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    Friday, November 8, 2019

    Hitman Found my old custom Hitman PS2 trilogy

    Hitman Found my old custom Hitman PS2 trilogy

    Found my old custom Hitman PS2 trilogy

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:24 PM PST


    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:24 AM PST

    Can every month be like this?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Someone's playing a GAME eh Diana?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    An Excuse To Use Non-Detectable Weapons: Frisky Business

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:16 AM PST

    You may be wondering how it came to this... so am I

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST

    Best way to pass time

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    It was over before it even started

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Hitman 2 Gold edition 60% off in Steam

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:33 PM PST

    So what's everyone's thoughts on the post launch content we got with Hitman 2?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:44 PM PST

    I think Hitman 2 was well worth what I paid (Bought collector's edition on launch), but I am sad to see there will be no more elusive targets since we only had 6 ETs on the new maps (2 being the same damn dude, so more like 5), Mumbai didn't even get an ET! I enjoyed most of the challenge packs and enjoyed the 40 featured contracts for new items, I got sick of the reused elusive targets after the first few since i did them all in H1 and did them a second time when they decided to relaunch them while we waited for H2, overall I can't help feeling a little burned and will have to see about H3.

    What did everyone else think? Were you satisfied with the post launch content?

    submitted by /u/Rhyuzi
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    What is everyone’s overall opinion on Mumbai?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:05 AM PST

    I hate this clusterfuck of a map with a burning passion. Three targets including BS mystery man, the crowds of random NPCs, the bullshit suit guards, the maze-like areas all just make Mumbai 100% un-fun to play. I wanted to know what the community's opinion on the map is and whether you guys share my view or not.

    The kashmerian storyline however is great but it's literally the only good thing about Mumbai

    submitted by /u/MetazoanMonk
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    Details on ammo is astonishing

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    First sa no starting weapons in under 30 minutes. Just in time for the anniversary!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    Hitman 2 Gunpoint Dialogue

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Based on this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-oUDQh2Nb0 , I figured that I could post the dialogue that the Season 2 targets say when you hold them at gunpoint. I would upload a video myself, but the footage I recorded is awful.

    Alma Reynard

    Oh fuck!

    Longest night of my fucking life!

    You don't even know the damage you're doing! The world needs people like me!

    Ergh, I just want to go to bed!

    Just tell me who sent you. I need to know.

    Ugh, get me out of here!

    I won't even give you the satisfaction.

    Ugh, Jesus fucking Christ almighty!

    Sierra Knox

    Look, listen I have have money and I have access, whatever you want, we can make it happen.

    Oh God, okay, deep breaths.

    I don't know who you're working for but I guarantee our benefits packages are better. Just think about it.

    I just need to get out of here, I just need to find a way out.

    I've come too far to go out like this.

    Keep it together.

    Robert Knox

    Let me go, I'm Robert Knox goddammit! You can't do this to me you bastard! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that! Please don't hurt me!

    Look, I can't take this! I'm sorry, help me somebody!

    Let me go! Please! Let me go! I'm a brilliant mind and the world needs me!

    Oh shit. What have I-what have I done to you?! Shit!

    Don't you freaking touch me! I'm serious, lay off me, please! Lay off me!

    You're not getting away with this! I'm probably the only one who can help you now, so put the weapon away!

    What do you want? It's my money, isn't it? That's what you people always want. How much this time? How much?!

    Don't you know who I am, boy? You're making a big mistake. Nobody points a gun at me and gets away with it.

    No, no, don't shoot! I can make you richer than you've ever dreamed of! Think! Be smart!

    Andrea Martinez

    Let me go, please! Please, have mercy.

    Why me?

    This is just a dream. I'm waking up any second now.

    Killing me won't get you anywhere. Really! I just do the paperwork!

    What did I do to deserve this?!

    I shake hands! I sign shit! I'm not like them! Just let me go, I'll...I'll completely disappear. I swear.

    Jorge Franco

    Someone help us!

