• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Hitman Body count: ###%%%***^*number_is_too_large_please_try_again###%%%***^*

    Hitman Body count: ###%%%***^*number_is_too_large_please_try_again###%%%***^*

    Body count: ###%%%***^*number_is_too_large_please_try_again###%%%***^*

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Mont Saint-Michel, France. Hitman 3, anyone?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:55 AM PDT

    "Now to deliver Mr Morgan the good news"

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Here’s a compilation of the best glitches I found while playing

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    This scene will blow you away

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    That's the way to do it. I like it.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Watched some play thoughts of Absolution, I just want them to be happy :(

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Hitman Hauntings

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    I don't think he took his execution too well xD

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    I found my channe..sorta, inside a mission! One of the best moments I personally have experienced in a game!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    They could have killed Al-Baghdadi cleanly and discreetly if they'd just sent in 47

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Bonus Mission/Special Assignment Idea: Paris - Eye of the Beholder (Art and Artifacts Exhibit)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    In this post I am elaborating on a quick idea I posted before. IO have stated that they won't be doing any time of day changes which I think is a HUGE bummer, mostly because it destroys 90% of my ideas for new maps/missions... but I can still work within their parameters, I suppose.


    A priceless 13th Century Brooch is on display at the Palais de Walewska's annual "Arts and Artifacts" Exhibit and Auction. The event draws in wealthy individuals from all over the world to view many rare and valuable works of art and historical artifacts, and/or to bid on a selection of art and relics.

    Two obscenely rich men have a seemingly equal interest in the Brooch, and are willing to shed blood in order to take ownership. The man have a history of entering into bidding wars at similar events, much to the delight of the seller, of course. Nobody else in attendance of the auctions in the past has been willing or able to match their offers, and it doesn't appear that this will change any time soon. Money seems to be no object for either of them...

    ...which is why, in a unique twist, EACH of the men have hired the ICA to eliminate the other.

    The ICA Board of Directors deliberated for nearly an hour on how to approach this situation and ultimately concluded to leave the choice up to the Field Agent - either of the contracts is valid, so it should not make a difference which contract the Field Agent chooses to complete, as the other will be void upon the client's death.

    Agent 47 will travel back to Paris and eliminate his chosen target.

    Upon eliminating one target, the other will be marked as a non-target.

    The Map:

    The sky is overcast with a bit of rain on the wind - just enough to form droplets on the windows and other hard surfaces. Almost more of a mist, the precipitation is barely visible to the eye.

    The exterior of the Palace is noticeably barren of people due to the weather, but rain poncho-clad security patrols the perimeter, staff members take their smoke breaks just outside the staff entrances, and some guests wander the gardens or congregate on the covered patio just outside of the large dining hall/bar.

    The fashion show has been entirely packed up and removed, except for the runway in the center courtyard, which is now used for a French Revolutionary Solider demonstration.

    Every room on the main floor is opened up to guests to see the various items on display. Food and drinks are served in the dining hall. The second floor is also open to guests, as is the balcony that surrounds the courtyard. The private room and office in the two main wings on the second floor are closed to guests. The upper auction floor is just as closed off as it's every been. The attic now has a full fledged security hub in one of the side rooms and many of the items stored here have been taken downstairs and put on display.

    The basement is mostly the same as before, but the NPC's are shuffled around a bit and the security room is reorganized so the camera mainframe isn't visible from the hallway.

    The loud music of the Fashion Show is replaced with quieter, gentler classical music playing from the integrated speaker system in each room.


    In general, you can find your targets milling about until the 5 minute warning for the Auction is given at which point all auction attendees will make their way to the top floor. All of the usual kills are possible before or after the auction - Poisoning drinks, luring with distractions, etc.

    You can also interact with either target in dialog, in which 47 will casually mention his intention to win the Brooch "no matter what the cost", which can cause the target being spoken to to follow 47 around and try to persuade him to back off. This can also give 47 an opportunity for a falling kill or something along those lines.

    If 47 outbids both targets during the auction, they will each react differently - one will begin making phone calls and chain smoking on an exterior balcony, the other will become irate and demand that 47 meet him in private. IF 47 wins the auction, upon mission completion, Diana will mention that she has went ahead and forfeited on 47's behalf, awarding the living target (who is the next highest bidder) with the Brooch.

