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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Hitman Bought this at my local gamestop for just 3€

    Hitman Bought this at my local gamestop for just 3€

    Bought this at my local gamestop for just 3€

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    I guess it was already said before (I still share cause it's funny) but they should really change that

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

    Corky says no electronicution phones this ET

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    The Fixer took me 51 minutes..

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:21 PM PST

    Sapienza Suit/Silent/Sniper Assassin Master mode (4:44)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:48 PM PST

    A Day at the Faire

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:39 PM PST

    47, a person of interest from the Kronstadt labs has made off with sensitive information regarding the battlefield robots from the Miami labs with the intent on selling them to a competitor, they have decided to meet at a neutral locale, an annual harvest carnival outside a rural community in northern Kansas.

    Your mission is to eliminate both the thief, Andrew Sully a programmer snubbed for promotion by the new CEO of Kronstadt, their contact, and an unknown only identified as 'Z0mbyte' whose digital presence puts them as a bit of a horror movie buff. After eliminating the targets secure the stolen data, though Sully's paranoia has made this a difficult task as well as our findings suggest it's been divided between three USB sticks, each needed to unlock the full data of the others.

    Needless to say limiting the expansion of Kronstadt's combat robots across the world is a priority to the ICA, creating an arms race between multiple companies for such technology could very quickly put all of us out of a job.Good luck 47.

    The map would be a decently sized carnival grounds outside a midwestern town late at night when all the little kiddies are inconspicuously gone to bed for the night, including a number of little sub-zones including but not limited to:

    • A corn maze with a husband and wife trying in vain to find eachother, a young couple being uncomofrtably lovey-dovey, and a special appearance of the Colorado map's scarecrow costume and special scythe weapon(axe reskin)
    • A number of interactive carnival games with small prizes for completing them and various other small items, squeaky kiwis, carnival token coins, bowling pins(hammer reskin), a harmless pellet gun that doesn't kill but can serve as a distraction, the Test Your Strength mallet, and more
    • A number of rides for Agent 47 to joylessly enjoy, or at least test his aim against the people on the bumper cars and mini-roller coaster, with a ferris wheel to ride to the top of and utilize as a sniper's nest.
    • A haunted house just in time for halloween with some creepy easter eggs, fun outfits, and more terrifying items like a bloody butcher knife or a rusty flintlock pistol

    Of course besides the targets and the things to see there's all the costumes one would need to navigate around to the fullest.

    The base suit for the zone would put 47 in a stylish autumn sweater to help him blend in.
    A sheriff's department to keep the locals from getting too rowdy, and give you cover for waving a gun about.
    The various basic carnies managing the rides and wandering the grounds taking care of business.
    The previously mentioned spooky scarecrow as well as some mascot-style monsters and a creepier reskin of the 47 Corky clown from around the haunted house.
    A racer and his crew returning home as guests of honor from the Miami race circuit.
    Various sports outfits for all the people supporting [LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM], it's the midwest after all.
    Some other returning fun costumes like the Sapienza jester and plague doctor, the Paris vampire magician, the robber bunny from New York, and the hokaido sushi chef.

    By and large it mostly would make for a fun sandbox map, not so much a story heavy one but one that you can run around getting achievements and goodies for. If anybody has anything to add would love to see it when i can get back to the post :P

    submitted by /u/NimJRedwrench
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    India is absolutely full of enforcers

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:25 AM PST

    All I want from Hitman 3 are QOL improvements...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:48 PM PST

