• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Hitman Not suspicious at all!

    Hitman Not suspicious at all!

    Not suspicious at all!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    Less x-rated stuff

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:22 AM PDT

    Is it me or are the older hitman games a lot sicker with gore, sexual themes etc. In previous games there was always some kind of sexparty, bikini babes or stripclubs etc. Also the meatking level with the butcher playing that old song on a record player, while gutting hanging bodies was sick. I think the newer games are a lot less dark .

    submitted by /u/Dafish20
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    Turning Hitman into Batman

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    Is it just me or are the Hitman levels way too... daunting?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    Let's be clear that I am a fan of Hitman 1 & 2 and love how they have brought the series back to the roots of the game. But sometimes I just wish for a smaller, more contained level where I can come up with innovative ways to take out 1 target, rather than have to spend lots of walking/sneaking around a large map to find 3 targets.

    submitted by /u/thunderkhawk
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    One of last updates broke AI

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    So recently i was doing some silly personal challenges and over time i noticed that at some point AI got worse.

    Right now if target spots you everybody are alerted in 0.1 sec and you cannot do anything about it.

    You had your gun aimed at target and you went for headshot while he was looking at you?

    Too bad he pressed invisible alarm button and all guards nearby will come to this room now + sometimes you will be compromised for some reason.

    submitted by /u/TheLinden
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    Can I still unlock Legacy GOTY pack for free in Hitman 2 if I buy H1 GOTY now?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    I'm on PS4 and own Hitman 2. Currently H1 GOTY is on sale for $17.99, whereas buying the legacy pack directly is $19.99. In the H2 FAQ it says I can unlock the legacy pack for free if I own H1's episodes or the GOTY edition. Is this still in effect or was this some kind of thank you to the people who'd bought H1 back then?

    submitted by /u/dolgion1
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    This bullet...

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Quick question

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    I just bought Hitman: GOTY edition. I looked it up and found out that it is not a regular game. There are episodes. I just want to know if the edition I bought will give me the complete experience of this game. Please tell me yes :(

    submitted by /u/SalahAlajmi
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    HITMAN 2's Steam page & DLC pages are absolutely horrendous and needs to be cleaned up.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    Currently my head is exploding trying to figure out this, it is just so awful.

    Really the main problem is that I don't know what I'm getting with the DLC packs, or even the editions. The expansion pack is incredibly vague: "The Expansion Pass includes two Expansion Packs that offer you new Missions, new Locations, new Sniper Maps, new Challenges, new Weapons and new Outfits." And if you get it, you get a bunch of packs that aren't explained, and don't have their own store pages. What do these DLC packs contain, I have no idea!

    Probably the worst offender is the gold edition, especially with it being $100, WTF am I getting to justify a price tag that high? I mean, all it says is "Expansions 1 & 2, and exclusive in-game items.", and unlike the Standard Edition, it doesn't show all the DLC as a package bundle. Since I don't know all the content in the expansion pass, I don't know what is in the gold edition, and if the gold edition has exclusive content not in the expansion pack.

    The only good things about the store page is the Standard Edition, and Whittleton Creek Pack. Atleast you know what the hell you are getting when you go to purchase them.

    HITMAN 2's Steam page is the worst I've seen, and I can imagine for many its a put off to even try to buy the game. Its time to fix this store page before others have a damn heart attack.

    submitted by /u/AlexKVideos1
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    Apparently, Athena's AI is fixed now?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:21 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    I currently have hitman 2 for Xbox one, what do I buy to get the full season of hitman 1.

    submitted by /u/thiccshrecc
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    Ghost Mode Tournament Grandfinals is starting in 1 hour (19 cest) and the livestream is being hosted by IO

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Today at 19.00CET, Fortheseven will be hosting and commentating the grand finals of our first ever Ghost Mode Tournament. In addition to that, IO Interactive will be hosting the finals matches on their Twitch channel as well! Please support those who have made their way to the finals and come by to watch!

    Watch the stream on Fortheseven or IO Interactive twitch channels


    **GRAND FINALS**XB1 Bracket Finals:- CamTheChest vs. gorg

    **PS4 Bracket Finals:**- HITMANIST vs. fgdsa99

    **PC Bracket Finals:**- Drudini vs. GuLe

    The champion of each platform recieves a €50 grand prize. The players that placed 2, 3 & 4 will recieve a price of €10.