    Wait, wait ,wait! We can't die like this! We're a man of science and we still have unfinished work!

    panicked crying sounds

    Wait, let's be reasonable. Let's apply some logic here. It's obviously hired, which means it must have a price, so let's figure out a deal!

    It can't end like this! We won't let it! There's still so much we need to do!

    We'll be good Lord, just get us out of here!

    Rico Delgado

    Who put you up to this, huh?! You know, it doesn't matter who. I've got enemies all around me, but I promise you one thing, none of them pay the same as me! I can see that you're a businessman, just like me, huh? So just-just ask me you know? Plata o plomo. Silver or-or lead. I'll make you rich!

    Oh my fucking god! Dios mio, no! This is a nightmare!

    Listen man. If you let me live I will pay you twice the money you're getting right now to take care of the bastard who sent you after me!

    God dammit no! This can't be happening!

    Oh man, what did I do to deserve this?! Why me?!

    Oh, this is not a good place, this is not a good place! Oh my god I can't do this!

    Dawood Rangan

    Do you really think YOU of all people on this Earth have the right to end MY life? Who are you even?! A nobody. Some thug no one will remember! Any mark you make in the world will be a mere SHADOW compared to all that I've TOUCHED!

    Unthinkable, this is unthinkable!

    I refuse to give you the satisfaction!

    This situation should have never gotten this far.

    Oh...ooh…whimpering sounds

    I can't do this!

    Vanya Shah

    Do you care at all about the voids of power you leave in your wake, hitman?

    It is not my time yet. I am not this weak!

    Who will take care of these people if I'm gone?

    I will live to find a better death than this.

    Please help me god!

    Oh fucking god no, this is just a dream!

    Wazir Kale AKA The Maelstrom

    Oh shit. Come on. You're going to ruin you're nice clothes. Just to off a nobody like me? That's, uh, well nobody wants that, right?

    This is way too much! Way, WAY too much!

    Hmph! You don't have the right to pull that trigger, boy! You know why? Because you're no match for the Maelstrom. I'm a living legend and you're just some two-bit punk with a death wish!

    What a mess! What a goddamn unacceptable mess!

    Did my business partner send you? Just, uh, okay. Tell her she can have the shares. As many as she wants.

    This is not acceptable! Don't they know who I am?! Dammit!

    I'll be good, God. Just get me out of here!

    So this is all what it comes down to. The great Maelstrom and some juvenile delinquent with a gun. Ironic I guess. But it won't end here. You want to know why? Because the gods won't allow it. It would be an abomination if a low-life like you pulled that trigger.

    Nolan Cassidy

    Woah, woah! There's no need for this. Let's just talk, okay?

    This isn't happening!

    This can't be how it ends, it just can't be!

    Wait, wait wait wait wait, just take it easy.

    I don't believe this!

    Okay, I get it. You mean business. I can work with that. Just, take it easy, okay?

    Hey! Just, relax, okay? Let's work something out, alright?


    My dear child, look at me. Do you really think that I fear death? I only fear dying a traitor. So go ahead, and try your worst.

    Old. Old and weak. I have no fight left in me.

    I'm bored. Pull the trigger.

    You might be old, Janus, but this is not the time! Not yet! Dammit!

    I'm ready. Go ahead, my boy. You earned this.

    This is bad. Maybe as bad as 1963. I got out then, I'll get out now!

    This could be the end, Janus. This could finally be the end.

    Point that thing at me all you want, I'm not gonna talk. Do what you gotta do, boy.

    Zoe/Sophia Washington

    You think you're the first person who thought they had the better of me?

    This isn't funny anymore!

    Ha ha!

    This can't be happening! I haven't even peaked yet!

    Listen, a guy like you? You've got skills, I've got skills. We can get things done in the world, I know you don't want to waste that!

    Somebody help me, somebody save me, oh god!

    Please help me GOD!

    Come on, what-what about my sister? Do you know what happens to twins when one of them dies?

