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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Hitman HITMAN™ 2 Maps: One Year Later - Learn About the Past, Present, and Future of the Site

    Hitman HITMAN™ 2 Maps: One Year Later - Learn About the Past, Present, and Future of the Site

    HITMAN™ 2 Maps: One Year Later - Learn About the Past, Present, and Future of the Site

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Hitman 2 (2018) worth it?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:36 PM PST

    Bought Hitman (2016) during the Halloween steam sale and it blew all my expectations out of the water. I've never played a game quite like it, and the entire experience and replayability of the levels are so much fun!

    Considering how I bought the entire game for about 15USD, I would say that it's got to be one of the most worth it games of all time. I'm almost done with the game and was just wondering if Hitman 2 is worth it (will set me back about 50usd on steam) and I've read reviews saying how Hitman 2 doesn't really add more to the gameplay, just more missions. Any advice/opinions regarding if its worth it or if there's any way I could get Hitman 2 for cheaper LOL

    Sorry if I'm a noob about this!! Will appreciate any opinions, thank you :)

    submitted by /u/whentimestopped
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    November Roadmap - Releasing tomorrow

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:58 AM PST

    Sato's revenge

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PST

    Previous Games?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:38 AM PST

    My first Hitman game was Hitman 2 and I have since purchased Hitman for PS4. I wanted to ask if the previous games, Absolution etc. are worth checking out and what features present in Hitman & Hitman 2 might be missing from previous games in the series.

    submitted by /u/paddyhockey1
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    Play Hitman 2 w/ Xbox Gold?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:35 AM PST

    Sorry if this isn't allowed, if so, please remove it.

    When I look at Hitman 2 in the Microsoft store, it says 'Play this game with Xbox Live Gold', and I can just press 'Install', but when I load the game, every single gameplay option/mission, including the missions from the previous game (which I own).

    Can anyone shed any light on this? It's almost like it let me download an empty game shell in which to place paid-for dlc.

    submitted by /u/DodgyCookie
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    Where the fuck is Alma Reynard's dog?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Like I get with the way NPCs are designed in Hitman it would be impossible to really code in a dog, but like why did they include Alma calling out for Max in the first place? Was it just an excuse for the squeaky toy?

    submitted by /u/quadeyes21
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    Hitman Hokkaido Fastest Sniper Assassin/Suit Only Walkthrough

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:58 PM PST

    Shine a light.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:14 AM PST

    Why is it that when people witness accident kills in the sniper assassin missions, they still raise the alarms?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    You have disrespected my film shoot with your tardiness for the last time, Mr. Gregory Arthur

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    Anyone else hoping a lot more of the S1 escalations get added?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:45 PM PST

    I recently picked up the game after months and months of downtime of my Xbox. I'm glad they've got a decent selection for H2 maps, but I don't know what's holding them up on just releasing the Season 1 escalations. I'm sure they've got some minor tweaks to be made, but it can't be that drastic to put in the Season 1 escalations.

    For the amount they've re-run the S1 elusive targets, you'd think they'd put some time into the escalations which last forever.

    submitted by /u/dukefett
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    Dart guns make a "bullet casing hits floor" noise when fired over hard floors

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Tested in Haven cabins and Whittleton creek abandoned house for sale.

    submitted by /u/Ryos_windwalker
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    Kaboom! A Silent Assassin's Guide to Explosions

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PST

    This is a guide I have made after a lot of playing with explosions. I've poured my heart and soul into it so any feedback or questions are appreciated. After making this guide, I can understand why the legendary streamer CJ on Youtube often says he has a hard time articulating his game knowledge- there's just so much to cover.

    I made it very thorough, so veterans should feel free to scroll down and skip past the "Basics" to the "More Advanced Stuff" section.

    Also you can get the basic idea by reading the summary table at the bottom if you don't want to read my juicy prose.

    Before I get started, I recommend any new players to check item unlock list as well as silent assassin bodies found rules (credit to theKotti/ Hardware).