    The showpiece kill is a nod to a former Hitman mission also set in Paris - Curtains Down. An "accidental" kill can be caused by having an actor fire a Musket during as part of the demonstration, firing the gem into the target on the second floor balcony. 47 would need to find a way to stuff the gem into the barrel of the gun without the actor noticing, first... or don the costume and do it himself, while also managing to get the target into exactly the right spot.


    All fashion-show related disguises have been removed.

    1. CICADA Guard
    2. Event Security (same outfit as in Showstopper, but also a new variant that includes a rain poncho with hood up)
    3. Palace Staff
    4. Auction Staff
    5. Chef
    6. Vampire Magician (Found on a mannequin on display on the second floor)
    7. Plague Doctor (Found on a mannequin on display on the second floor)
    8. French Revolutionary Soldier (Several actors are dressed up in this costume and wander around the French Revolutionary War Exhibit)


    All weapons/items from Showstopper remain present. All "antique" weapons from other levels are here on display as well.

    1. Musket - A single-shot prop weapon that fires a blank. Used in a brief demonstration on the catwalk. 47 can sabotage one of these by dropping a gem stolen from another exhibit down the barrel.
    2. Gem - One of an assortment of valuable gems on display. An illegal item that can be used as a distraction the same way as a coin, with one difference - civilians will alert guards if they find one.
    3. Umbrella Gun [MASTERY UNLOCK] - A single-shot, internally suppressed, .22 caliber rifle that will kill a target a short or long range with a shot to the head, but is quiet enough that it cannot be heard. It passes off as an ordinary cane umbrella and can be carried through security checks.


    1. Starting Suit- Tuxedo w/Gloves and Coat - Similar to The New Yorker, but with a bow tie instead of red tie, and the jacket is grey instead of tan, and has a different button configuration.
    2. Mastery Unlock- Tuxedo w/Gloves, Coat and Flat Cap - Same as the starting suit, but includes a grey tweed flat cap.
    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    Missed Chance on Haven Island

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    I've read a few theories on how people think Frank the Guard in New York is a thief, and I realized there was a missed oppurtunity....

    So we all know there's the challenge to have Frank slip in the bank, but what if Frank really is the thief, he goes to Haven Island to start over, and they made the challenge to have him slip on the banana peel. Then, to keep the gag going, possibly do it again in future Hitman games as Easter egg challenges with a rake or something.

    submitted by /u/AJfromLA
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    Hitman: Contracts Has The Most Epic Soundtrack of All Time

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    Hitman 2 Steam Sale! Standard (60% off) Gold (60% off) Expansion Pass (50% off)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Blocktober version of Whittleton Creek

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    You know you've been playing too much Hitman when you have stress dreams about it.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    I had a stress dream last night about a fictional Hitman level. It was some science lab, and I wanted to complete just a few more challenges for mastery. I had just killed one target in a room and was trying to hide her body as quickly as possible before the next target and his body guard came in.

    I think it's time I took a little break for a few days.

    submitted by /u/Homerunghost
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    Toggle ADS option?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    Cant seem to find it in options i have AHK and a script but it doesn't seem to work it may be wrong here it is:

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2

    #SingleInstance Force

    #IfWinActive, Hitman 2

    *RButton Up::

    If (Toggle := !Toggle){

    Send {Click Down Right} 



    Send {RButton up} 


    Not sure what else there is.

    Not sure why the script formatted like that?

    submitted by /u/jabertcul
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    "The Censor" Elusive Target was foreshadowed to being in-game since release it seems.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone know how to do silent assassin suit only on Colorado? Help please

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:30 AM PDT

    Hugs in hitman

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    If you subdue somebody and don't keep tapping the x/a or pc equivelant you can just stay there as if you are locking them in a hug and if you wait and listen they will say things like "is this your first time"

    submitted by /u/aboullkhill
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    Frote7's Ghost Mode Tournament Highlights (From my matches)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:38 AM PDT

    When do you expect Hitman 3 to drop?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    Of course nothing has been confirmed, but whats your best guess as to when you will be playing Hitman 3?