    Athena Savalas

    You can't do this! I-I'm IMPORTANT here, you know?!

    Someone end this already!

    This, this isn't supposed to happen! I-I had everything under control!

    Deep...breaths. This will all be...under control shortly...any...second.

    Do you want money? You KNOW I have money!

    I can handle this. I can, I can.

    Ljudmila Vetrova

    Just, just let me leave! I-I want to go anyway, you'll never hear from me again! No one will!

    C-come- come on! We're-we're like-minded people, you and I! I can tell! We know how the world really works and-and you can't just snuff out a kindred spirit!

    Steven Bradley

    My guy! My dude! Buddy! Bro! Listen! Don't do this!

    Hey, hey hey! Woah, woah woah, hey hey!

    Tyson Williams

    Hey man, you want to disappear? I can help you disappear. I know that sounds like a threat, but I mean it in a good way.

    No, no no no…

    I hate this.

    Oh fuck...

    Now if I missed anything or if I seemed to have misheard certain pieces of dialogue, don't be afraid to correct me. Also Vetrova and Bradley did have more to say, I'm very sure those were generic NPC responses as these targets happen to share the same voice actor as certain generic NPCs.

    EDIT: Fixed some typos

    submitted by /u/CrystalBlue2000
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    Legacy Escalation - The Teague Temptation SA 0:51

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:55 PM PST

    A cross section of Absolution's death factory

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:56 AM PST

    Hitman 2: quick ideas for bonus missions:

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    I doubt we'll see any bonus missions for Hitman 2 but it's fun to think what could be done with the basic levels if they switched up various things in a similar manner to Landslide or a House built on Sand. Here are some ideas for the various levels:

    Haven Island: No Refund

    Good evening 47, we're sending you back to Haven Island in the Maldives. A young Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, Todd Cameron, and 90s Hip Hop Sensation 'Master Commander' (real name Malcolm Martin) have rented the island to host a massive concert festival, 'Aurora Festival' (named after Cameron's startup) that they claim will give people the best weekend of their lives and a taste of what it's like to live like a star. Unfortunately the festival has turned out to be a total disaster, it seems as though Cameron and his company have hugely cut back on promised attractions and facilities leaving hundreds of people in overcrowded, shoddy tents instead of the promised villas with barely any food, water or service. The musical acts have been a similar disaster with many artists pulling out due to lack of payment. Tensions have run dangerously high with rumors of vast amount of grift and even some deaths thanks to the terrible facilities for handling such a large group of people. A group of particularly aggrieved, and connected, partygoers have hired us to assassinate Cameron and Master Commander while both are still on the island trying to placate the angry customers.

    Takes place late in the evening, huge crowds of angry, dirty, hungry and tired partygoers are scattered all across the island, with lots of shoddy looking tents on the beaches and just general chaos as frustrated drunk people are wrecking the place. The bar area is in shambles and there are about 10 people in each of the huts, all fighting over various little things like money and beds. Cameron has locked himself into Tyson Williams old villa desperately trying to get things in order while Master Commander is outside trying to placate the angry crowds. Both will try to escape after a while due to the prospect of a riot.

    Mumbai: Last Light

    Good Evening 47, Mumbai is in the middle of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights and one of the biggest yearly events in India. It is said to celebrate the new beginnings and the triumph of light against darkness, which may be fitting in this case. Your Target is Satyajit Chopra, one of the most important politicians in the city, who has been making moves towards the national stage, some say he thinks himself to be the next Prime Minister of India. Chopra presents himself as a man of the people of the people, launching a crusade against endemic corruption in Mumbai, but has done much to quell his connections to organised crime as well as questionable industrial interests around Mumbai that has resulted in significant amounts of illegal pollution which has ruined the health and livelihood of many people. Now it seems as though his past has come back to bite him, with some of his criminal and political rivals hiring us to make sure this will be as far as his career goes.