    Join Frote's Speedrun Community to see the tournament brackets for all platforms. Join the weekly and monthly contests with prices involved. Share your Hitman clips and have fun https://discord.gg/FVxTKdU

    submitted by /u/ibbz96
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    Remember people, texting is dangerous

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    Terrible briefcase montage i made in windows movie maker

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:07 AM PDT

    2 ideas to make the game even better

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    I loved Hitman 2016 and always have fun playing Hitman 2. But, I have 2 ideas for small improvements that would make the game just a little better

    1. Stop it with the driving gloves!

    Yes, I realize I'm far from the first to complain about them, but come on. They only belong on suits with short/rolled up sleeves. For instance, driving gloves look great on the Italian Suit. But for actual SUITS, like the Suburban Suit, just give them normal gloves! It ruins the look and doesn't feel as "professional" I guess. Yes, I realize that The normal Suburban Suit comes with regular gloves as standard, and IOI wanted to differentiate it a little, but it looked much better before.

    2. Re-locking challenges

    This is one I don't see brought up very often, and I think it would be great. Nothing beats that feeling of playing through a level for the very time, exploring, and unlocking a ton of challenges along the way. Now that the game released nearly a year ago, we have a ton of new gizmos to play with but not a lot of new stuff to use them on. But, finding new ways to unlock the old challenges would give us that "first time playing a level" feeling all over again. In my head, you would just go to the challenge you want to re-lock in the challenges tab and hit y to re-lock it or something.

    This stuff will probably never happen, but thanks for reading, and here's hoping

    submitted by /u/PancakeMan137
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    Extensive Presentation

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    All other rooms will count towards the challenge but not the back garden

    submitted by /u/JuicyZee
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    What's your favorite assassination?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Mine would have to be shooting Silvio Caruso through the telescope. So satisfying!

    submitted by /u/alexg1936389
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    Hitman 2 - 2020 Roadmap

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    Anyone knows are there any Plans for 2020? Will they continue the Game?

    submitted by /u/smojito
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    Puzzle Contract: Ripple Effect

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:16 AM PDT

    The Censor Elusive Target: Why Is The Party Hostess an Enforcer?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    Any idea?

    The only think I can think of is that she's spooked by the news of a serial killer on the loose and realises that 47 is new in town, so she regards him with suspicion.

    Is there any merit to this?

    submitted by /u/ChuckStukkieKak
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    An idea on Elusive Targets and Special Assignments.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    So almost since inception I think its safe to say Elusive Targets have been a controversial idea. A lot of people don't like the time limitation on what tends to be some fairly substantial content (new NPCs, lines, pathing, etc), while others appreciate the tension that can come from playing them as intended with one shot to get them right. IOI themselves seem to be a bit unsure how to approach them, certainly the lack of Elusives for Hitman 2 has been noticeable, especially since there aren't any in Mumbai despite the map being gigantic, and its not clear if they plan to continue them after the Censor.

    I get the impression that the four Special Assignment missions they released for Hitman 2 were intended to act as a sort of alternative to Elusives, small missions that remix familiar maps in a few ways, but reception to those have been mixed as well, a lot of people think they are far too small and limited, and got the wrong idea initially that they were analogous to the Bonus episodes in Season 1. There have also been murmurings that they were just re-purposed Elusive targets, I can't prove this but it wouldn't surprise me.

    I think there can be a bit of best of both worlds if they approach this differently, make all of the elusive targets Special Assignments and Vice Versa, some of them (i.e. the Undying, or the Deceivers) are expansive enough to be comparable to the existing Special Assignments. As such they'd be open to be replayable any time you want and combined with the four existing Special Assignments Hitman 2 would feel less undeserved for this style of mission.

    To maintain the Elusive element then make it such that the unlocks (ie, all the suits and challenges associated with Elusive Targets) can only be gained from traditional Elusive Target method of having only one shot that will be blown if you fail the mission or do not play it in the first week after release. Apart from that they are small missions that can be replayed.

    Another idea is that re-playable Elusives (which would include things like Illusions of Grandeur and A Bitter Pill) is only available to people with the expansion pass, everyone else will have the time and death limitation.

    I doubt this is really applicable to Hitman 2 at this point, but it could be an idea for Hitman 3.

    submitted by /u/Khwarezm
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    How do you tell which mission stories lead to opportunities vs actual assassination opportunities

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    Some story paths lead you to simply drawing your target into a place you can kill them only if you were there earlier and set up a trap (ie poisoned someone's drink, or picked up the targets photo like in Miami) and some give you alone time with the target. Is there really any way to tell? Because it seems like with the former you need somewhat deep knowledge of the map, like knowing where the opportunity brings your target, and any special things you might need to set up first to pull it off

    submitted by /u/piggdaddy-o
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