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    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Hitman This is what Hitman 2 looks like on a widescreen monitor 32:9

    Hitman This is what Hitman 2 looks like on a widescreen monitor 32:9

    This is what Hitman 2 looks like on a widescreen monitor 32:9

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:45 PM PST

    Now I'm in charge of this masquerade!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Random Italian guy on top of building

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    therapy has gone too far

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:28 AM PST

    Is this intended behaviour?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    "The Fixer" is probably the worst elusive target ever, why the hell do IoI bring him back?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Out of Sight [Master Sniper] [Sapienza]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST

    This challenge requires you to kill a target and hide the body in one shot with a sniper rifle without being spotted. I can't seem to get it to register, no matter what. I've tried playing multiple contracts. At first I tried out ones with multiple targets and managed to get all the challenges except this one. Then I thought I might have gotten spotted, so I searched for contracts made exclusively for this challenge. I even made two of my own, but it still doesn't work. I tried playing ones with different targets than the usual ones as well. I experimented with using different sniper rifles (Ghost, Tuatara, Lancer etc). I even completed 'The Szilassi Darkness' escalation at Level 5 with Silent Assassin as one target is the fisherman on the pier.

    I've been looking on the net and it seems the challenge just didn't register for some people in HITMAN (2016) as well.

    submitted by /u/devang_nivatkar
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    This is my fight night. Black suit midnight night. Then armored knight night.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    HITMAN 3 - New Level Ideas

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Shuttle launch site

    Target: A genius tech billionaire (lets call him...Treelong Husk) who has recently got involved in the space game.

    47 sneaks his way onto a launch site for a new type of commercial rocket. The level contains various engineers, scientists, and company types prepearing for a test launch. 47 could don a space suit and have a private meeting with Treelong learning his alterior motives, lure Treelong under the thrusters and watch him get incinerated or hack the centrifuge to apply an unholy amount of G force upon him.

    Archeological dig site

    Target: A collector of artifacts (lets call her... Clara loft) who is hoping to find more rarities.

    A temple (or pyramid), that entombs a long deceasd Pharaoh complete with dig site and tents. Teeming with archeologists and local miltary, Clara is trying to get to the inner tomb of the Pharaoh. 47 could set off traps and activate secret passages to take out the target or make others believe that a curse has been unleashed. Perhaps finally entombing Clara herself as payback for taking what was not hers.

    African hunting lodge

    Target: A Renowned trophy hunter (dont have a name this time) who is looking to kill the last White Rhino

    The elite pay large amounts of money to hunt endangered animals. Some dont wish to hunt however and will simply execute a caged animal so that the trophy can be displayed. With an indoor lodge area and outside area with caged animals, 47 could explore the lodge and do some hunting of his own, set the animals free and let them do the hunting for once or use a Blunderbuss to make an impression.

    A prison (not just a sniper map)

    Target: Former entrepreneur convicted of running a human trafficking ring (lets call him... Joffrey RepStein). Afraid he may talk, old associates want him taken down.

    He currently has one of the gangs protecting him as well as guards on his payroll. There would be two main defined areas of the prison. Prisoner area and Guard area with some people being able to access both. You could infiltrate as a prisoner, and shank him in the shower. Become a guard and take him out. Dress as his lawyer and request some private time alone to go through whats in your briefcase. Instigate a gang war or better yet, confince him to hang himself...

    Other not so fleshed out ideas

    -Massive warehouse complete with autonomous robots. Perhaps the targets name could be Beff Jezos?

    • Theme park (Not abandoned like Blood Money)

    • Submarine

    • Ski resort

    Note: sorry for the inevitable spelling mistakes and formatting, using mobile.

    submitted by /u/Joshrsg
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    Classic vs Modern

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Recently i have been playing some old Hitmans and oh my god are they different. There's ups and downs. One of the biggest downs for me is the no dual wield in the new reboot. And no gun customization's and no hideouts.

    I don't have a preference but i want to know your opinion on it do you like the old or the new?