    Disclaimer that most of this guide is on propane tanks because that's the most versatile way to use explosions and keep Silent Assassin.

    Also didn't include all explosion causing devices- just ones I have practiced with in context of Silent Assassin rating.

    When I refer to "SA" in this guide from here on, I mean Silent Assassin rating.

    Explosions/ Explosive devices- The Basics

    What is an accident explosion?

    Accident explosion kills in Hitman 2 are valued compared to other explosions because they don't void SA, and they usually mean one of two things.

    • Propane explosion (both little portable gray tanks and the stationary red ones)
    • Vehicle explosion (car, motorcycle, scooter, tractor, snowmobile, etc)

    Bodies Found Rules

    Now, explosions in Hitman 2 have three blast zones- lethal, knocked out, and knocked down (where an NPC is knocked down temporarily but gets up after a few seconds).

    Knocked down will never count against SA.

    Non-accidental knockouts and kills will always void SA if body is found, but accidental kills will not void SA.

    Note that as of current SA rules, although an accidental explosion knockout on a nontarget will not void SA, an accidental explosion knockout on a target will void SA. So if you happen to knock out a few bystanders with an accident explosion that kills the target, you will keep SA. Just make sure your accident explosion kills the target properly.

    General Measurement and Mechanics Tips


    Placing (vs dropping an item) is a very important skill. For PC the default key for this is Caps lock to show the outline of where the item will go followed by E to actually place the item. I believe it is L1+R1 for PS4 and LB+ RB for Xbox, but don't quote me on that since I only use PC.

    Visual Markers

    There isn't an in-game ruler to measure the blast radius for a given item or the distance between two explosive items. To remember placements, I use visual in-game markers. For instance, the corner of a table, or a specific tile corner, or a certain crack in the wall could all be visual markers I'd use to remember placements.


    In general, some devices like bullets, tasers, EMP, Big One will not ignite accident explosions unless the propane tank or vehicle in question is leaking propane gas/ vehicle gasoline. I have provided a detailed table with this information below.

    Portable Propane Tank Leaking

    To leak a portable propane tank, simply throw it or shoot it with a silenced gun. Note that the gas will shut off if you pick the tank back up. In general shooting is better because it's quieter (especially if you use Krugermeier 2-2), and because throwing can be a bit random due to bounce physics.

    If you're in a really crowded place, sometimes the only option is to throw the tank. Again, bounce physics are a bit random, so only make small throws if you can help it. Also, a trick I have used to discourage nontarget NPC's from investigating the sound of the thrown propane tank is to throw the tank while allowing someone to see you. Then they will only make annoyed sounds at you and not investigate.

    Also note that if you are going to be using proximity taser, DO NOT throw the propane tank to leak after setting up the proximity taser. A flying object will set it off. Throw the tank first or shoot the tank instead (weirdly bullets don't trigger the proximity taser).

    Stationary Propane Tank Leaking

    Leaking a stationary propane tank is pretty straightforward. You can leak it by either shooting it or loosening it with a wrench.

    Vehicle Leaking

    Vehicle leaking is a bit trickier.

    For motorcycles, either leak it with a wrench, or by shooting the neck below the handlebars.

    For scooters, shoot somewhere near the seat.

    You will know that the motorcycle/ scooter is leaking when it is no longer highlighted on Instinct, you hear a gurgling sound, and a gasoline puddle appears.

    For cars, shoot somewhere in the back half of the car, either from behind or from the side. Cars don't show up on Instinct, but you'll know the car is leaking when you hear a gurgling sound and gasoline forming a puddle underneath.

    Item Properties


    This stuff is covered in the summary spreadsheet below, but in general all NPC's will pick up legal visible items like EMP or rubber ducks. Illegal items will be reported to guards to confiscate and not picked up by civilians. If you're using a legal visible item, the target may go over to pick up it up; this can be good or bad depending on the situation.

