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    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Hitman Youtubers and streamers when they use the clown suit and fish

    Hitman Youtubers and streamers when they use the clown suit and fish

    Youtubers and streamers when they use the clown suit and fish

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    IOI, you're killing me here.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:25 PM PST

    All ten ICA agents killed in an unfortunate workplace accident. expertly done, 47.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:40 PM PST

    TIL Carl Ingram's voice actor from HITMAN 2 and 3 also voiced Doctor Ort-Meyer way back in Codename 47. Nearly 20 years ago.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Wtf man

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Noticed a detail that makes the ending even more satisfying

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:29 PM PST

    World of Assassination Roulette 3.00!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:26 AM PST

    World of Assassination Roulette 3.00!

    Update v3.00 to the World of Assassination Roulette is live!


    New features for the World of Assassination Roulette:

    • Hitman 3 and all its missions have been integrated! While this is an ongoing process, it should be more than satisfactory for people looking for a Hitman Roulette with lots of options for tweaking.
    • New options specific to Hitman 3 levels, such as an option to enable/disable the "Cinematic Start Locations" such as skydiving to the exterior of the Burj Al-Ghazali.
    • Special options for Berlin (Apex Predator) - choose to generate conditions for generic (player's choice) targets, specific (named) targets, or a 50/50 chance to be either! (This is still a work in progress and you may need to re-roll until the conditions are correct.)
    • New Smuggled Item Roulette options - choose to generate from all possible locations or by Smuggled Item size restriction.
    • Nightcall Guard KO option - Generate an extra challenge for Hawke's Bay (Nightcall) where you will be tasked with pacifying a random number of guards with a random weapon!

    Play it here: https://3facedjanus.github.io/


    If you're an obsessive new-generation Hitman player like me, you've probably enjoyed several hours of fun with Hitman Roulette, either from Kotti (Hitman Roulette) or Hitmaps (https://roulette.hitmaps.com/). I love both of these, but I felt that there were a few options and tweaks that I could try to add. I woke up a few days later, having made my own roulette. Here's the breakdown:

    Things the World of Assassination Roulette can do that they don't:

    • Has full roulette options for The Final Test and Nightcall (which Kotti's randomizer doesn't have) and Freeform Training (which neither have).
    • Pick-and-choose between five different major kill condition types, additionally differentiating between items / weapons found in-level and items / weapons that are loadout-only . You can also choose from several levels of specificity for each type – such as guns by overall type, by type and loud/silenced, or by specific model name. Want kill conditions that are in-level guns only? Loadout explosives only? Generic accidents only? Just tweak the checkboxes to your heart's content.
    • Objective Roulette – Randomize the conditions for completing required mission objectives – the Virus in Sapienza, the Data in New York, the Constant in Sgail, and even the Clues in Whittleton Creek. This can be turned off if you want to just keep the roulette to the targets.
    • Nonlethal weapons are added to the options! This will add kill conditions that say, "Kill (Target) after pacifying them with (Nonlethal melee weapon)." Finally, you can get some real use out of the Crystal Ball / Violin / etc. or those cool-looking rare nonlethal weapons like the Khatvanga or the Imperial Filigree Eggs.
    • A "Sniper Assassinations" option for when you want to sometimes use sniper rifles even if otherwise you select in-level conditions.
    • A "Player's Choice Kills" option that will let you kill a target with any method if you're lucky.
    • Agency Pickup Roulette, which randomizes the location of your Agency Pickup (if you're using one).
    • Has a "Trim Down Melee Weapons" option to limit in-level killing tools to some of the more interesting options (instead of getting Screwdriver or Kitchen Knife again and again…)
    • An option to warn you about insanely difficult in-level accident kills that require you to drag a target across the map, such as killing Reza Zaydan with electricity or killing Sierra Knox by drowning or killing Nolan Cassidy by pushing him off a ledge. (Trust me, it's harder than you think it is.)
    • Pick-and-choose from various disguise condition types, including suit only, guard only, cook only, or any combination of these and others.
    • Loose Disguise Only mode, where the roulette will only specify disguise conditions that can be found without pacifying or killing anyone – perfect if you want a no pacifications / no civilian kills roulette run.
    • Turn Start / Exit randomization on or off.
    • Choose starts by All Starts, Suit Starts Only, or Undercover Starts Only.
    • Option to require a disguise for when you exit the mission.
    • An easy "Advance to Next Mission" button that moves you along through the campaign.
    • A scorecard to tally up your points over an entire campaign (if you're an absolute dork like me).
    • Various other nifty options.

    Things the World of Assassination Roulette can't do that they do:

    • No non-main campaign missions (No Bonus Missions or Special Assignments, though you can check out my Patient Zero Roulette and Sniper Assassin Roulette if you like!)
    • No Contracts mode
    • No Elusive Target conditions
    • No randomized extra restrictions as seen in Kotti's roulette
    • No Tournament mode as seen in the Hitmaps roulette
    • No popout window
    • No support for Blood Money or any other game outside the World of Assassination games.