    I say November 2020

    submitted by /u/MrAudreyHepburn
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    Mission Idea: Helping Hand.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    (This mission wil act as the prologue/training mission for the fan-made season I am creating so I apologize if it's dumbed down in terms of challenges or too short & what-not.

    Mission Title: Helping Hand

    Location: Bannock County, Idaho

    Targets: Adelaide Davis (The Doomsdayer)


    - Eliminate Adelaide Davis

    Time & Weather: Warm & nice, the sky is crisp and orangy, it's around 6:30 in the morning & people are just about to wake-up.


    Good morning 47.

    Just yesterday, we have managed to have completely shut down the HAVEN servers one week after your arrival and have extracted the most vital of info about Providence archives from them. After Edwards' escape however we are left with almost nothing, except leads about names & locations. If we truly want to eliminate Providence & locate the Partners and the Constant, we have to take advantage of these leads one-by-one.

    One piece of information however, leads us to a very remote farming manor in the rural forests of Bannock County in Idaho, which has been occupied by members of a cult known as ''The experiment of our last days'' a doomsday group, who are buying up farms in Idaho & Oregon to supply their count with enough food to last for ''the end of the world''.

    The cult is led by a woman known as Adelaide Davis, a known Providence defector who became prophet by funding a small group of locals to help her in her experiment.

    A ruthless woman, she was a straight A student and became CEO of a Providence controlled Clinic, who claims that she got a vision from God himself about the world's collapse.

    Eliminating Davis will fundamentally destroy the cult & allbeit unknowingly destroy a former Providence asset which will help both, us and the locals who live in fear due to the Cult's recent activity.

    I will leave you to prepare.

    Target Backgrounds:

    - Adelaide Davis (68):

    Born in early 1950's on her parent's farm in Ada County Oregon, her future was almost destined to work on the farm and live a low laying life like he previous generations of the Davis family.

    However, Adelaide excelled at school, she was a straight A student, always listened, done her homework and still managed to be popular and hang out with friends and keep up the farm.

    After elementary school, she escaped her parent's farm and went on a train ride to Boise with her friends allbeit uknowingly to her parents, where she stayed in a high school dorm to continue her educational life.

    After graduating she became a very well known person, and had 2 businesses to run acting as a therapist and a nurse where she soon became the new CEO of the Boise Jr. Clinic, one of Providence's manny assets.

    However in 1987 she claims she got visions from God himself, telling her to hide herself and her people in rural wilderness, and she did exactly that, ditching her old life and moving back to her parent's house. Her parents however were brutally murdered, by a yet unknown serial Killer from California.

    She rebuilt their farm, and brought her friends to it where she has ordered them to buy up farms that they will use as hideouts.

    Over the next few years the Experiment of our Last Days became a very popular Cult, and Adelaide became far more thorough and ruthless, often injuring people if they do not abide by her will. Even though they now own 14 farmhouses and 53 acres Idahoan farmland, she has been living in the Miller Manor, the biggest farmhouse of the 14 they have in possesion, where the vast majority of the Cult resides at. Davis may seem only as a scapegoat in our plan – which she is, but don't forget, killing innocent people in god's name is not the most innocent thing to do, so it's safe to say, she has it coming.

    Map Layout:

    1. The default entry will be 47 driving a car out in the forest & rural hills of the county while Lucas dictates ''The Story so far''. Right after 47 parks his car in a small parking space. Diana & Lucas both tell you some vital info, and you're good to go. There is a small pathway that you can follow that goes up a hill where a few people are walking around and taking photos due to this being a popular trail. On top of the hill you can see the farm in the distance, which looks like a stereotypical manor, it's not that far – think Hawke's bay distance from the dunes.

    There is also an RV in the parking space behind 47's car where the Trail Guide resides, it's a cheap and dirty white mobile home and inside it's full of chinese take-out and pizzas despite having a fully functional kitchen. The Guide is sleeping on a sofa. Behind the RV is small security hut with a camera thingy and 2 guards having a break playing a video-game. It has motivational posters in it ect.