    If you're placing an illegal device to detonate an explosion, try to place it such that no one will see it and report it. You can also conceal it in a briefcase, which is covered in the next section.

    Micro Devices

    Micro Remote Explosive, Proximity Micro Explosive are so small that no NPC can pick them up or even see them. This can be very useful.


    Illegal items can be concealed in briefcases. Since briefcases will attract civilian and guard NPC's alike, hiding your illegal item in a briefcase can be a good way to lure your target closer, instead of repelling them.

    Note that civilians will take briefcases to guards to confiscate.

    In addition, NPC's don't react to briefcases quite like how they react to other legal items like rubber ducks or coins or EMP charge. NPC's can spot a briefcase from farther away. Also, sometimes NPC's bizarrely won't go for a briefcase unless they can't see you nearby.

    If you conceal a remotely detonated item in a briefcase, you can also detonate it later while it is in the briefcase. Take note that you if the item is concealed in the briefcase from the start, you'll need to retrieve the item and stash it again before you can detonate your item while it is in your briefcase.

    Briefcases can be useful for EMP charge; the EMP charge is usually illegal when thrown.

    In addition, although the Big One can be thrown legally without a briefcase, I find it is somewhat unreliable as a propane tank igniter, given that the Big One will bounce around for a second or two before shooting sparks. I prefer to simply stash a remote taser or EMP in a briefcase and throw that instead. The briefcase bounces less and the EMP/ remote taser have bigger spark radius anyways.

    Also, don't conceal a proximity explosive in a briefcase; it will go off momentarily, probably while you're still holding it.

    Proximity Devices

    After you drop/ place/ throw a proximity device or tripwire explosive, you will have a two to three second window before the device "arms" itself and makes a beeping sound. If you don't get out of the way before the beeping sound, you'll set off your own device.

    Taser radius

    This isn't apparent looking at the tasers (they only sends out tiny little tendril sparks), but the tasers actually have the same spark blast radius as the EMP charge.

    Also, the Remote Taser triggers almost instantaneously while the EMP has a delay. So sometimes a remote taser is better than EMP, especially if in a briefcase.

    Accident Explosions- More Advanced Stuff

    Overlapping Explosions

    Remember, explosions have three zones- knockdown, knockout, lethal. You want the non-accident explosive device to only knockdown the target at most.

    If you use a non-accident explosive device to set off an accident explosion, bystander NPC's will always see the effects of both explosions. This can be a bit tricky with propane tanks, but you want your non-accident explosive device to be far away enough from the target to be outside the knockout zone.

    In this first example, the micro remote explosive was too close to Martinez and her assistant saw the micro remote explosive knock Martinez out a split second before the propane tank killed her. This is why I lose SA even though it was an accident kill.

    In this second example, I use better placement and the micro remote explosive is far away enough to not knock out Martinez, but also close enough to detonate the propane tank.

    Alternatively, if you don't want to fiddle with the placement too much in such a scenario, just find a way to distract the bystander NPC momentarily so they don't see the target in the split second between unconsciousness and death.

    You can also try using a breaching charge to trigger the propane tank since the breaching charge has the smallest blast radius among explosives. Breaching charge is suspicious, but it can work if you place the breaching charge where the target can't see, or you conceal it in a briefcase.

    Car/Motorcycle Explosions

    For cars, it's a bit simpler. Because the car explosion occurs in the back of the car (where the fuel tank is), just place your explosive more towards the front of the car to be safe, while you allow/ lure the target to the back of the car. Here's an example I did with Nolan Cassidy.

    Motorcycles and Scooters are similar, the explosion comes out the back. This is CJ's video, but this is an example scooter accident. It's from Hitman 2016 but it should work the same.

    Proximity Explosive Accident

    Proximity Explosives can be used to set up accident explosions without manual detonation. This tends to work best with micro proximity explosive since target's won't react to it. But it could also work with other proximity explosives if you place it out of sight of anyone.

