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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Hitman Look at what just came in the post!

    Hitman Look at what just came in the post!

    Look at what just came in the post!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Some say he is protected by a watchful bald guardian, others say he is found naked and passed out a lot

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Zaydan.exe has stopped working.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:11 PM PST

    Gee, that's fair (spontaneously combusting propane flask).

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:33 PM PST

    The ghost of human baldness?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Bird shit appreciation post

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:12 AM PST

    I’d love a John Wick Easter egg in Hitman. Like a funny encounter where 47 and John are at the same location hunting different targets.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Shashka with attached shield

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

    I can’t believe this mutant ninja guard didn’t catch me

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    47 Will Send You Straight To Hell

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:20 PM PST

    My suggestions for more realistic story, AI, and level design in future Hitman games.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Hitman seasons 1 and 2 are my first foray into this series, and I've found them both very fun. But I also have some major issues with the challenge level presented by the AI, level design, and writing.

    For example, the story content. Story opportunities in missions are fun things to interact with, but they are also very limited in scope. You put on a disguise, walk to a place, do two or three interactions, listen to some dialogue loaded with double entendres for "I'm gonna kill someone" and that's it, you are presented with a killshot.
    And in basically every single one of those instances, the guards are just dismissed so you can have your perfect shot. And after you take your chance, they just wander about like lost puppies calling for the boss.

    Stories can run without your interference, too, which is good. However, some story opportunities are run out way too fast, while others never go off at all unless you interfere. As an example of both in a single map, Hokkaido.
    Portman's opportunity is a very narrow window. Every time I get near him, it feels like I have 30 seconds before KAI is calling for him. Conversely, the yoga instructor spraining his ankle and eternally limping a tiny loop is idiotic. As a person who has suffered lots of sprains, this guy should be on his back somewhere with ice and an Ace bandage wrap, not limping about the garage.
    Further, if he's okay enough to limp, he'll be fine after some painkillers. He's in a feckin super future hospital, if he can't get some effective OTC pain relievers that kick in after half an hour, the hell is the point of working in a hospital? Hell, that should have been part of the opportunity: deliver poison to him through the pain meds that are scheduled for delivery, then take his clothes. Or, let him get his pills, and go to Yamazaki, and while she's in the middle of yoga, you can snipe her.

    I also find the 'target NPC runs out of script, walks laps forever' approach to the game's design a bit too easy. Just sitting around is an effective strategy to get these people walking a loop forever. Like, these targets never seem to sit down and get engaged in doing something.
    People with computers or paperwork or in leadership positions should end up sitting at their desk working away for a while, and you compensate for this in the design by having more guards and a more difficult approach to this one location. You can easily spend hours on a map fucking about and get them into that loop. It's too easy to isolate a bit of the path and then coin them into a stranglehold. Again, I point to Hokkaido. Somers is engaged in his surgery. The direct approach to him is long, and tedious, and relies on you abusing the viewcones of the guards. Or Sapienza. Silvio Caruso is writing a memoir. There should be a limited window where he is learning about golf, and then he goes and works on his memoir, and then he goes and works on his virus. Same for Maria Desantes. Spend some time tattling on Caruso, then go get frisky with the golf coach, then go work on the virus.

    I also wish NPCs would notice environmental changes more. If I crowbar open a door that should be locked, or leave a bloodstain somewhere, or even shoot out a damn camera, someone should be investigating. Post a feckin guard to cover the camera blindspot, or the busted door. Dispatch a repair guy to fix the shit I break. Increase guard coverage where the after effects of me hammering the "do violence unto others" button has been seen, but conversely lower guard coverage elsewhere as the limited guards are reassigned to the new location.
    I would also really like it if people noticed that a location's population was thinning out. I'm the sort of guy who tackles a SASO run by luring people around and then knocking them all out. I would very much enjoy if the game acknowledged my handiwork.

    There should be a stage of alertness between 'mouth breather drooling' and 'my xray vision and super hearing detects an assassin!' A heightened awareness in a specific radius that shows up yellow, and makes people more alert to my bullshit. If I start throwing shit around, and people investigate and find nothing, they shouldn't then turn into Skyrim bandits and shout "it was just the wind!" They should spend some time at a heightened alert state, rushing to investigate every little thing that goes bump. If they spend too long at a heightened alert, or are put in it too many times, then they should (depending on what class of NPC they are): go find a guard who then stands guard for a while; call in more guards who patrol the area for a while; or enter a target lockdown state, where they retreat to their safe space for a while. This makes it a little easier to lure people, but also means if you spend too long, they'll get freaked out and run for help.

    And for feck's sake, what's the point of radioing in when nobody ever follows up on 'hey, command, I heard a suspicious noise, checking it hurk'? If a guard radios in there is a problem, and then never checks in again, someone should investigate that. And after a certain number of missed check-ins at a location, a heightened yellow alert zone should appear.
    But, say you have a guard uniform, and you act like you're guarding the yellow zone while other guards are present, you can make an "all clear" call to clear the yellow zone. You would have a limited number of these for use in clearing the searching or combat status, but if you are 'guarding' a yellow zone, you can call in an all clear without spending one of your limited "all clear" calls.

    On the highest difficulty, there should only be so many times you can be caught or cause heightened awareness in guards period before outside forces interfere and cause a mission fail. If I'm playing the hardest difficulty, I'm there to be challenged, and raising alerts means I fecked up. You should only get so many of those before you just get a game over.

    submitted by /u/xahnel
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