    Takes place at night, Mumbai is lit up with the splendor of colours and light that mark this occasion, including fireworks going off constantly. The streets are buzzing with many vendors selling products through the night and people performing religious ceremonies either at home or in a new temple where the trainyard was. Chopra is wandering around talking to his constituents, building support for an upcoming election, and giving speeches. Fireworks can be stopped to create an opportunity.

    Isle of Sgail: Final Cut

    Good morning 47, once again you will be heading to the Isle of Sgail. Since the Ark society has cleared out from their yearly meetup the rock has reverted to its usual function as a tourist destination and historical site. In addition, it is currently being used as a filming location for the dark medieval fantasy television show 'Crown of Blood'. The show is one of the most popular in the world but it seems as though the showrunner, Adrian Plummer, has been having a major falling out with the studio behind the scenes. It seems that his vision for the series is not popular with the studio heads and they are particularly concerned that he wants to finish up his time on the series to pursue a lucrative opportunity at another studio without handing it over to another Showrunner, effectively ending the show several seasons early. In addition to that Plummer seems to be having an affair with the lead actress Scarlett Snyder, who's own influence and demands have been a headache and who has been supporting Plummer in his actions. Both have been cleared for elimination by the studio to get around contractual disputes, however to try and control the media blowup they have requested that both deaths be made to look like accidents. I myself must admit I'm curious to see how they'll write out Snyder's character in these circumstances. Good Luck.

    Takes place during a surprisingly calm summer day for North Scotland, with moving clouds sometimes making things overcast like in Colombia, Ideal for filming! A tour group is travelling around the island, which can rope in Plummer who has an interest in the area's history. A large part of the castle has been given over to the filming crew, a bit like in the Icon mission in Sapienza, with them in the process of attempting to film a scene in the courtyard area where the phoenix ceremony takes place during the regular mission, Plummer is usually here. Snyder spends a lot time in the tower which she has been using as sleeping quarters, along with some other members of the cast (who clearly aren't happy with the way things are going) who are scattered around the island, of course one of them is a bald guy who 47 can impersonate and do the scene instead of.

    Whittleton Creek: We All Scream

    Good evening 47, your next assignment will be taking you back to Whittleton Creek, an old client, Locksley, has tipped us off that there has been a series of sinister developments since Janus has been eliminated. A mysterious group has been buying up property around Whittleton, including Janus's and Cassidy's old houses, as well as the Schmidt residence. It seemed an odd coincidence that all three properties had violent deaths take place on their grounds and after some investigation it turns out that we were right to be suspicious. After several years under the radar the Liberation cult has returned, and they have somehow been made aware of the nature of these past deaths in the area. As part of their revival rituals they have congregated on Whittleton Creek during Halloween for unknown purposes. Their new leader, Marianne Blanche, and her lieutenant, Conrad Schwartz must be tracked down and assassinated before they are able to launch any new plots, and you must also uncover the precise nature of their plans before you leave. Hopefully we can finally stamp out this cult once and for all.

    Takes place during the dead of night during Halloween. Most of the neighborhood is concerned with the holiday, the Wilson's are having a dress up party again, there are groups of kids wandering around trick or treating and residences like the Batty's are done up with decorations and such. Some hooligan teens are throwing toilet paper over the statue near the Creek. Meanwhile the cultist members are trying to blend in, some of their outfits make passable Halloween costumes and they are around the neighborhood with several at the Wilson party. Blanche has set herself up in the old Schmidt house which they are using as a headquarters, the Janus and Cassidy residence are also being used by them. Schwartz is wandering around the neighborhood and will attempt to lure back notable people in the town (including Helen West, James Batty and the Wilsons) to one of the Cultists houses where they will be murdered. It turns out all of the cultists are secretly armed and they are attempting to preform a ritual where they murder people on the site of the old murders to gain insight into the souls of the dead (or something like that). You can find their plans in various ways, such as hacking one of their laptops, opening a safe or eavesdropping on a conversation between Blanche and Schwartz. Tons of Halloween outfits to disguise yourself as of course, maybe even old ones like the Vampire magician or Scarecrow.

