as the ending shows, he can very easily terminate even that soft spot if and when he needs to (he breaks the bird's neck to make sure it doesn't give away his position). Blood Money's most interesting moment for me was when Agent 47 receives a letter from a courier labelled 'code red' from the Agency. The courier is about to walk away when 47 invites him into the apartment to collect his tip. The courier declines but 47 insists. The courier walks into the room, is directed by 47 into the bathroom...and then 47 brings out his silenced Silverballer and shoots him in the back and then the head! This was like the most surprising moment for me but it shows who 47 has become again...that same dark killer who isn't above eliminating any loose ends. Why is he like that? Not because of some childhood trauma...it's because he was MADE into a killer. His DNA comes from his 'fathers', notorious Colombian drug runners, Chinese triad leaders, dangerous Austrian mercenaries, Russian gunrunners and a mad genius German scientist. This is why hes so smart, so ruthless and ultimately so dangerous.

    Enter Hitman 2016. Again, amazing gameplay...if anyone hasn't bought this game, buy it, it's a great game overall, but i just want to focus on story/characters for now. So the story...what is up with all these stories? Why do we HAVE to be the good guy? Why is it that we've played a series for 5 games and suddenly we're introduced to a lifelong best friend of the protagonist who has never ever been mentioned before but was there for all the formative points of his years?

    What attracted me to the Hitman series is precisely because you're not the global superhero of the world, who's a little dark himself but ultimately does good things. It's because you're a dark ruthless bastard who sometimes kills other corrupt assholes but for the most part, only does things that directly affects him. Why does 47 kill Ort-Meyer? Because he fucked 47 over. Why does 47 kill the Russian mobster in the sequel? Because he kidnapped 47's friend Vittorio! Why does 47 wipe out a whole police squad in Contracts? Because they tried to corner 47! Everything is personal to 47...yes you might have missions like in Blood Money where you have to save the President from assassins...but 47 doesn't do this because he wants to do a good thing...he only accepts after Agent Smith promises to pay him with a briefcase of diamonds. It's just another job to him.

    So that's it. I don't like this need for 47 to be 'the good guy'. 47 isn't a good guy, he's a terrible, morally bankrupt human being who is ruthless and exceptionally good at killing people, innocent or corrupt. That's what makes him so fascinating, and I hope that they continue to create amazing gameplay like they're doing with the new Hitman games but while also staying faithful to the original interpretation of Agent 47 and the Hitman Universe.

    submitted by /u/AldrichOfAlbion
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    Community contracts that aren't near-impossible BS?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Like many of you, I'm sure, I've got a gaming itch that only Hitman can scratch. I've done all the escalations and regular game challenges that I care to complete, and am now going through community contracts for the first time.

    Anyone got some recommendations for contracts they enjoyed? I've gone through a bunch in the featured section in the game menu, but so many have just absurd kill conditions or time limits that just make them a pain in the ass and not fun at all. Or, worse, they rely on broken game mechanics or exploits to have a shot at the target(s).

    The ones I've liked are contracts where you have 4-5 targets and it's up to you to decide how to take them out. I'm not into speedruns, either.

    submitted by /u/NoBudgetBallin
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