• Breaking News

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Hitman Oh hey they made Fugu poison a real item instead of an implied one!

    Hitman Oh hey they made Fugu poison a real item instead of an implied one!

    Oh hey they made Fugu poison a real item instead of an implied one!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:48 PM PST

    Here's what sniping would look like from a Whitttleton Creek wind turbine

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    Escaping in style

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST

    I got Silent Assassin but not No Evidence?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:13 PM PST

    11 Featured Contracts "Special Ocassions" Silent Assassin (November 14)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:23 PM PST

    A Hitman film/tv series done right.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST

    Part of the problem with the two Hitman films, ESPECIALLY the most recent one, is that they just want to be action films with Agent 47 as, essentially, a different skin for your generic super soldier character. This is obviously a misread of the character, but it's also a misread of the appeal of the games.

    So here are my ideas as to how to do things right.

    1. Establish 47 as sort of a "door to door salesman of death". Show that he's a professional assassin taking assignments from his handler, does his job to an extreme degree of excellency and efficiency, but has absolutely zero emotion about it. It's just a job to him, no different than selling vacuum cleaners or whatever. He is given a destination and a target, he arrives, he does his planning, then executes his mission using a combination of stealth, subterfuge and disguises, culminating in one of two ways - a kill that appears in every way to be a total freak accident, or an old fashioned assassination by fibre-wire, bullet, knife etc with no evidence left behind. He's not killing for revenge, blood lust, hatred or anything like that - he does it simply because it needs to be done, and because he's very, very good at it. The fact that he is so emotionally detached from his work is precisely why 47 is the best in the business - his actions are guided by duty to his job, not influenced by any form of emotion.
    2. Establish 47's targets as BAD people. 47 doesn't care who they are and isn't trying to be a hero, but these people are genuinely bad. They're not going to kill 47's Puppy and steal his classic Fastback Mustang, no, in fact they won't have ANY personal ties to 47 at all, so they have to be BAD, BAD people in order for audiences to root for 47, and 47 must be to them basically nothing more than a consequence of their behavior - like lung cancer to smoking, essentially, so that audiences understand clearly that 47 has no personal motivation for his work.
    3. Establish 47's skills and methods strongly so that audiences know what to expect from him. That way, during the climax of the film, audiences understand the challenges he faces. Security measures that undermine the use of disguises and so on. If the story involves rival assassins, then audiences will be able to spot THEIR tactics based on what they've learned about the way 47 works, this way it never feels cheap - if 47 can see through someone's disguise, so can the audience because they've already seen disguises in action before.
    4. If it's a Hitman TV show, do not be afraid to be James Bond, to an extent. We are never getting a James Bond TV show. 47 doesn't need to literally be James Bond of course, don't make him a quippy womanizer. He needs to retain his general apathetic attitude. That's the best part of 47, the irony of when he wears relaxing clothing or finds himself in a fun place - he's there to kill somebody, to do a job, and has no interest in enjoying anything, but has to partake in the attire in order to blend in. That's ENTIRELY the humor of putting 47 in goofy costumes. But as far as everything, don't be afraid to follow the story in a way that's VAGUELY similar to James Bond. Sent 47 to locations, follow him as he breaks down his mission piece by piece to position himself near his target, etc. It can feel like James Bond without going the route of over-the-top villain and sexual trysts and such.
    5. Strike a proper balance between realistic violence and a more restrained look at it. We don't need to celebrate gratuitous violence here - you can SUGGEST that someone just got dumped into a wood chipper by showing 47 throw someone in and then hearing noises, you don't need to show the blood and gore that results. You can show blood on 47's gloves or on the wall but we don't need to see it spraying out of a target's neck as they're being strangled with fibre-wire, a-la No Country For Old Men. At the same time, be realistic in the sense that bullets don't send people flying, melee combat is brutal and not flashy, etc.
    6. 47 is not a gymnast warrior. He is a strong man and skilled with weapons. He's not an acrobat. He's good at sneaking when he needs to be but his isn't a Ninja. He's not kicking people, he's not doing twirling hand to hand combat moves, he will efficiently use take-down moves on people and use guns skillfully but he is not a show off. Very restrained, subdued. More like John Wick in this sense, but if John Wick was trying to not be seen.
    7. What is the main conflict? Since 47 is just doing a job and doesn't have any personal stake in anything, you will need to introduce personal stakes - and this is where you slowly reveal his back story as a clone. This is a better story for a TV series, in which a few episodes in 47 is attacked by another assassin who happens to look identical to him. The story then involves 47's handler, Diana, helping him track down the source of this assassin which leads 47 down a rabbit hole, using his skills in new context.
    8. What is the message behind the film/show? Minimal. Maybe light/passive commentary on death penalties or state sanctioned murder etc, but allow this show to exist to serve its own narrative.
    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    HITMAN 2 Tetris Challenge

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    I made a contract (PS4) that's perfect for the new Hokkaido challenges.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:41 AM PST

    The ID is 2-10-0060732-01. The instructions are in the contract description.