    2. The wheat plains are beautiful, they are really nicely & evenly cut and look like blades of grass. In the distance you can see a few farmers culling herds of sheep and what not.

    3. When the pathway ends you're behind the manor, near a small guest house, however, the entire property is fenced in, but luckily you can just jump through it on the right side. Here you can see the cultists, who are dressed in overly orange & bright clothes and are walking around the compound. Some are armed and weapons on their disguise are legal, but the majority are unarmed (female guards are also a thing) and just walking around & praying.

    4. If you climb through a window you will come to the bathroom of the guest house, which is small and looks dark but generally comfortaable. There are writings on the wall written with the red colour to symbolize blood, but the bathroom has a very nice and old feel to it and is incredibly clean and big. (Think both of Alma's bathrooms merged into one)

    5. If you go through the door on the left, you will come to the closet, a small mirrored room full of cleaned up clothes. There is a cultist disguise you can take there, but also a ranch hand disguise.

    6. Going through the door in front of the closet will get you to the Guest house bedroom, a cozy looking room with a very 90's feel to it. In the room, a farmer who is not suspicious of you is crying to himself and murmuring why he sold his farm to these lunatics.

    7. And finally across the door to left of the farmer's bed is where the living room is. There are 2 cultists praying in a corner, one cultist watching TV, another cultist cooking in the kitchen and one cultist goes down the stairs to the bunker.

    8. When you go outside through the front door you are viewing the manor from the side and you can march straight to the gate if you're a cultist without needing to be frisked. In the center of the manor there is a staircase to the bunker, 2 cultists hoarding food to the bunkers and 1 cultist sitting in a chair reading a book. There are 2 sets of stair each leading to the sme direction (Think Villa Caruso) where if you continue upstairs you will come to the hallway. On the left is another staircase leading up the Adelaide's bedroom, but only the Head Priest is allowed there. On the right there is a small hallway with 4 rooms. The first oen from the right leads to a library/playroom which is in a very luxurios and gothic style, the 2nd one leads to the master bathroom which is made like a locker and is full of showers and the 3rd one leads to the main canteen & kitchen which looks boring and has many cultist imagery and memorabilia while the 4th one is their master bedroom full of bunk beds ect., where some cultists are still sleeping.

    9. In Adelaide's bedroom there is also her own bathroom and closet. She also has a bell she uses to call a servant, and a pot of holy water.

    10. There is a small overrun tractor shed on the left of the entrance where a mission story can be overheard., but there is also a little cavern right beside it.

    11. Behind the tractor shed there is a completely broken barn. Unlike the rest of the farm/manor which is incredibly clean and and rustic, the barn looks broken down and is the only place on the map that still looks like what the cult did to it when they burnt it down.

    12. In front of the house there is also a small garden where cultists are planting seeds and stockpiling fruits from the plants into their bunker.

    13. Their Bunker connects the Guest house, The Manor, the Garden & The wheat field. Imagine the bunker in Marrakech, but darker, and with beds, weaponry, corner bathrooms and food cans everywhere.

    Locations (Discover Bannock County):

    - Hiking Trail Parking

    –Trail Guides' RV

    - Hiking Trail

    - Wheat Plains

    – Farmgrounds

    - Guesthouse Bathroom

    - Guesthouse Closet

    – Farmer's Bedroom

    – Guest House Living Room

    – Manor Hall

    – Library

    – Master Bathroom

    – Canteen

    – Kitchen

    – Master Bedroom

    – Adelaide's Rooms

    – Garden

    – Tractor Shed

    - Barn

    (Total 19 locations required for the discover Bannock County challenge)

    Targets walk cycles:

    Adelaide Davis: (There is always an unarmed cultist with her called Lena, kind like what Rima was to Vanya)