    My love for this series knows no bounds but all I really want from Hitman 3 (besides new exotic locales and people to kill in them) are a bunch of quality of life and bug fixes that are long overdue.
    1) A fireman's carry!!! So the world's greatest assassin, a man in very good physical condition just drags his victims by the arm slowly around. For Christ's sake, give 47 a carry option. Sure throw some penalties on it or whatever, just give me the option of throwing them over the shoulder and moving them quicker. It's absurd both from a gameplay and narrative POV.
    2) The punching on the stairs. For the love of god, give us a subdue (or something) on the stairs!
    3) They still haven't completely eliminated the random spin around when subduing someone. They seem to have reduced it but I was just playing this AM and had a NPC spin around on me and I end up punching the lady in the face.
    4) In the same vein as #1: Make him run just slightly faster please. The casual jog 47 does is a miserable pace. Again, world's greatest assassin can't (or won't) run? I'll take whatever penalties you want to throw my way, just make him faster...please!
    5) Wonky enemy vision cones/wall penetrating sight. Still getting these bugs more often then we should at this point in the game development. Had a bunch on Haven, had one on Marrakesh last night. It's just ridiculously frustrating to knock a NPC out/shoot someone/whatever and a guard halfway across the level compromises you and you're now in combat because reasons.
    6) Fix the sniping/bullet detection/target acquisition. I grew up in a firearms household, have known a few military snipers in my day. This is just my opinion but IO needs a day at the range with some shooters. It's absurd the ability of the OpFor to not only recognize the directionality of a shot but hone in on the exact location the shooter is and head straight there. Granted in well trained individuals it's possible for someone to surmise the general direction of a shot but it's extraordinarily rare to be able to immediately pinpoint the location of the sniper unless they've gotten careless. I can put 47 crouched in a building, hidden in the shadows, while shooting through a foliage and random guards will still know where the shots come from. It's absurd and needs fixing once and for all.
    7) I know it goes without saying but I'm going to anyway: emetic trashcan/toilet nonsense.
    8) Just bring back the ETs as standalone missions or something. They made the content, just stop gating it behind ridiculous requirements. Hitman is about replayability, it would be fun to to take a couple runs at some of those ETs.
    9) (not really QOL but it'd be a nice feature) An increased alarm state for guards/enforcers after an event. You kill someone, they find the body and 15 seconds later they act like nothing ever happened. It'd be nice to add a touch more realism to some of the AI behaviors.
    Really that's all I want from the next Hitman game. Just fix the bugs, give us some QOL improvements and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not reset shit again. I know it's unlikely but still...

    submitted by /u/dgtlgk
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    Full Hitman 3 Concept

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    I know IO already know what they're doing, but I enjoy pretending I can do their work for them, so here's my overall concept for Hitman 3. I've posted a version of this once before, but I've added more to it and have adjusted some things.

    Basic Plot Synopsis: 47 continues to hunt down remaining key members of Providence with the help of Lucas Grey, as it becomes clear that Grey has a hidden agenda, culminating in a final showdown between 47 and Grey to tie up all loose ends.

    MAIN MISSIONS (summaries posted here may different somewhat from the full versions linked)