    Classic Hitman:

    Hitman codename 47

    Hitman 2 silent assasin

    Hitman contracts

    Hitman blood money

    Modern Hitman:

    Hitman Absolution

    Hitman 2016

    Hitman 2 2018

    submitted by /u/Rickback37
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    Hitman 3

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:10 PM PST

    Given that the devs are essentially done with new content for Hitman 2 anyone have any guesses for when Hitman 3 might drop? Any good locations y'all have thought of?

    submitted by /u/3m3rs0n
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    Picking up Isle of Sgàil's Gold Idol not counting toward "Treasures Of Sgàil" challenge

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:49 PM PST

    I'm not sure if I should mark this with the Bug-Report flair or the Help flair, but I have Blake's disguise on and I've taken every other treasure in different orders, but it seems like the gold idol in the memorial room isn't counting towards the challenge. Is there another gold Idol in the map that I'm supposed to collect? I'm playing on the XBox One if that means anything.

    submitted by /u/itismegege
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    Jaeger 7 Covert isn't in my game! II already have this challenge done from months ago. This new one won't show up to unlock. :(

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:04 PM PST

    All progress reset for Hitman 2?!?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:40 PM PST

    First of all, WHAT THE FUCK IOI? Nothing has happened on my end, I didn't delete and reinstall (and that's never been an issue) I didn't delete my cloud save or my system saves, yet I log in today to grind the rest of the escalations for the Anniversary roadmap, and my mastery levels and everything else have been reset for every single fucking level and I'm beyond pissed about it..... anyone know a fix?

    Edit: it even shows my mastery levels and completed tasks and everything, but every time I go to play a mission it's like I just bought the game and won't let me use any unlockables, from the starting points to the weapons.

    Restarting app doesn't resolve it, and yes I'm connected to the servers, the game is also updated to most current version, as is my PS4.

    submitted by /u/PyrokntcMasterChrist
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    Do difficulty achievements stack in Hitman Blood Money HD Enhanced on Xbox One?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    I remember playing Blood Money on the Xbox 360 and the fact that its difficulty achievements didn't stack, meaning if we complete the game on a higher difficulty level, achievements for the lower ones didn't unlock. Is it still the case in Blood Money included in Hitman HD Enhanced Collection for Xbox One.

    submitted by /u/MrSid117
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    Can't complete the classic sniping challenge in Sapienza

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:14 AM PST


    I've bought Hitman 2 recently and I'm currently redoing a few challenges from the 2016 missions. I have an issue completing the "sniping" challenge in Sapienza. Don't know the english name, sorry, it's the classic one that's in every mission and asks you to kill the targets using a sniper rifle, without being spotted, etc.

    I shoot De Santis when she's in her office in front of her laptop, I shoot Caruso through the telescope and then I go for the virus, either shooting it with the rifle (being sure to move the guy behind it before) or by shooting the stalactite using the pistol. When the mission ends, I don't have a bonus for non-targets killed and thus I don't complete the challenge. I'm absolutely sure I haven't killed anybody else, I never got a red message saying "non-target killed", I don't understand what is happening there. Is there a known bug that can trigger this issue? Is it possible that a NPC kills himself by accident or through a special event that I'm not aware of (like the head surgeon commiting suicide in Hokaido when using the special remote)?

    submitted by /u/abelthorne
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    Easy 2 targets in one shot contract for Sapienza. Just fire from the roof outside the safehouse.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST


    The nice part was, I was two targets away from Overscoped as well and didn't even realize it.

    submitted by /u/dbryhitman
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    Which Hitman game should I try first?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    I think the games are interesting but I am not so sure if I will like it. I want to try a cheap hitman game so I can see if I like it. Also do you have to buy all the DLC's in Hitman 2 one by one or do you have a discounted DLC pack? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Spac3_Fr0g
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    Does anyone have any fun challenges you could share in hitman 2016 and hitman 2018?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PST

    What the title says basically

    submitted by /u/ojsnojs
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