    1. Starts in the Manor Hall giving a speech & orders for the day. If you start in the Manor Hall, you can get an overly easy chandelier kill.
    2. Goes up to the hallway and goes into each room talking to different cultists, and grabbing water when she is in the canteen, which you can poison beforehand.
    3. She goes upstairs to her room to make a private prayer (without Lena) in front of her holy water in which you can drown her.
    4. She heads into the bathroom to quickly freshen up, and pat her face down with water. If she doesn't see you she will start murmuring to herself about how this is all glorious and how she cannot wait to control all farmlands in Idaho.
    5. She will then slowly but surely make her way downstairs to the bunker which she will use to get to the guest house while talking to Lena who is always near her.
    6. She will go to the farmer and promise him that she will give him even more money if he doesn't ever leave the room.
    7. She will go the garden to check up on plants and then to the tractor shed to talk to the nearby cultists.
    8. She will go to the barn and will start speaking about how she wants to renovate it.
    9. She will go back upstairs to meet with the high priest in private
    10. She will go to the canteen to eat a plate of food (which you can serve and poison to her)
    11. She will go into the bunker to properly express her gratitude to all cultists working there
    12. Repeats process but skips step 1 each time and instead calls a servant through the bell.



    - Suit (You're allowed only in the Parking, the Trail/Path and the Plains, weapons are illegal)

    - Cultist (Allowed everywhere except The Guide's RV & Adelaide's rooms, weapons are legal)

    - Servant (Allowed everywhere (but The Guide's RV) including Adelaide's rooms whenever the bell rings, weapons are illegal)

    - Parking lot security guard (Has same location limitations as the Suit but weapons are legal.


    - Farmer (Allowed in the Guest House,The Trail, Plains, Barn, Tractor Shed and the Garden, weapons are illegal)

    - Trail Guide (Same as the suit, but is allowed in the Guide's RV and is useful for a mission story)

    - Scarecrow (Everywhere is a Hostile Area, except when you're blending in on porches in the plains, weapons are illegal)

    - High Priest (You're allowed everyhwere but the Guide's RV, weapons are legal)

    Mission Stories:

    - Tractor Down: (Conversation between 2 cultists at the tractor shed)

    Interesting, it appears that the Cult's tractor has destroyed itself after a fatal mistake an unexperienced cultist has commited while harvesting wheat, and Davis herself want's the Tractor repaired soon as possible. I trust you can put those hands to use 47?

    1. Locate the Wrench
    2. Create an oil leak
    3. Talk to Adelaide Davis

    Excellent, that should give you plenty of oppurtunities, no doubt.

    - A Small Ceremony: (Grab a small paper on a sollitaire table in the Guide's RV)

    So, apparently the local Trail guide for tourists wants to join the Cult and has a meeting scheduled this morning with the High Priest where they will initiate in a sacrificial ceremony, but he's unfortunately fallen in deep sleep due to a long night. If he is not going, atleast someone has to right?

    1. Disguise yourself as the Trail Guide
    2. Appoint yourself at the Main gate (Get frisked)
    3. Wait for the High Priest to arrive
    4. Neutralize the High Priest
    5. Disguise yourself as the High Priest

    Great work 47, now all that stands between you and Adelaide is a set of stairs.

    - Her Secret Service: (Overhear a conversation of 2 cultists in the Canteen)

    If Adelaide Davis rings a special bell in her bedroom, a member of her personal ''servant'' staff gets called up to her room immediately. I have a feeling this information might just be of use to you.

    1. Disguise yourself as a Servant
    2. Wait for the Bell

    Good work, let's hope everything is in order in her boudoir.

    - The Renovation: (Go inside the Barn)

    47 I have intel about the place you're just in. This burnt down Barn is the only non-renovated place in the entire Cult Compound and Adelaide really wants to renovate it to allow an extra to stockpile their resources before ''The End of the World'' but the Blueprints have been stolen by an undercover Cultist. Say, should you find the thief, maybe you could get some alone time with Davis herself.

    1. Find clues about the Thief
    2. Locate the Thief
    3. Get rid of the Thief
    4. Grab the Blueprints
    5. Talk to Davis

    Excellent 47, A private audience with Adelaide Davis? That's too much if you ask me, even for you.

    - Code of Security: (Listen to the 2 Cultists in the Bunker)

    So, the Compound has a special plan that when the farmer dissapears when Davis checks on him the entire place goes into Lockdown and Davis gets immediately transported to the Cult's bunker. And here's the catch, the bunker has a ''Fire Mechanism''. Feeling risky, 47?