    1. Ireland - Murder at Black Valley (Murder Mystery Dinner): A trio of crucial Providence members are celebrating the grand opening of their joint venture; a prestigious Castle Hotel in Black Valley, Ireland, by hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner theater for wealthy elites. A portion of the hotel is open to the public, but the "First Class" wing is restricted for the elites only, and is where the Dinner is taking place. 47 has many devilishly poetic opportunities to kill his targets in plain site with guests possibly believing that it's all part of the game.
    2. Ohio, USA - Power Struggle (Nuclear Power Plant): The grand opening of a Nuclear Power Plant (built out of a retrofitted century-old coal plant) owned by a Providence Member as part of a wider scheme to control the US Power Grid is threatened by an Cultist Terrorist who plans to cause a meltdown. An opportunity to eliminate another member of Providence is met with the chance to prevent a nuclear catastrophe, a world concern that can't be ignored even by the typically a-political Agent 47.
    3. South Dakota, USA - The Ecstasy of Gold (Wild West Resort Town): Low-key Providence Members operating a Wild West themed resort town as a front for human trafficking are on the menu this time. All staff of the resort town remain in character as guests try live out their Wild West fantasies. Daily scripted shows such as show-downs in front of the saloon, hangings, and jail breaks take place on schedule, and can provide 47 with some excellent opportunities to stage unfortunate "accidents" for his targets.
    4. Puerto Rico - Safe Harbor (Cruise Ship): Word is spreading that it's not just the higher-ups being taken down; ALL notable members of Providence are being hunted. A few more of these Providence members are attempting to vanish via a Cruise Ship which is currently moored in Puerto Rico awaiting the clearing of a storm at sea. One of the Targets is the owner of the Cruise Line; the other two are a married couple who have worked with the Cruise Line owner on a number of different Providence-related ventures. Intel acquired by Olivia Hall suggests that the three are planning on sinking the ship at sea after escaping via a small watercraft, sacrificing the hundreds of innocent lives aboard to cover up their own disappearance. With the ship stuck in port, this is the best opportunity for 47 to get aboard and take down this trio before their plans come to fruition.
    5. Alberta, Canada - Terminal Departure (Airport): As the remaining key Providence players are on the run, Olivia Hall tracks down two more as they attempt to board a private aircraft at a Providence-owned small airfield in Alberta. A looming blizzard has grounded flights and the duo is nervously held up at the airport, giving 47 an opportunity to take them out.
    6. Copenhagen, Denmark - Enemies Within (ICA Headquarters): With Providence almost entirely eradicated, the remaining members have enacted a "scorched Earth" protocol to take down several pillars of control throughout the world - the ICA being one of them. With the ICA destroyed and its secrets exposed, world governments will have been revealed for having contracted the ICA, leaders will be overthrown, and in the ensuring chaos and confusion, any number of other Providence contingency plans could essentially spell the end of civilization as we know it. On top of this severe problem, Lucas Grey's ultimate agenda has finally been revealed- manipulating 47 and The Constant alike in order to fulfill his desire to see the world burn. This location provides 47's greatest challenge yet - getting around in a highly secured facility full of other highly skilled field agents and handlers who know 47's appearance and tactics. Of course, it also gives 47 the opportunity to play with new gadgets and weapons not yet cleared for field service... as well as his own personal vault, containing numerous weapons and items he's obtained throughout his career. The main conflict of this mission is a "Boss Battle" with Lucas Grey, which is sort of a cat and mouse game during the whole mission - Grey knows 47's tactics and will use them against him, including set ups for "accident kills", use of disguises and so on. Apart from taking down the Providence operatives in the mix, 47 will also need to keep a keen eye out for Lucas Grey's attempts to catch him by surprise.

    BONUS MISSIONS/DLC MISSIONS: These missions will be released over time as part of regular updates.

