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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Hitman The Fixer - Reminders

    Hitman The Fixer - Reminders

    The Fixer - Reminders

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:18 AM PST

    Since this is the most failed ET, let's make sure we all know what all can fail it. Most of the fails come from disrupting the diamond deal.

    Xander Haverfoek - Don't kill him before he has the 'football score' conversation with the courier. If he dies before this, the courier doesn't know the drop-off location for the diamonds and the mission fails. This is how I failed it last time, on the second ET rotation of HITMAN (2016). He should be ideally killed in the cafe where he has the football score conversation, but he goes back to the consulate after informing the courier of the drop.

    The Courier - He starts in the Shisha Cafe, dressed in blue and leaning on the wall near the staff area. He must not be harmed before obtaining the diamonds, which he does from a particular carpet shop owner. After talking with the target, he'll walk around randomly before approaching the diamond drop. From there he goes to the school. He'll always have the diamonds once he goes to the school, so it's reliable if you wait for him near the school after killing Xander.

    Edit - The Carpet Shop Owner - You CANNOT obtain the diamonds from him, even if you already know which shop it is from watching a walkthrough. Since you don't actually know the location of the drop at the time (in-game), the mission fails if he's harmed before making the hand-off. This has to be one of or the only time where you're actively punished for having prior (illegitimate) knowledge from a save/replay/walkthrough, which usually isn't the case with the Hitman series.

    Did I miss anything and would anyone else like to add anything else?

    submitted by /u/devang_nivatkar
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    For those wondering what happened to Rocco, he put his pants on, went to work, saved enough for a fancy new apartment and took up yoga.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:23 AM PST

    Hector Delgado is officially rehabilitated. I'm sure everything will go well for him after this

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:33 AM PST

    IO Interactive on point

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    One thing I would love in the next hitman (if there is one) is better gun play

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:37 PM PST

    I know this is a game about stealth. Please don't attack me for that. I like playing stealth too. But sometimes I like to just pick up a gun and go ham, but it seems like every gun that isn't the silenced pistols is handled horrendously. Super innacurate and they just feel really...unpleasant?

    submitted by /u/helpimdumby
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    If you had to be an NPC in any level of Hitman 1&2?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:14 PM PST

    I'd choose CO cause my boys would have my BACK. Your best chance of surviving a night of Hitman play would be to be assigned to Colorado. Statistically I'd imagine that to be true. Juxtapose that option to, say.. Hokkaido or New York.... Sittin' DUCKS! 🤣🤣

    submitted by /u/Millerking12
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    Expansion Pack 2

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST

    Sorry if im understanding anything wrong but i have a question, so i bought gold edition which includes both expansion packs(if im correct)but on steam it still shows me "upgrade from silver to gold" so can anyone tell me what exactly is in expansion pack 2 so i can see if i have it, thanks

    submitted by /u/Guacamole_toilet
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    Soup Can Warrior

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:45 AM PST

    100% single player challenges complete

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Well I've done it. Every challenge on every level for hitman 2 and legacy complete! I'm pretty satisfied with myself even though I feel as burned out as Mr Freeze now lol

    Haven't touched sniper mode at all, not sure that I will. I think the vector was enough of that for me

    submitted by /u/Goldenvirgina
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    Definitive Proof that Briefcases are the Loudest Thrown Weapon

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    To clarify: The sound of a briefcase being thrown into the back of a conscious NPC's head is louder than the sound of any other object in the game being thrown into the back of a conscious NPC's head.

    The following clips were made on different restarts, because loading from a save gave me weird results. But with no saves, the results are consistent. You can try it yourself on master mode Marrakesh same location if you like.

    The Clips

    Exhibit A: Thrown briefcase. As you can see, someone inexplicably hears this sound and goes to investigate.

    Exhibit B: Thrown Napoleon Blownaparte. The thrown Napoleon Blownaparte starts playing orchestral music after it's thrown. And yet no one heard anything and no one investigated. That's right, the sound of a briefcase thrown at someone's head exceeds Napoleon Blownaparte's audio lure range. Very odd, to say the least.