    If you want to give it a try, check it out here: https://3facedjanus.github.io/

    My DMs are open here and on Reddit and I'm still an amateur at html/javascript, so if you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to message me / comment! (But read my list of planned features at the bottom before you do, please.)

    Thanks for reading! Now I'll leave you to prepare…

    submitted by /u/BTWNM
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    This is for Lucas Grey, motherfucker.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:48 PM PST

    top notch security in miami

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:09 PM PST

    Petition & open letter to IOI: Please put the elusive targets for Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 on rotation or permanently unlock them now that Hitman 3 is out!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:50 AM PST

    IOI, I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart.

    Ever since I was a small kid I loved the Hitman games. I vividly remember sitting with my PS2 in the early 00s and playing Hitman 2 Silent Assassin, being amazed with the concept and how much fun it was. Bought every game in the series and while some were less good than others it was still a great time.

    These days, I would love to buy Hitman 3 and play it 24/7 but due to covid money is super tight these days. For me, the time in lockdown these past months was mostly spent on playing the first two games of the new trilogy. I completed all the challenges, escalations, maxed out mastery and played as many custom contracts as I could. But I'm missing unlocks because of the missed elusive targets and it's killing me inside to see that.

    I think I get what IOI was going for with this concept. And I'm sure at the time it was topical and a great ride for everyone involved. But for me and maybe others who got the game later due to various real life reasons, missed dates because of commitments or other issues, or simply failed a mission due to a player mistake or game bug - for all of us it would be so great to have the ability to finally finish those targets to actually 100% the games, get the remaining unlocks and play around with these mission variants.

    I am fully convinced it would take very little effort to either put elusive targets on weekly rotation or unlock them once and for all for the first two games. You could simply disable leaderboards to not take anything away from the original idea of elusive targets and those who completed them at the time. This way people can 100% the game and get the unlocks while the players who were along for the original ride know their efforts won't retroactively get diminished.

    Please IOI, I'm not sure how big or small the amount of players is who want this. But I know you are passionate about the Hitman franchise and did great things with this series. It wouldn't hurt anyone to give this back to your players. So please, to beg a last time, please make this possible!

    submitted by /u/noise-gate-of-hell
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    Most challenge xp i have ever gotten on Paris at once. Sucks that the “light rig” assassination is bugged, but I still think this is pretty awesome:)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Well Well Well ... How The Turntables ...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    [Videogamedunkey] Going Big Mode on Hitman 3

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    IO has said they may revisit maps from H1 and H2 for DLC. Here are some ideas.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:48 PM PST

    1. Paris, but it's been reverted back to its normal state as a museum (all fashion show stuff is gone), and apart from the hit, the side objective is heisting a historic document that's on display (but isn't really the historic document, it's actually a piece of information the client has been trying to recover until the target through the was clever and hid it in the highly secured museum display).

    2. Colorado, set during a massive Halloween party taking place at the abandoned Apricot Farm. Target is a millionaire social media ghost hunting star who is responsible for one of his crew members deaths during a staged haunting event, and the deceased crew member's father wants revenge.

    3. Hawke's Bay, a Burning Man type festival taking place on the beach during a gorgeous evening, the house is under new ownership and full of party goers, targets are a pair of guests at the party.

    4. Miami, set during an Independence Day celebration with a secret illegal arms bazaar occurring in the locked off Expo Center. Targets are the seller and purchaser of a dangerous weapon.

    5. Mumbai, set at night during a widespread power outage caused by a terrorist attack committed by the remnants of The Crows gang as they fight to seize power over the district from the real estate moguls swooping in to gentrify and the private security teams they've hired.

    6. Whittleton Creek, Holiday Hoarders 2, Christmas time, track down a couple of burglars and end them before they ruin Christmas.

    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    What a unique and interesting new suit I have never seen anything like it (the one on the left is from completing Dubai lvl 20)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:30 AM PST

    Yeeehaaa Imogen Royce

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:39 AM PST

    More Hitman Is Coming - IO Interactive Is "already looking to the future"

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:38 AM PST

    How it feels to buy Hitman 3 on consoles when you had Hitman 2 on PC. (At least the VR mode was pretty darn good.)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:37 PM PST

    Just completed every challenge in Hitman 3. Took me about 45 hours.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Hitman became so scary

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:47 PM PST

    Hey, love the suit, classic look.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:50 PM PST

    But you're not getting through here. This area's restricted.

    submitted by /u/crown_brooklyn
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    I found something interesting out of bounds on Dartmoor

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    "47" Fan Art by Me (instagram.com/vamkire_trannel) -- Agent 47, patiently waiting for that perfect moment to strike, brandishing his signature rifle with a dead target right next to him.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:12 AM PST

    I might've been trying to do The Groom and might've gotten spotted and might've gone apeshit.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

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