    1. Hawke's Bay - The Human Inferno: An illegitimate festival involving the burning of a massive effigy representing human greed is taking place on the now abandoned remote beachfront property in Hawke's Bay, formerly occupied by Alma Reynard. The target is the organizer of the event, who has already taken payment from many eager party-goers that arrived only to find provisions and utilities very limited and inadequate for the number of people in attendance - and ultimately, not much to do other than stand around. This happens to be the second sham event put on by this organizer, and the client, the son of a wealthy film producer and previous victim of the festival scam, feels this to be the appropriate time and place to exact revenge on the organizer, who can be found milling about the abandoned house, or participating in the lighting of the effigy.
    2. Mumbai - Blackout: A power vacuum in the wake of the deaths of Vanya Shah, Dawood Rangan and Wazir Kale has left the slums of Mumbai to be preyed upon by both the remants of The Crows gang as well as an insidious real estate mogul with nefarious intentions. Although the ICA doesn't concern itself with the political and social fallout resulting from their contracts, in this particular case it would seem that fate had intervened - The ICA has accepted a contract from an anonymous source in Mumbai to take down the heirarchy of The Crows as well as the Mogul and end this strife once and for all. The majority of the city has been plunged into darkness as the The Crows have destroyed a utility sub station leaving citizens without power or running water. 47 infiltrates the chaos under the veil of darkness to eliminate his targets. This mission plays with light and darkness in a new way, allowing 47 to use the dark as cover if he remains motionless. This works the same way as hiding in tall brush and would be easy to program - dark areas are simply flagged as "tall grass" hiding areas.
    3. Miami - Fire Sale: The quest to destroy the remnants of Providence leads the team back to Miami during the 4th of July Celebration to intercept and destroy an armored briefcase which houses an off-network computer containing Kronstadt's top-secret, advanced research and development, blueprints, and schematics, as well as eliminate two key players in Providence between which the briefcase is to be traded. This mission takes place in the late evening as hundreds of people celebrate the 4th of July holiday.
    4. Whittleton Creek - Holiday Hoarders 2: Lost in Whittleton Creek: The same client that hired the ICA to take down two thieves in Paris have contracted the ICA once again to eliminate two more members of the same theft ring who are prowling Whittleton Creek for a score, right before Christmas.
    5. Whittleton Creek - Fright Night: A social media star who victimizes society with tasteless and dangerous pranks for internet fame is under the gun from an angry father whose daughter died in an accident during a previous stunt. The star has set up a Halloween party in the suburb of Whittleton Creek as a cover for the staging of his latest stunt. The client wants him dead.
    6. Paris - Eye of the Beholder: A priceless 13th Century Brooch is on display at the Palais de Walewska's annual "Arts and Artifacts" Exhibit and Auction. The event draws in wealthy individuals from all over the world to view many rare and valuable works of art and historical artifacts, and/or to bid on a selection of art and relics. Two obscenely rich men have a seemingly equal interest in the Brooch, and are willing to shed blood in order to take ownership. Money seems to be no object for either of them... which is why, in a unique twist, EACH of the men have hired the ICA to eliminate the other. The ICA Board of Directors deliberated for nearly an hour on how to approach this situation and ultimately concluded to leave the choice up to the Field Agent - either of the contracts is valid, so it should not make a difference which contract the Field Agent chooses to complete, as the other will be void upon the client's death.
    7. Colorado - The Ghost of Vengeance: A team of fraudulent "ghost hunters" with an extremely popular internet video channel has honed in on the abandoned Apricot Farm in Colorado, after hearing the urban legends about a series of mysterious deaths that befell 4 members of a militia that once resided there. Instead of merely filming their fake ghost hunting shenanigans, they're hosting a massive Halloween party on the premises as well. The client was formerly one of the two creators of the ghost hunting series, but was ousted by his partner after objecting to the staged hauntings that his partner had been arranging. The client, wealthy from years of internet stardom, has put up the money to have his former partner as well a the two crew members that were complicit in the ousting eliminated partly out of revenge - but this isn't purely about revenge. The client discovered shortly after the ousting that his former business partner was directly responsible for the drug-fueled car accident that claimed the life of the client's girlfriend, and two of the show's crew members share a portion of the blame, as well. The client wants all three responsible parties eliminated at the Halloween Party at the old Apricot Farm.


    1. Target Hunt: The premise of this mode is very similar to Gmod Murder. One player is the Assassin and must eliminate the other players, before the other players collect enough clues to unlock weapons and eventually reveal the identity of the Assassin. If you've played Gmod Murder, you know exactly how this works - however, there is a Hitman twist by way of disguises and the ability to covertly kill and hide bodies.


    1. A distinction will be made between Challenge-Based Contracts and Standard Contracts. Standard Contracts involve OPTIONAL additional challenges only, allowing players to complete them as they wish without suffering penalties for not using the right exit, or having only one exit available, for example. Challenge-Based Contracts will have those additional complications in effect.
    2. Creators can now select certain objects and designate them as an Objective Item. For example, you can now require the Player to obtain a specific object on the map in order to complete their mission. Safes and locked wall Cabinets can also be targeted for breaking into, and a random object will be placed inside for the player to collect.
    3. Creators can now designate certain number of NPC's as Enforcers for 47's default Suit.