    Exhibit C: Thrown Propane tank. Just to make sure the briefcase's loudness isn't because it's a loud weapon, I tested the propane tank which is a pretty big melee weapon. Nope, no one hears.

    Exhibit D: Thrown remote explosive. Just to make sure the briefcase's loudness isn't because it's a weapon of sorts (civilians bring briefcases to guards), I tested a remote explosive throw. Nope, no one hears.

    Exhibit E: Thrown briefcase against wall/ already unconscious NPC. I also tested out if simply throwing a briefcase against the wall lured as far as throwing it at an NPC's head, and the answer is no. Similarly, throwing a briefcase at an unconscious NPC's head does not lure anyone. Very odd indeed.

    Further Notes

    • Although I only tested this one location in Marrakesh (because it would take ages to repeat and record this experiment in multiple areas), anecdotally this has happened to me in other circumstances as well. For example in Whittleton Creek, I've had guards from outside Janus's house hear me throw a briefcase at Janus inside the house before.
    • This does not mean thrown briefcase is useless of course, you just need to be aware of your surroundings. For example in this clip, I throw the briefcase at the second guard after whacking the first one. Although the second guard would hear me if I threw the briefcase at the first guard, no one is close enough to hear me throw the briefcase at the second guard (after I KO the first one with melee).
    • I have no idea if the briefcase's loudness is intended or a bug. Either way there is little chance of it being patched in Hitman 2, so it's something to be aware of.
    submitted by /u/lmaogetthatbread
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    PSA: Using -skip_launcher comes with massive performance penalty

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    Update: If you disable the launcher, then the game defaults to DX11 mode. You need to manually enable DX12 with an additional command: "-D3D12 -SKIP_LAUNCHER"
    Thanks /u/_Hardware

    TLDR: With the launcher enabled FPS in Marrakesh market square is 105 FPS
    With launcher disabled, FPS is 55 FPS in the same place.

    I was running benchmarks after todays hotfix and saw some huge discrepancies in performance. After I ran my Miami benchmarks, I played an actual level to get the feel for performance. I used Steams built in FPS counter and I am getting 105 FPS in the market square. I was happy, so I turned off the launcher using the -skip_launcher command and started experimenting with fullscreen vs exclusive fullscreen. I noticed that my FPS was substantially lower. The market square was running at 55 FPS. I thought it was my fullscreen settings, but I reverted it with no difference.

    I finally figured out the only other variable that I had changed was the if launcher is running. To my surprise, when I re-enabled the launcher, my performance came back.

    My theory is that the launcher makes the game run at a higher CPU priority.

    My Specs: Ryzen 9 3900X, GTX 1080ti. Max graphics options @ 1080p 120hz

    submitted by /u/GoldenShadowGS
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    Custom Contract Potential

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:22 PM PST

    I love the custom contract feature. I really do. I wish it gave more power to the creators, though. There's so much potential for players to be able to create amazing things if we had the power to do so (without needing mods to achieve it).

    My ideas:

    • Let the players take or upload custom photos of targets we pick (so not only high-profile targets get the cool background)
    • Let the player set non-kill based objectives (Mark certain NPC with documents, hard drive, USB, etc)
      • Hack laptop, acquire specific equipment (could maybe even make it non-concealable for extra challenge)
    • Allow restricted loadout for contracts like certain Escalations, or maps do without a certain mastery ranking
    • If we're being really crazy, maybe even different playable characters (Knight, Stone)

    What do you guys think? I know the likelihood and feasibility is not very high for some of these, but it's fun to brainstorm.

    I honestly think the future of this series lies in giving the community more power to make more content, since many of us burn through the official stuff like madmen (myself included).

    submitted by /u/LinkOfTheNorth
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    Rico's Wife 47 Hunts! (Modding)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:50 PM PST

    Shame you have to censor stuff for youtube now

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:45 PM PST

    How do I destroy evidence, hitman 2 Paris?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    I can't seem to see it in the old location (basement guard room)

    submitted by /u/BuzzMast3r
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    Hitman 2: No Patches Necessary

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:23 PM PST


    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:50 PM PST



    submitted by /u/PhillieFrenetic
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    So what's your favourite challenge pack, now that they're all out?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I loved the Muffin Man pack, looking forward to trying Blake's Endeavor.

    submitted by /u/EyeballKid143923
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    Text Guide to Silent Assassin Suit Only (Master) in Colorado "Freedom Fighters"

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:37 PM PST

    I see a lot of people still having trouble with this, and this is by far the easiest way to do it.

