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    Hitman First 5 Minutes of Hitman 3's Opening Dubai Mission

    Hitman First 5 Minutes of Hitman 3's Opening Dubai Mission

    First 5 Minutes of Hitman 3's Opening Dubai Mission

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Whacky waving

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    happy new year!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:06 AM PST

    That hurt me mentally and you physically

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    Tactical brilliance, there.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Santa Fortuna pitch meeting

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Santa Fortuna pitch meeting

    Designer: "So for this level, we picked a real country of course, went for a nice balmy region. But I invented a town and named it to give us a little leeway with design. The centerpiece is this huge luxurious mansion owned by the primary guy we're going to kill, complete with a team of gardeners, chefs in the kitchen, staff doing laundry, the works. There's also an entire village. The village has stores, people fishing, some tourists here for the summer, though not too much mission-related. And from both the village and the mansion, there are entrances to the underground, which is the headquarters for the really shady stuff the target has going on."

    Boss: "You already pitched me that destination. It's called Sapienza."

    Designer: "No, no, this one's new. And it's got other stuff too. There's jungle and fields, where they grow and process cocaine."

    Boss: "Ooh, a cocaine plantation! I imagine a lot of people might like that part of the map best!"

    Designer: "Not even one person will, no."

    Boss: "I'm a little worried about that underground, though. Some people didn't like having to head down there every time in The World of Tomorrow, so we've got to keep this place interesting."

    Designer: "Oh, we will. There are these smugglers stuffing drugs in toys. And there are these mine shafts, and mine supports. And mine tracks, from when this was a mine."

    Boss: "This was a mine? What did they mine here?"

    Designer: "Unclear. And to enter, you duck in and pass under a waterfall, and find yourself in a cave with a submarine!"


    Boss: "Nope, can't do it."

    Designer: "What do you mean? We've already got it all mapped out."

    Boss: "47 can't get into deep water, and we can't get him wet. The tech would be a nightmare."

    Designer: "Oh ... okay. I guess I could stick a door in the rock, slightly to the left of the waterfall?"

    Boss: "Perfect. Now tell me about this sub.

    Designer: "Well, the engineer who operates the thing is home sick. He got injured, see. Walks with a limp."

    Boss: "Oh, did you have to record a special animation for that?"

    Designer: "No, we'll just use the one we made for the Point Man in Colorado. So, 47 dresses himself in this guy's clothes, sabotages the sub, and it knocks the target, Rico Delgado, into the water and kills him!"

    Boss: "Do you think this'll ever get old? Disguising yourself and then tinkering with some device that has a clear fatal flaw so it blows up in the target's face?"

    Designer: "Someday, maybe. But not yet."

    Boss: "How else can you kill Rico?

    Designer: "You can feed him to a hippo."

    Boss: "What."

    Designer: "There's actually a reason behind this. Pablo Escobar historically kept a bunch of hippos, and Rico's a Colombian cocaine kingpin just like him. The descendants of Escobar's hippos still roam Colombia today, and they're a big problem."

    Boss: "I don't need the explanation. You had me at 'hippo'."

    Designer: "I know, right? But to lure the hippo out, we hint that need you need to feed him meat first. So we'll stash a meaty bone somewhere a bit away but logical, like in the kitchen's freezer."

    Boss: "No, let's put the bone right next to the hippo."

    Designer: "But this is supposed to be a sort of puzzle. Finding the bone is part of that."

    Boss: "Maybe on master mode, but I want people feeding Rico to the hippo, so let's make sure they feed Rico to the hippo. Now who's the other target?

    Designer: "Her name is Andrea Martinez."

    Boss: "Ooh, tell me about Andrea Martinez!"

    Designer: "Well, Andrea Martinez, she's ... well, she's ... "

    Boss: "You ... you're not finishing your sentence. You're just holding your hands in front of you, cupping imaginary breasts."

    Designer: "Exactly."

    Boss: "Okay, how do you kill Andrea Martinez?"

    Designer: "We have a couple of cool ways to kill her over on a construction site."

    Boss: "Ha! Serves her right, hanging around a construction site."

    Designer: "Well no, it's a little more complicated than that. You have to lead her there in disguise, since she's actually quite far from the site."

    Boss: "How far?"

    Designer: "So far that we figure it'd be exhausting to trek there with her, so she instead tells you she'll meet you there."

    Boss: "Wow. So you're walking from one corner of the map to the opposite corner?"

    Designer: "From one former to *an* opposite corner, yeah. And to walk from where you get the disguise to where Andrea is, you have to trek from a different corner, about as far away."

    Boss: "How big IS this map?"

    Designer: "Oh, so big."

    Boss: "So, those are our targets then."

    Designer: "There's a third. Jorge!"

    Boss: "Wow, three targets. Are we going to see some fun interactions when Jorge runs into Rick or Andrea? We had that with the Colorado targets."

    Designer: "No, Jorge will never meet either of them, no matter what you do."

    Boss: "He just stays put?"

    Designer: "No, he has a circuit of his own, but he still goes nowhere near either of the other two targets."

    Boss: "How big IS this map?"

    Designer: "Oh, so big."

    Boss: "If Jorge's in his own area, how do you get to him?"

    Designer: "One way involves Torres Piombo, the hippie we're bringing back from Sapienza."

    Boss: "You mean the Bohemian?"