    If anyone wants to make this on Xbox or PC then hit me up.

    submitted by /u/CurrentlyEatingPies
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    [Bug] A few detonator items are screwy with briefcases

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:03 PM PST

    I was messing around and found that briefcases act a little unusual with a few items that use detonators

    Emetic Mine

    • The briefcase emits a green cloud of smoke and turns invisible after a few seconds
    • NPCs will still "see" the briefcase after it turns invisible and react as normal
    • If a guard reaches it he picks up nothing, puts it in his inventory, and then returns to his normal routine

    Lil Flashy

    • Putting the toy inside the briefcase triggers the looping "HELLO! PICK ME UP, PLEASE!" audio as if thrown/dropped
    • NPCs do not react to it
    • The only way to stop it is to return it to your inventory

    Taser Mine

    • The mine can be removed from the case after being triggered

    • The detonator respawns in your inventory whenever you carry it but cannot be triggered again.

    • The mine keeps giving off the electrical particle effect

    • The mine can be used as a thrown blunt weapon

    submitted by /u/MoistBalm
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    HITMAN 2 Completion Checklist - Link to a Google Sheet for tracking your progress to 100%

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    First of all, this is based on the work of u/auramancer1247 who created such a checklist for 2016. I used his template as a starting point and added in all of the HITMAN 2 content up to the latest roadmap. To use it, simply fill in your data on the Level Breakdown sheet. Blank cells are areas where you can put in your data. The Breakdown sheet adds up the totals and has some areas where you can track your XP/level/kill data/mission completion.

    Click here to access the Google Sheet and make a copy of it!

    Edit: There are also filters for viewing content you haven't yet completed or attempted. Useful for tracking the Escalations.

    submitted by /u/AlJoelson
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    Anything new on DX12?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:40 AM PST

    So I searched everywhere and couldn't find a solution or reason as to why my game won't launch with DX12

    (it goes like this: launch>black screen>crash)

    specs: 8gm RAM, GTX 10603GB, I5 7500

    submitted by /u/I_Cant_Think_Funny
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    being able to save multiple loadouts would be useful

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    having the ability to save multiple loadouts would make it easier to remember and return to different runs or strategies that you've developed - depending on where you start and stash items, etc.

    for instance, you could have a poison specific loadout, a sniper loadout, a burglar loadout, etc. or maybe not even themed in terms of what you're bringing/stashing, but more where you start and where you stash items along your route. there are such a huge number of item/location combinations that it can be a chore to remember all of the cool strats we come up with.

    bonus points if they allow us the ability to name them and briefly describe them, too. anybody have any thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/BarbecueHernandez
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    Hitman 2 bugging out?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:10 PM PST

    recently i have been pretty eager to play some of the hitman roadmap, but whenever i try to launch it, it bugs out and freezes completely, there is no way i can access it. all my other games seem to work fine, it's just hitman. has any of this happened to you? and if it has do you have a solution?

    submitted by /u/Ollietiger
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    Frote's Speedrun Community presents Speedrun Competition #3

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    The Montague Audacity is live in Santa Fortuna.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    Remember that objective of hacking a laptop which is an illegal action in a crowded place? WELL IT IS BACK!

    submitted by /u/teallen96
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    What's the deal with the prologue ?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    It's something that always bothered me in the prologue of Hitman (1 & 2) : Theses situations are recreation of past contracts.. i get it, some place are made of cardboard, we're inside the bunker if we look up etc. BUT :

    • Are people there (and targets) actors ? If yes why are we killing them for real ? ICA had to be the worst place to work in
    • If they are not actors, why do they behave like the "real guys"

    One of my theory was that it was a simulation inside a computer (and a hell of a simulation), but it's never really adressed.

    submitted by /u/AleyKsi
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    The Special Occasion - 11 Featured contracts are now live!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    Spoiler: one contract is about drowning our dear community manager Clemens

    submitted by /u/Serious_Pony
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    Is doing a full achievement run even possible for Hitman: Absolution anymore?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:29 AM PST

    I was told the servers are down because IOI did not choose to integrate Hitman: Absolution's Contracts servers, so they were brought down. Any other way to get those achievements? Some kind of workaround, maybe?

    submitted by /u/ExtraTerran
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