    1. Each main type of firearm will now be represented as it's own category in the weapon selection menus. For example, there are many variants of the ICA19/Silverballer - The Chrome one, the standard Silverballer, Black Lilly, basic ICA19, etc. Instead of having each variant of this gun listed in the pistols menu, you will now select the ICA19 category, and from there you can choose which variant you wish to use. Your last-used variant will become the Default, so selecting the ICA19 in the weapons menu will equip that gun, should you choose not to select a different variant. This is true for all firearms that have multiple versions - shotguns with and without silencers, the different variations of Jaeger 7 or Sieger 300, etc.
    2. Mark 2 weapons/items have been removed entirely.
    3. Players can now Save up to 4 individual Load Outs (and name them individually). Load Outs can be selected in the mission-prep menu as a new option. The current tile which says "PLANNING" will be split in half horizontally, and just below it will be a new option, "SAVED LOAD OUTS". Within this menu are your named custom load outs, and selecting one will equip it to the "PLANNING" menu.
    4. The Suit Menu is now organized based on Categories - Casual, Formal, Tactical, Special. Casual includes things like the Italian Suit or Tourist Suit, etc. Formal includes anything with a Tie, essentially. Tactical are things like The Raven Suit, Hunter's Gear, Wet Suit, etc. Special are things like the Clown Suit, Flamingo, Santa, and so on. Your last-used Suit is the default for each Category, and simply selecting the Category and backing out of the menu will equip the Default suit.


    1. Super Enforcers: Some Enforcers, referred to as "Super Enforcers", who are particularly observant, are able to "inspect" found bodies. If allowed to complete their inspection, they will discover things like needle-marks, dart-gun darts, or other suspicious circumstances regarding a death/knockout/sickening. For example, two guards are standing near each other. One is a Super Enforcer. You shoot the other guard with an Emetic Dart, causing him to become sick. The Super Enforcer looks at him (as NPC's do) and the little "awareness" circle above his head slowly begins to fill, indicating that they are going to notice the dart sticking out of their partner and realize something is up. Super Enforcers are recognized by the Gold Color of the dot above their head and on the mini-map.
    2. Armed Targets: Some Targets are now designated as hostile toward the player and carry their own firearms. Their behavior when the player becomes compromised is the same as any Guard, except for one difference - they do not actively hunt the player down. They are programmed to retreat to a safe area (as a Guard would if they were escorting a target, for example) and stay there, but will engage if they see the player. This is retroactively effective for targets such as Reza Zaydan, Sean Rose, Maya Parvatti, Rico Delgado, Andrea Martinez, Wazir Kale, Nolan Cassidy, and Zoe & Sophie Washington.
    3. Buddy System: Certain Guards are paired up with one another in such a way that if one goes missing, after about a minute or two, the other will go searching for them. This may create opportunities, or it may create challenges.
    4. Lost and Found: Guards will take found Cell Phones to the nearest Security Hub and leave them on the desk. They will still answer the phone if activated.


    1. Pistol-Whip: Non-Lethal weapons such as the Kalmer can now be used to pistol-whip NPC's into unconsciousness. The works exactly the same as an Elimination with a lethal pistol does - sneak up behind, and hit the prompt to "Eliminate" (it will say "Knock Out" instead), and 47 will simply bonk them over the back of the head with the butt of the pistol, instantly knocking them unconscious.
    2. Long-Weapon Eliminations: It is now possible to perform an up-close elimination with a long-weapon such as a shotgun or rifle. If within range, tapping the "Eliminate" button will cause 47 to hip-fire into your target's back, killing them in one shot. This is obviously only a silent kill if using a silenced weapon. This action is not available for Sniper Rifles.
    3. Dual-Use Syringes: Poison Syringes of any type can now be used to poison drinks and food. This is an illegal action regardless of disguise.
    4. NPC's Use Briefcases: Some NPC's may be carrying Briefcases, depending on the situation/location. If you happen to notice them leaving their Briefcase unattended, you can place an item inside and that may carry the Briefcase past a Checkpoint for you - assuming they have security clearance to avoid inspection. Otherwise, they may be arrested (taken to a Security Room) and the Briefcase and item confiscated.
    5. Point-Blending: When wearing certain disguises and/or in certain circumstances, 47 can "blend in" to avoid Enforcers simply by standing still. If wearing a Guard uniform, for example, standing still for a few seconds will cause 47 to assume a Guard-like Posture, helping him to blend in to the role. If dressed as a waiter, he may pull out a note pad and pretend to be reading or writing something. In his Default Suit, he may pull out his Smart Phone and pretend to be on a call.
    6. Smashing Cameras: Certain heavy items can be used to destroy cameras by throwing them. These items include things like Bricks, Hammers, Wrenches, etc - anything heavy enough to damage the camera.
    7. The Warning System: On Casual Mode, you are given up to 3 warnings for certain illegal actions before your Mission Rating is affected. For example, if you are caught trespassing once and you allow yourself to be escorted away, you will receive one warning marker. These are represented by 3 translucent X's beneath the mini-map, and they are made opaque when you receive a warning. You may earn up to 3 warnings, and a 4th will void Silent Assassin. Professional Mode allows for ONE Warning, and Master allows for none. NOTE: The Warning System is VOID once a Target has been killed. The disappearance of a Target makes issues such a trespassing more notable to Security Forces.
    8. Trespassing Areas now visible with Instinct: When using Instinct, a Red "laser grid" will appear on the floor of Trespassing areas. This is based on disguise, of course- the grid will not appear if you are in the correct disguise.