    The proximity explosive needs to be set up such that the target only barely triggers the edge of the proximity sensor. Too close, and the proximity explosive will kill the target making it not an accident.

    A good way to do this is to put the proximity explosive to the side such that the target walks by the explosive. Note again that the proximity explosive will at minimum knock out the target before the accident explosion kills the target. So make sure no one is looking at the target at the moment of detonation.

    Here is an example I set up with Martinez. Although Martinez has an assistant tailing her, I set up the explosion to happen after Martinez turned a corner out of sight of the assistant.

    Proximity Taser Accident

    The Proximity Taser is much safer than any proximity explosive. Unlike the proximity explosives, the proximity taser doesn't do explosive damage or knock out on its own; it can own send out sparks.

    However, the proximity taser is illegal. And like any proximity item, the proximity trigger doesn't work if the taser is stashed in a briefcase. So if you are going to use a proximity taser you have to place it in an area where no one will see.

    The proximity taser also only works on leaking items, and as mentioned earlier, you won't be able to throw a propane tank after placing the proximity taser.

    Anyways, here's an example I did with Claus Strandberg. I placed a coin on one side of the door to lure Claus over and make him open the door, while I placed the proximity taser and propane tank on the other side. There are guards who periodically walk past that door, but I placed the proximity taser at a time when they were patrolling another area.

    Tripwire Explosive Accident

    The Tripwire is arguably one of the best ways to set up an accident explosion without manual detonation. Note that while moving across any part of the laser will trigger the explosion, only the bulky part at the end will explode.

    This means that it is possible to make the Tripwire Explosive explode while the target is outside of the "knockout" range, so you'll have no issues with bystanders seeing the target's split-second unconscious body, provided to position the Tripwire Explosive right.

    Just make sure you take advantage of the Tripwire Explosive's range. If you set up the Tripwire Explosive across a doorway, don't put the bulky end of it on the doorframe; that's too close. Instead place the Tripwire Explosive off to the side inside or outside the room so that only the laser extends across the doorway.

    Keep in mind the Tripwire is illegal, it doesn't work in a briefcase, and it has a larger blast radius than micro explosives.

    Anyways, here's an example I did with Claus again. There is a bystander but he's sitting down and he can't see the Tripwire Explosive from where he's sitting. And again, the Tripwire explosive is far away enough that I don't have to worry about split second knockouts.

    Non-Accident Explosions

    Two Closed Doors

    Credit to u/alban3se for teaching me this. If there are two closed doors between the target and any other NPC, no one will hear the explosion. Example. This doesn't always work for some reason; you may need to do trial and error with placement for a given room.

    Breaching Charge briefcase+Panic explosion

    Like any other remote device, you can put a breaching charge in a briefcase to make it less suspicious. The breaching charge will still make a sound about as loud as a coin throw when it goes off, so be prepared for someone to find the body unless there are two closed door between the target and anyone else.

    However, if you have a target that goes into an isolated room (with only one door between them and other NPC's), you can make the bystanders forget about the breaching charge explosion by detonating another louder explosion nearby.

    Here is an example with Jordan Cross. No one will find the body because the bystanders forget as soon as they start panicking from the louder explosion.

    This combo only works with breaching charge as the killing explosive, because the breaching charge explosion is soft enough that guards won't be alarmed by it.

    Explosive Baseball Wallbang

    It's fairly well known that impact explosive devices can wallbang Erich Soders.

    But did you know that it's possible to wallbang Jordan Cross? Credits to u/Wedge33dr for teaching me this one: His video.

    No one finds the body somehow as long as the door to the recording booth is closed. This isn't because the booth is soundproof; people will hear even a breaching charge if you detonate from inside the booth. Somehow the sound doesn't transmit from the floor below or something.

    I wasn't able to make the aiming/ timing of the baseball consistent to kill Cross consistently. However, I was able to knock out Cross consistently from another room; this was still useful because I didn't have to wait for him to come back to the studio.