    1. Locate the Fire Mechanism instructions
    2. Locate a Screwdriver
    3. Short Circuit the Box
    4. Change the settings to ''Alarm Proximity'' or ''Alarm Activation''
    5. Get rid of the Farmer
    6. Hide the Farmer's Body

    Smart thinking 47, with the farmer gone, Adelaide will fall right into our trap allbeit unknowingly.

    Mastery Unlocks:

    - Level 1: Parking Space (Entry Point).

    - Level 2: Tractor Shed (Hidden Stash) & Wire Cutter (Tool)

    - Level 3: Library (Agency Pickup) & Guest House (Entry Point)

    - Level 4: Sedative Grenade (Explosive) & Barn (Hidden Stash)

    - Level 5: Bunker as Cultist (Entry Point)

    - Level 6: Bunker (Agency Pickup) & ICA 2X Keychain (Lockpick & Fiber Wire in one)

    - Level 7: ICA 19 USA (Weapon) & Canteen Kitchen (Hidden Stash)

    - Level 8: The Trail Guide's RV (Agency Pickup) & Security hut as Parking lot Security Guard (Entry Point)

    - Level 9: ICA Car Battery (Tool) & USA Briefcase (Container)

    - Level 10: Master Bedroom as Servant (Entry Point) & Jaeger 7 USA (Sniper Rifle)

    Entry Points:

    - Parking Space (Mastery Level 1)

    - Guest House (Mastery Level 3)

    - Bunker as Cultist (Mastery Level 5)

    - Security hut as Parking lot Security Guard (Mastery Level 8)

    - Master Bedroom as Servant (Mastery Level 10)

    Smuggled Item Locations:

    - Tractor Shed (Mastery Level 2)

    - Library (Mastery Level 3)

    - Barn (Mastery Level 4)

    - Bunker (Mastery Level 6)

    - Canteen Kitchen (Mastery Level 7)

    - The Trail Guide's RV (Mastery Level 8)

    Other Unlocks:

    - Wire Cutter – Tool (Mastery Level 2)

    - Sedative Grenade – Explosive (Mastery Level 4)

    - ICA 2X Keychain – Lockpick/Fiber Wire (Mastery Level 6)

    - ICA 19 USA – Pistol (Mastery Level 7)

    - ICA Car Battery – Tool (Mastery Level 9)

    - USA Briefcase – Container (Mastery Level 9)

    - Jaeger 7 USA – Sniper Rigle (Mastery Level 10)

    - The USA Duck – Explosive (Complete the ''A small Ceremony'', ''The Renovation'' & ''Code of Security'' Mission Stories)

    - American Flag – Non-Lethal Melee (Complete the American Dream Challenge Pack)


    - 47's car

    - Cultist's car (Near the manor, requires a key from the Bunker)

    - Tractor (Repair it and then drive it. If you completed the Tractor Down Mission story this exit is no longer available

    - Trail (The trail continues through the plains until a bridge counts as fully exitingthe mission)

    - Bunker's Door (In the bunker there is a door which is kind of like the exit from Bangkok or the Paris basement exit)



    1. Someone could hurt themselves – Assassinate a Target in an Accident – 1000xp
    2. Piano Man – Assassinate a Target with the Fiber Wire – 1000xp
    3. Hold my Hair – Assassinate a Target by drowning them – 1000xp
    4. Tasteless Traceless – Assassinate a Target with lethal Poison – 1000xp
    5. Straight Shot – Assassinate a Target with a Headshot – 1000xp
    6. Versatile Assassin – Complete the above challenges – 4000xp
    7. Rushin' Baptism – Eliminate Adelaide Davis by drowning her in the Holy Water – 2000xp

    8. Blown to Smithereens – Eliminate Adelaide Davis with the Alarm Proximity while she is in lockdown – 2000xp

    9. Wrong Lever – *Eliminate Adelaide Davis with the Alarm Activation *Blow yourself up with her – 4000xp

    1. An Eye for Art – Eliminate Adelaide Davis with the Chandelier in the Manor Hall – 1000xp

    2. Mistaken Identity – Eliminate Adelaide Davis while disguised as the High Priest – 1000xp

    3. No Cult's allowed – *Eliminate Adelaide Davis with a headshot while disguised as a Parking lot Security Guard *Do not get spotted – 4000xp