    1. Umbrella Gun- Small Caliber single-shot Rifle cleverly concealed within the form of a fancy Umbrella. Very quiet, limited range, and can only be fired once. Make it count.
    2. Silverballer Custom- Includes a red laser sight and an extended magazine.
    3. Silverballer Custom Auto- Includes an extended magazine and automatic-fire capability.
    4. Emetic Gas Phone- A decoy Cell Phone that emits a small cloud of Emetic Gas when a call is answered.
    5. Tracker Coin- A coin with a discreet GPS tracker inside. Allows 47 to track certain individuals of importance (they are highlighted blue when using Instinct).
    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    Fixer Elusive Target fool proof method.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    This ET is annoying, but not difficult. Here's how to beat it without any risk. Again, this is a guide to complete it without any risk - this is NOT a guide to complete it for the satisfaction of the challenge.

    This method takes just over 10 minutes, most of which is standing and waiting.

    1. Choose Electrocution Phone, any pistol (won't need it), and a non-lethal melee weapon.
    2. Start in the school as a Soldier.
    3. Make your way to the Shisha Den Cafe and go around the outside Western wall.
    4. At the Northwest Corner of open courtyard of the Shisha Den (the area you don't need a pass for), there is a Waiter in a small little partitioned spot and a Key on one of the tables.
    5. On the other side of the wall is a control panel. Switch it off to disable the fan. The Waiter will come out to fix it. Go in and take the key.
    6. Circle around to the Eastern wall and unlock the door leading into the Staff area of the Shisha Den.
    7. Exit the next door into the Shisha Den, and observe the man with the red poncho standing just next to the door. Move a good distance away, and just watch him.
    8. Eventually, the Target will enter and have a conversation with this man. After the conversation, the Target will leave the Shisha Den through the main passage. Beat him there and drop the Electrocution Phone in the passage so that he picks it up.
    9. Now head to the School. In the far Northwest corner of the walkway above the school yard is a lone Guard, subdue him and scoot his body out of sight.
    10. The two Guards near the flammable barrels should disperse from their conversation soon (alternatively, you can trigger their conversation early by passing them when you first leave the school at the beginning of the mission). Subdue the Guard near the barrels, tuck his body in near the barrels.
    11. There are basically 3 alleyways that lead to and from the school - the Western one, the Eastern one, and the one in the middle, which leads up to the area just next to those barrels where the guards were talking. This is where the Courier will end up.
    12. Subdue the Guard at the top of the stairs next to the barrels and tuck him in with the other Guard you already put there.
    13. Now wait. Eventually the Courier will walk up these steps. Knock him out, take his Diamonds, and drag his body over to the two Guards.
    14. Activate the Electrocution Phone on your way to the Exit. You can activate it earlier if you want, but waiting to do it while on your run to exit just feels the safest.
    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST

    HITMAN 2 - Anniversary Trailer

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    Game Starts Black and only shows the picture when I switch window mode

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:39 AM PST

    1080ti i7-6700k

    This is just a weird bug I've had for a while that is a minor inconvenience. Whether I start my game in Fullscreen or Windowed, it starts and remains black until I switch from Fullscreen to window or window to fullscreen. I can hear the sounds as usual but it remains black until I alt+enter. I've tried verifying the games' integrity via steam. Yes, I have updated graphic drivers and etc. Yes, I've even reinstalled the game. What is the fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Alandrus_sun
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    Messed up the ET

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:49 PM PST

    Trying to do the Fixer and he's gone into the school because it's my first time doing this ET and the guide had a different pickup location, when I noticed it was too late. Is there anyway to pickup the diamonds inside the school still with SASO, and is SO necessary to get the suit unlocked? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/sharkys2
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    Mission Idea : Curtains

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    47 is heading to the Big Apple ! His destination is a Broadway musical adaptation of the Cassandra Snow books gearing up for opening night

    His targets

    Lead actress Aria James who has suffered a bad string of flops and controversies related to homophobic remarks made about her co-star on a sitcom. A Providence Herald who is making plans to get enough money from the hopeful hit musical to leave the country and go underground

    Director Michael Beattie. A famous man who has worked with celebrities including Jordan Cross and his father . Also a Providence member .

    Aria's father Seymour James . A washed up stand up comedian who made connections with Providence back when he was famous . Has come to support his daughter but secretly resents her for being in the spotlight . Will mill around the area near the theatre before the show begins .


    The characters inside the theatre will run through the musical three times (roughly 15 minutes each run through due to various problems that arise that require them to abandon the scene they are on and do a different one) The final run through will be deemed a success as the doors are open to the audience (including Seymour,several critics and Lana Caprice)

    The show will then be run through in its entirety (roughly half an hour not counting a ten minute interval). After bows,an after party begins . Aria attends,meets her father and does meet and greets,Beattie stays inside raging at the crew for minor mistakes and Seymour stays on the sidelines of everything

    The mission takes place at night

    47 can make the show open quicker through a variety of means,such as posing as the eccentric theatre owner and demanding it .

    The opening will be cancelled if Aria disappears or if her or Beattie's bodies are found . If Beattie disappears,everyone chalks it up to him being a diva and his assistant takes over directing duties

    Some kill opportunities include :

    -Poisoning Beattie's flask he carries around

    • The end of Act 1 has Cassandra sent to the underworld through a coffin that is set on fire and lowered through a trapdoor. Connect the dots

    -Inflitrating Seymour's private box (Very hard) and pushing him out

    -A battle scene can allow for 47 to dress as an actor playing an archer and expertly fire an arrow at Seymour

    Aria can be stabbed with mirror shards on her dressing room

    -47 can pose as one of Seymour's old partners and invite him to do a set at a nearby comedy club. He will puton face cream beforehand (poisonable)

    -Sniping Aria during her big solo

    -Getting rid of enough actors between scenes that the show is ruined and Beattie storms on stage and throws a massive tantrum in front of the audience. Drop a spotlight on him

    -Seymour and Aria can both be pushed off the same balcony during their meeting (like the double hot tub kill in Haven)

    If 47 ensures the show will have terrible reviews (say putting a drug in Aria's drink that makes her lose her voice) Beattie will sob in the street,which allows you to snipe the supports of a large Grim Reaper above the theatre entrance. The sychte swings downs and slings Beattie in half

    submitted by /u/Bleepbloopbotz2
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    Hitman 2 walking bug, only occurs with keyboard and mouse. Is anyone else having the same problem?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    Elusive Target reboots?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    I bought Hitman 2 pretty lately and missed a lot of cool elusive targets. I've heard that the devs won't add any new ETs after the December update and I was wondering if we'll get another chance to play the previous targets. I think that in Hitman 2016 some of the previous targets have been reactivated.

