• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    Hitman Good news guys, Epic is looking into the issue

    Hitman Good news guys, Epic is looking into the issue

    Good news guys, Epic is looking into the issue

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    IOI Removing the Electrocution Phone hoping players won't notice

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    LEGO Build of Bangkok from Hitman (2016)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:47 PM PST

    La Cucaracha, the best second Hitman (2016) easter egg after kraken

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:59 PM PST

    I created a diagram showing how to access each piece of HITMAN 3 content. I call it, to quote IOI, "nice and simple".

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:28 AM PST

    Access into the Ether Lab requires both a keycard and a uniform

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:41 PM PST

    Luckily, it seems that both are within reach.

    submitted by /u/titaniumjordi
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    Just went though Hitman 1 and 2 and The Constant honestly kind of impressed me. (Spoilers)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:06 PM PST

    Step 1: Be The Constant.

    Step 2: Hack the Partners Identity Transfer Protocol one quiet Thursday night to give everything to you if it's used.

    Step 3: Quietly serve loyaly and wait for who knows how long for some idiot with a grudge against Providence to come along.

    Step 4: Find some other idiot who you can manipulate into aiding Providence so the Partners don't get sus.

    Step 5: Make sure that the latter idiot WILL turn against Providence and aid grudgeman given the right circumstances.

    Step 6: Wait for them to turn sides.

    Step 7: Inject yourself with a fucking kill switch so The Partners don't get sus.

    Step 8: Allow yourself to be captured, and possibly fucking TORTURED to give the grudge people and the turned guy the info they need. (Of course, torture is unlikely since you plan to give them precisely what they want ANYWAY.)

    Step 9: While you are there, quietly sow the seeds of doubt between the lot of them for later use.

    Step 10: Wait for transfer protocol to be confirmed.

    Step 11: FUCKING LEG IT

    The only thing he needs to do to perfect this plan is vanish himself and retire peacefully in the Maldives and TBH I think if he does that he fucking earned it.

    Sadly, I don't think The Constant is the type to retire, and more likely he's going to use that power and influence to cause trouble... Good thing we're the best hitman in the world.

    submitted by /u/Kylestien
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    i love hitman

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    not much more to say. i love the games

    submitted by /u/georgikens_waaah
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    I love a good stealth game!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:57 PM PST

    How everyone feels right now

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

    I’ve just found a new shortcut!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    I haven't even unlocked it yet. Why didn't they just change the use of it from being a 'accidental kill' to.. not an 'accidental kill'? I know it messes with leaderboards but, personally I don't care about leaderboards and just want to play a fun game with cool gadgets.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:52 AM PST

    Unanswered questions that IO has STILL not addressed, 4 days before launch!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:51 AM PST

    There are only 4 more days until the game launches and there are still plenty of unanswered questions that IOI has still yet to address:

    How much do the access passes cost?

    After IO dropped the bomb that PC players would have to re-purchase HITMAN 2 in the form of an access pass, they decided to intentionally leave out the prices of every access pass that will be available. The Epic Games store does not have these passes available in the store yet. As someone who does not want to wait another whole year for the game, I would like to at least know what I am forced to pay for content I already own :/

    How do achievements carryover to HITMAN 3? (Do they carryover at all?!)

    In yesterday's horrible pre-launch guide post, IO failed to mention how or if achievements will be carried over as part of the progression carryover. From yesterday's post: "After completing the carryover process, HITMAN 2 players will be able to start HITMAN 3 with their existing player profile, XP rank, location mastery levels, location mastery unlocks, challenge progress, challenge unlocks and Elusive Target suits/unlocks. " No mention on how achievements will carryover or if they will carryover AT ALL. Would be a shame if we have to redo every HITMAN 1 and 2 achievement in HITMAN 3.

    How will Elusive Targets be reworked (if at all)?

    In an earlier post by IO, they announced every "game mode" that will be in HITMAN 3. When describing Elusive Targets, they said that "we're making some changes to the Elusive Target formula that we'll reveal at a later date". It's 4 days until launch and we STILL have heard NOTHING about the new formula (or if ETs will even still be in the game!).

    How can we unlock the phantom suit that was originally a ghost mode unlock?

    All they have said is that it will be an unlock in HITMAN 3, but nothing about how it will be available as an unlock.

    What bug fixes will HITMAN 3 bring that weren't addressed in HITMAN 2?

    HITMAN 2 still has many bugs that weren't addressed after the final patch came to the game. Will HITMAN 3 address these bugs or will the game be buggy from launch and IO will patch them throughout the game's lifetime?

    Why can't PC players pre-load the game?

    IO confirmed that PC players will be the only players that will not be able to pre-load the 70 GB game before launch. Could we at least know WHY?!