    Anyways, I'm sure there are other rooms/ targets in this game that can be wallbanged this way while retaining SA. I just haven't had the time to research that yet.

    TL;DR: Explosive Device Properties- Summary Table

    Item Legality/ NPC reaction Works when stashed in briefcase? Needs leak to ignite propane tank/ vehicles? Blast/ AOE radius (relative estimate) How long to detonation? Does it explode propane gas and/ or vehicle gasoline?
    Guns (not counting dart guns) Illegal unless in guard disguise. Firing a gun is always illegal. Will be picked up by guards if placed on floor. No Yes. Tiny burst of sparks around bullet impact. Almost instantly after firing gun. Both.
    Remote EMP charge Legal unless you throw it. Will be picked up by any NPC that sees it. Yes Yes Small 1-2 second delay after pressing trigger. Only propane gas
    Remote Taser Illegal. Will be picked up by guards. Yes Yes Small Almost instantly after pressing trigger. Only propane gas
    Proximity Taser Illegal. Will be picked up by guards. No Yes Small By proximity Only propane gas
    The Big One Legal. Will not be picked up but one NPC may go investigate the fireworks. No Yes Small After being thrown, will start shooting sparks after bouncing on the ground for a few seconds (like grenade). Both
    Micro Remote Explosive Legal, invisible (NPC's can't pick up) Yes No Medium Almost instantly after pressing trigger Both
    Micro Proximity Explosive Legal, invisible (NPC's can't pick up) No No Medium By proximity Both
    Remote Explosive Duck Legal. Will be picked up by any NPC that sees it. Yes No Large Almost instantly after pressing trigger Both
    Proximity Explosive Duck Legal. Will be picked up by any NPC that sees it. No No Large By proximity Both
    Remote Breaching Charge Illegal. Will be picked up by guards. Yes No Tiny Almost instantly after pressing trigger Both
    Tripwire Mine Illegal. Will be picked up by guards. No No Large When something crosses laser. Both
    Explosive Baseball Illegal if someone sees you throw it. No No Very Large (can wallbang) On Impact Both
    submitted by /u/lmaogetthatbread
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    What’s the difference between the disposable scrambler and electronic key hacker?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:32 AM PST

    Ok, enough with the model-swap screenshots, please.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:38 AM PST

    This sub is being flooded with screenshots of different characters in 47's poses. Enough is enough. This is low effort karma farming. Please try doing something a little more subversive at least, rather than just a picture of Dawood reading a newspaper or something boring like that.

    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    Latest featured contracts are hard af

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:50 PM PST

    And I find them not fun to play around. Most of the targets are not moving so much and the requirements are way too specific. I know a lot of those are optional objectives but still.

    submitted by /u/depthofuniverse
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    Friendly reminder that Nvidia Freestyle now supports HITMAN 2!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST

    Protest outside the Swedish embassy growing by the minute

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:30 AM PST

    Weird and funny guard AI moment

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:47 PM PST

    (On mobile so apologies if the formatting is off)

    I was playing the game a couple days ago and found a really weird AI element in guards.

    So I was on Hawkes Bay in a contract. I had already beat the thriller night challenges and wanted to try out the new item. So I spawn in at the boat, throw the item, and think "wow that was cool"

    One of the targets for the contract was a guard on the roof of the house and so I think, "I wonder if I could cross map him with my pistol"

    So I pull out my pistol and start shooting at him and I land a couple shots. I know that in the guard AI if they get hit by a bullet they either run to where they got shot from or they start shooting at the area where they got shot from.

    This particular guard chose to start shooting at me and started hitting me with perfect aim with his tactical bartoli shotgun. From the roof of the house while I was at the default spawn. Literally perfect aim even though he had a shotgun which does not have the range of shooting across the map.

    That's my story, any of you ever experience something like this?

    submitted by /u/pokeredface164
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