    Hawke's Bay: All Eyes on Me

    Good Afternoon 47, its one of the hottest days in New Zealand history and as such high time to be visiting the beach. While there you may find the time to deal with you next target, supermodel and social media royalty Soledad Navarro. Navarro is one of the most popular users on instagram and keeps millions of fans hooked daily with her photos and vlogs, she earns huge amounts of money from endorsement deals and special appearances and just her showing up tends to turn just about any setting into the party of the century. However, just underneath this shining facade lies a darker story. Navarro got her start with Dalia Margolis, which means her career involved a lot of intrigue and blackmail in addition to the usual makeup spots and photo shoots. Although IAGO has long since been put out of action and most of the models involved fearfully trying to conceal any activities they might have been partaken in for their own safety Navarro seems to think that her profile has made her untouchable. As such she has been attempting to blackmail some dangerous and powerful figures with the information she was privy to during her time in IAGO, as well as with certain actions she preformed during her stint as a spy. Unfortunately for Navarro, she doesn't seem to appreciate just how out of her depth she really is, and we have been hired by one of her old lovers, a certain Saudi Sheikh, to permanently silence her. Good Luck 47, I shall leave you to prepare.

    Compared to Nightcall this mission takes place on a beautiful, sweltering summer's day (by New Zealand standards at least). The beach is packed with holiday goers, and has gameplay tweaks to make it more like the Haven island beaches with you and NPCs being able to wade out into the water (and drown if you knock someone out there). People are making sandcastles, cooking meals, playing volleyball and laying out in the sun. Meanwhile Navarro is inside Reynard's old house with security conducting lots of photo shoots. She'll wander around the house doing this sort of thing and then out into the beach where she'll vlog on her phone (having her guys remove people from her section of the beach). 47 can do things like disguise himself as a photographer and direct her into potentially dangerous situations, maybe a shark attack is a possibility.


    So that's some ideas for bonus missions I think would be cool, curious to hear what people think and if they have their own ideas.

    submitted by /u/Khwarezm
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    I know this is a Hitman sub...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    But can we all give a bit of nostalgic love to the other masterpiece IO had a part in? Freedom Fighters was a completely amazing game with a decent story and good mechanics for its time. I'd love to see IO do something like FF again sometime!

    submitted by /u/Aumnix
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    Breaking and Entering Challenge Pack now live!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Head into Whittleton Creek and become your inner burglar to get the ICA titanium Crowbar

    Public Enemy No.1- Pacify 3 Police Deputies (Don't let bodies be found)

    The Keymaker- Pick up 5 keys

    Forgot My Keys- With a Crowbar, unlock the doors of the Cassidy, Janus, Schmitt and West Properties -SPOILER FOR CROWBAR LOCATION- Crowbar is located on the construction site near the creek in the corner of the map.

    Breaking and Entering- Complete all the above.

    Bonus: The Bahadur Dexterity (Marrakesh) and The Teague Temptation (Paris) legacy escalations are also live!

    submitted by /u/teallen96
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    Patient Zero virus is more like a parasite?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Think about it. A parasite needs a host to survive, and to stop the infection from spreading we need to kill the hosts of the virus. Maybe it would be considered a parasitic-virus hybrid? Anyway, just something to think about.

    submitted by /u/alexg1936389
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    I can't even load into the game

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Whenever I hit play on the startup menu it loads a black screen, Geforce loads and so does steam overlay, but then it just crashes straight to desktop with no error messages. Everything is properly updated and all of the files are validated. This happened a few months ago and after I couldn't find a fix I just uninstalled it. I reinstalled it today and the problem persists.

    submitted by /u/AH_Ace
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    Hopefully hitman 3 the weapons have actual skins

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Instead of a coloured sticker with a 3 on it

    I still feel a little ripped off that they did that instead of spending 5 minutes to actually texture them

    submitted by /u/Splatulated
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