    EDIT: this run was designed for the default loadout and without sniper, but the ideas/improvements that came so far were great, so please keep it up until we have the perfect run :-)

    • Start from the West Entrance with a silent gun (e.g. Silverballer), Coins and a Lockpick
    • You start crouched behind a car, move around the right, shoot the camera above the 2 guards
    • The guards will look up to the camera, so quickly run around (behind) the car to the left and towards the locked gate
    • If you were fast enough, lockpick it immediately (look towards the window facing the gate and wait until the guard in the window moves, if necessary. He can spot you while he is looking out the window)
    • After picking the lock, slowly (!) crouchwalk towards the house (slowly so the guard there can not hear you) through the crass, up the small slope, hide in the grass on the right of the slope
    • The guard there may NOT (!) hear you, because if he does it will interrupt his routine and the below steps do not work, because you cannot hide the guard in time before Ezra comes out.
    • Wait for the guard there to lean on the box next to the stairs with his back (!) turned to you. Quickly subdue him from the other side of the box, hide him in the crate to your right, take his weapon.
    • All these steps have to be fast, because Ezra Berg is already on his way through the basement towards your position.
    • After you put the guard in the crate, quickly go back into the grass and hide.
    • Wait for Ezra to walk past the crate, then throw a coin at/near the crate.
    • A guard to the right (near the lawn mower) will turn his head, but he will not come to examine, so just wait for him to turn his head again.
    • Quickly subdue Ezra, snap neck (or shoot him), put him in the crate, too.
    • Hide in the grass again.
    • SAVE (the reason I save here is because the next target requires some precision aiming) and take a deep breath, the hardest part of this run is already done.
    • By now, another guard will be on top of the stairs to the basement, ignore him for now.
    • Take your pistol and AIM at the hay bale (the string above it) over the training barn that Maya is in
    • Wait for Maya to walk underneath it and shoot the hay bale down
    • If it does not fall on her, reload your save and do it again (this is why we made the save right before this shot)
    • When she is down, wait for the guard at the stairs to move away from your position
    • When he does, move out of the grass to shoot the camera above the stairs, quickly back to the grass
    • If done right, he will not go into "search" mode
    • As soon as he has his back towards you, crouch walk into the basement
    • In the basement, subdue the single guard, put him in crate, hide his weapon

    From now, it is honestly just a cat and mouse game with zero risk, but some luck required, so it may take some time

    • Walk towards the inside stairs, open the door, throw a coin onto the stairs, hide back in the basement next to the stairs (there is a big pillar at the bottom of the stairs to hide)
    • As soon as someone (really, does not matter who it is, the targets will come eventually) walks onto the stairs, throw another coin on the right side of the door to the tornado shelter
    • That way, the person examining will follow the 2nd coin, conveniently having their back turned to you, so you can subdue them and take your coin(s) back
    • Hide them behind the ovens/spoilers in the basement, so the next people coming down the stairs cannot see them. Hide guns if necessary.
    • Repeat this until the remaining two targets follow your coins, kill them any way you want
    • Take Sean to the face reader, get inside, exit
    • Enjoy your SASO master

    There are much faster and "cooler looking" routes on youtube but they are mostly RNG and require too much luck and precision. The described method is 100% foolproof, the only tricky part being the beginning, because the window until Ezra comes out is a bit tight.

    The run takes around 10 minutes total (depending on how fast the targets follow your coins), not bad I think.

    submitted by /u/peco_haj
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    Easy Blow It challenge (Plumbers Apprentice)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Copy of Hitman Series strategy from YouTube for PS4. Named it Blow Out by mistake lol


    Contract ID: 2-03-9529897-22

    submitted by /u/Goldenvirgina
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