    4. Jokes on you – Eliminate Adelaide Davis with a tractor explosion – 2000xp

    5. What's that metal taste I won… - Eliminate Adelaide Davison by poisoning her food in the canteen – 1000xp

    6. Rieper coming right up – *Strangle Adelaide Jackson while disguised as a servant *Hide her body in her closet – 4000xp

    7. X's & O's – *Eliminate Adelaide Jackson with a battle axe *Sacrifice her to the cult's prayer circle – 4000xp

    8. Scared of Crowds– REDACTED (Eliminate her with an explosive device while she is doing a speech) – 4000xp


    1. Discover Bannock County –Reveal all undiscovered areas in Bannock County (19) – 1000xp
    2. Sunday Drive – Escape in 47's car – 1000xp
    3. Come as a Farmer, Go as a Farmer – Escape in the repaired Tractor – 2000xp
    4. Snatch & Grab – Escape in the Cultist's car – 1000xp
    5. A deserved refresher – Escape by walking the Trail – 1000xp
    6. Meet me Halfway – Escape through the Bunker's door – 1000xp
    7. Keys to the Manor – Find the Manor's master key – 1000xp
    8. Become the High Priest – Disguise yourself as the High Priest – 1000xp
    9. Become the Trail Guide – Disguise yourself as the Trail Guide – 1000xp
    10. Become a Servant – Disguise yourself as a servant – 1000xp
    11. Become the Farmer – Disguise yourself as the farmer – 1000xp
    12. Become the Scarecrow – Disguise yourself as the Scarecrow – 1000xp
    13. Dress for the job you want – Disguise yourself as a Cultist – 1000xp
    14. I've heard you make keys as a hobby? – Find the Keychain in Adelaide's Bedroom – 1000xp
    15. Ladies' Room – *Get into Adelaide's rooms while disguised as a Cultist * Do not get spotted – 2000xp
    16. It speaks to me – Find the Cult's prayer circle 1000xp
    17. This is not what I signed up for – Locate the keys for the Travel Guide's RV somewhere in the parking lot. – 2000xp
    18. Old Addy had a farm – Somehow trigger Adelaide's memories to remember her past – 4000xp


    1. Chameleon – Find and equip all disguises in Bannock County – 4000xp
    2. Mission Story – A small Ceremony; - Complete the mission story ''A small Ceremony'' – 2000xp
    3. Mission Story – The Renovation; - Complete the mission story ''The Renovation'' – 2000xp
    4. Mission Story – Code of Security; - Complete the mission story ''Code of Security'' – 2000xp
    5. Mission Stories – Bannock County; – Complete all Mission Story challenges in Bannock County – 4000xp & The USA Duck.
    6. Give me some space, so I can walk – Find a way to get rid of Lena – 1000xp
    7. 'Murica – Use any of the USA weapons to eliminate 10 people – 4000xp
    8. Due you even ca-NO – REDACTED – 1000xp (Don't kill any pigeons during a round)
    9. Fixer upper – Repair the Tractor – 1000xp
    10. This way brother – Somehow make the Trail Guide go to the ceremony – 1000xp
    11. No more playin' Video-games – *Shoot the TV screen in the Security shed *Don't get spotted – 1000xp


    1. The Doomsdayer – Eliminate Adelaide Davis – 4000xp

    American Dream:

    1. I'm the President now – *Eliminate Adelaide Davis with the ICA19 USA *Don't get spotted – 2000xp
    2. And the people's favourite senator is… - *Eliminate a target with the Jaeger 7 USA *Don't get spotted – 4000xp
    3. Get off my lawn – *Kill the Trail Guide *Dump his body over the fence – 4000xp
    4. Get outta here – REDACTED – 4000xp (*Eliminate 5 people with the USA weapons *Do not get spotted)
    5. Red blooded 'murican – Complete all the American Dream challenges – 4000xp + American flag (Melee)

    Thank you so much for reading! Any tips or critiques for the mission are all deeply appreciated! ;)

    submitted by /u/TheRandomGamer18
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