    So, does anyone know if we'll get to play the previous ETs?

    submitted by /u/Budgerigar17
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    Realistically, how does instinct work?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Noticing guard's position can be explained by superhuman hearing/vision allowing him to pick up clues normal people can't. Highlighting interact-able objects comes from years of experience.

    How does 47 sense his target half a map across? The simplest explanation I can come up with is ICA has put some sort of tracker on them beforehand, and Diana is remotely updating their positions remotely. We do know she sometimes add "markers" on his map (Whittleton creek).

    Then that begs the question when is condition that makes instinct not usable? There are three scenarios I can think of: Maelstrom, the infected targets in Colorado Patient zero, and Elusive targets. In Maelstrom and the patients case I kind of understand it's because no one has seen them before so they never have a chance to know him. For elusive targets I can't come up with a reason why 47 wouldn't be able to track them with his super ability.

    I'm probably digging wayyy to deep into this simple gameplay mechanics lol

    submitted by /u/depthofuniverse
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    Ghost mode is actually kinda fun

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST

    I didn't know when they added in quick play, but since then it seems like I've been getting matched. I'm a complete noob, and Miami is not a map I know well, but honestly it's kinda fun to run around trying to get kills unnoticed. Some targets are basically impossible to kill without getting noticed... I guess in those cases you take your losses and move on?

    submitted by /u/marshaln
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    Hitman Codename 47 w/ EAX 4.0

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    How about a college campus map?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST

    I am envisioning a big complex college campus map where you can explore. Maybe the two targets would be a college professor and a graduate student.

    Here are a list of buildings and rooms I can picture being on this map:

    • library
    • lecture halls
    • classrooms
    • chem/engineering labs
    • football field
    • sports gym room
    • computer labs
    • dorms/residents
    • dining center/cafeteria
    • faculty office space
    • frat/sorority homes right off campus
    • parking lot
    • local restaurant/convenience store
    • business school
    • college associated hospital (might be too much)
    • seasonal music festival stage on college grass fields
    • college bookstore

    Some NPC roles I thought of:

    • students
    • janitors
    • athletes
    • Campus security
    • cook
    • campus paramedics
    • professors/instructors
    • coaches
    • librarian
    • residential/dorm front desk worker
    • faculty members
    • lab assistants
    • food truck
    • orchestra/band members
    • tour guide
    • college president
    • business representatives for job/internship recruiting (at a table)
    • rock/pop music band who is performing in the music festival
    • frat/sorority chapter president visiting
    • college alumni visiting for a donations event
    • college bookstore cashier (you kill the student by charging them an outrageous price for the textbooks that will lead them to commit suicide)

    Let me know what other interesting places/NPC roles would be cool to add.

    submitted by /u/Mahtlahtli
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    Miami bug

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    I know this issue was already spoken of, but it now appears, when I try to complete one of the few last challenges I need to complete in Miami.

    When I try to kill both targets via "The tree falls on the apple" assassination, Sierra's car just glitches out into the wall and the game crashes.

    Has anyone got any ideas or had the same issue?

    submitted by /u/Firestorm0815
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    Hit-man 2 challenge. The blind sword

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:20 AM PST

    So I have a challenge for any one interested. It's on the ark society map.

    start at the harbor and start with 47 signature suit.

    No items/ tools brought from the outside

    You have to kill everyone with the great-sword (top floor) or unlock.

    Only great sword, push or drown kills count no knocking out with other weapons or items.

    You can't kill the constant or any of the musicians with a blindfold on. Ex: Harpist by coffin, bassist on 3 to top floor in the white suit and more if you can find them.

    Distractions allowed.

    Hide bodies in as many places as possible.

    If someone sees something kill them before they tell or you lose.

    can use poison only but can only be from the level.

    explosive kills don't count

    Save checkpoints are allowed I am not crazy.

    No one can know except people in the one room that you are in. after you kill them then the next room.

    If you do it send me a video I tried and got far but its hard, possible but hard.

    submitted by /u/Superstaresn132
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