    Will contracts mode get any more features?

    A lot of people have been asking for contracts mode to have more creative features that will allow creators to make conditions similar to escalations. So far we have heard nothing about contracts mode.

    What post-launch support can we expect?

    We can assume that HITMAN 3 will be a live service similar to the games before it, but what exactly can we expect? As I stated earlier, we still have heard nothing about the new ET formula. Will we get HITMAN 1 and 2 legacy ETs in rotation as well? Are there going to be any (DLC) expansions? Will there be any seasonal missions like Holdiay Horders and Hokkaido Snow Festival?

    After the final month of new content, how long will the HITMAN 3 servers stay up?

    I know this is far into the future, but eventually, IO will stop content support for HITMAN 3, like the games before it. When this happens, how long will the servers stay up (since this is a single-player game with fucking always online requirement)? When the servers eventually go down, will challenges and escalations be available to play offline? Will ETs be permanently available after the servers go down as well?!

    4 days until launch, and there are still many unanswered questions that IO has still yet to address.

    submitted by /u/Dylpooh
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    Elusive target suits (SPOILERS I QUESS)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Location suits are now part of level mastery so no more time limited suits

    submitted by /u/Bazynoooooob
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    Hmm... Look Similar?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:27 AM PST

    $49.99 on Amazon & Target

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:39 AM PST

    For anyone sticking with Hitman 2 for the next 12 months, here's a completion checklist spreadsheet I made!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:57 AM PST

    I worked on this ages ago. It's mostly complete barring some details under the 'Armory' tab. I've made the cells you don't need to enter any data under protected, so if you go to "View > Protected ranges" you'll be able to see where I intended users enter their data. There's also some comments under the top rows.

    • On the Level Data tab, enter your completion stats from within the game into the main matrix. Essentially, every blank cell corresponds to some form of level completion data from the game - apart from the achievements cell (H2) which cannot automatically calculate. Everything else auto-calculates. Elusive targets will remain crossed out unless you've already met some completion with them, and for them the "Target" column is for killing them while "Extras" is for whether you attempted the target and whether you killed them with an SA rating.

    • The Breakdown tab doesn't require you to enter any data for the most part. It's a simple overview of your progress and letting you know about where you're at with some of the big milestones for each level if you're aiming for something less than 100% completion. The only thing you need to enter here (if you want to) are some of the game statistics

    • The Armory tab allows you to tick any white checkboxes when you acquire them. The red checkboxes will automatically flag once you've met the requirements under the Level Data tab!

    submitted by /u/AlJoelson
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    Sub is getting to SPOILERY for now

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:50 AM PST

    The titles are getting to much spoiler text for my taste.

    What do you people think 🤔

    submitted by /u/ThatDree
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    If you could see any old map from a previous hame remastered what map would you pick.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:28 PM PST

    I would pick the hell party from blood money.

    submitted by /u/BillNyeNotAUSSRSpy
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    Was anyone else disappointed that there wasn’t a scam call center in “Chasing A Ghost”

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    I was completely expecting to have a scam call center in Mumbai, maybe that was how Rangan got rich enough to build his tower, etc. Would have been really cool if you could find a fake business in the slums full of PCs and scammers. Possibly there was an issue with the call center and Rangan had to come down and fix it, allowing you to kill him. What's your thoughts on this idea. I think it would have been really cool.

    submitted by /u/EpicZomboy28
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    Which new map are you most looking forward to?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:24 AM PST

    As per the title.

    submitted by /u/SS_Carpathia
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    42 Days of suits (Day 39) Summer Suave Suit

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:02 PM PST

    I'm so hyped for Hitman 3

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Elusive Target Change Suggestion

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:33 AM PST

    Just had an idea for a change in how ETs work in H3. I know we all hate the time limited nature and IOI seem to hate making them completely permanent so here's somewhat of a compromise.

    ETs will appear on the location they are in and you can complete them as normal. They still don't appear as red in instinct etc. However, if you fail you have to wait 48hours before you attempt again (explain it as an escape or the target preparing to return). Then after that 48hours you can attempt it again BUT there are more guards, NPCs etc and maybe the target changes their patrol pattern and other changes. The wait plus difficulty increase still encourages you to be 'perfect' in your first run.

    However, if you're willing to wait longer (e.g. 72 hours) then you can attempt as if it was your first go again (like the target has gone off 'high alert'). EDIT: just thought I'd add every time you fail the difficulty goes up slightly.

    I know making time blocked content in single player games is also a bit crap but this could be a compromise between what IOI want and what fans want. It could also allow all locations in H3 to have their legacy ETs ready to go and people who haven't got any ET suits could unlock them this way.


    submitted by /u/UltiMarv
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