    Designer: "I'm calling him the hippie now. The hippie is delivering Jorge a cocaine statue, but it broke and he's searching for glue. So you've got to find glue yourself and repair the statue. Jorge will taste the cocaine, so you can poison the statue to kill him."

    Boss: "Let's put the glue right in the hippie's room. Don't want to make this too hard."

    Designer: "No, I'm putting my foot down this time. We're making this a puzzle, dammit!"

    Boss: "Okay, fine. So 47 glues the statue, poisons it, and the hippie takes it to Jorge."

    Designer: "Nono. 47 disguises himself as the hippie and goes himself."

    Boss: "Why can't he do it my way?"

    Designer: "Because I want the player to hear funny dialog when 47 pretends to be a hippie."

    Boss: "But you said the hippie was looking for glue. Wouldn't 47 hand the glue over, if he has some on him?

    Designer: "No. Not even if the hippie asks him directly."

    Boss: "Very inconsiderate of 47!"

    Designer: "If the hippie poisons Jorge, he'd stick around as the guards get suspicious, and they'd gun him down."

    Boss: "Very considerate of 47!"

    Designer: "So that's one way to infiltrate the tunnels. Getting into the mansion is a whole other deal. You can use P-Power."

    Boss: "As in, 'I need to use the bathroom'?"

    Designer: "No, P-Power. That's the name of a tattooist 47 can disguise himself as."

    Boss: "Well, that's sure going to be difficult. You can put on someone's clothes, sure, but you can't put on their tattoos."

    Designer: "Actually, you can. It turns out P-Power wears fake tattoos in the form of removable sleeves."

    Boss: "Oh. Sounds kind of like we're cheating there, because guards would otherwise see through that disguise."

    Designer: "Not really. It's more commenting on what a shitty tattooist P-Power is. See, the bartender has a giant facial tattoo, and when 47 dresses up as the bartender even without any tattoo, no one sees through that either."


    Boss: "Did P-Power do the bartender's tattoo?"

    Designer: "Yeah. That's more commentary on what a shitty tattooist P-Power is."

    Boss: "So, 47 goes to the mansion gate in disguise."

    Designer: "And then he meets Rico's wife, Catalina Delgado."

    Boss: "Ooh, tell me about Catalina Delgado!"

    Designer: "Well, Catalina Delgado, she's ... well, she's ... "

    Boss: "Okay, you're again not finishing your sentence, and this time, you're clenching your hands as though squeezing imaginary butt cheeks."

    Designer: "Exactly. So, you meet Catalina, she snaps a selfie with you, and then you get Rico alone and stick a needle right in his head. Boom! Silent assassin."

    Boss: "And you delete the selfie?"

    Designer: "No. You just leave."

    Boss: "We penalize the player for getting caught on camera looking innocent in a crowd on the other side of the map, but we're cool with letting them leave behind a clear facial shot immediately outside the room of the target they blatantly stabbed in the face?"

    Designer: "Yeah. Catalina's feed is pretty lame, see. She doesn't have many followers."

    Boss: "Fair enough. Is there anything else going on in the mansion?"

    Designer: "Well we've got this whole story about Andrea's ex, Hector. And to get him to go see her, we have to retrieve a love letter, which means knocking out a guard, who we identify through his limp."

    Boss: "Oh, did you have to record a special animation for that?"

    Designer: "No, we'll just use the Point Man one again."

    Boss: "I allocated considerable funds for motion capture. Where did it all go?"

    Designer: "Rico dancing, mostly."

    Boss: "What?"

    Designer: "Yeah, we have this ceremony in town, and Rico does a dance. And we have a full band playing instruments, which need their own special animations, and of course original music. Plus every NPC in town has to navigate their way there to watch."

    Boss: "How much of the total level budget went into that scene?"

    Designer: "That's actually why I'm here. We need more money now. We've spent all of it."

    Boss: "Well listen. I don't know if this Three-Headed Serpent is going to land in the absolute top tier of Hitman levels. But when we did the World of Tomorrow, we followed it up with some bonus missions that fleshed out the map, and we totally hit it out of the park."

    Designer: "Oh yeah! We can maybe show the town square at night, and we can do something with the huge, underused fishing village! If we do that, players will love it."

    Boss: "Yeah, or instead of that—"


    submitted by /u/dontironit
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    Why not just give Agent 47 a multi-tool?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    This isn't a serious criticism of the game, but if Agent 47 is always needing to pickup screwdrivers and wrenches, you'd think the agency could just buy him a multi-tool for Christmas lmao

    submitted by /u/FL3XOFF3NDER
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    Happy New Year

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    I was today years old when I realized there's actually a map.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:18 PM PST

    I restarted three-headed serpent cause I had forgotten where I placed my drummer outfit cause for some reason I'm addicted to changing outfits for no reason. Then during Chasing a Ghost, I forgot where the tailor shop is and I was like FUCK then pressed M, and there it was; in all its glory. I hate myself. This isn't even my first Hitman game. I've played every single Hitman game and I thought this one just didn't have a map for some reason.

    I literally made a Notepad++ file with where all my suits where too and just had it up on my 2nd monitor. It's fucked up

    submitted by /u/MathEnthusiast18
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    Dear IOI, all I want for Hitman 3 is...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:16 AM PST

    An unlockable screwdriver. Why in God's name isn't that an unlockable already? I mean we can unlock a wrench, why not a screwdriver?

    submitted by /u/Intigim
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    This looks exactly like the house in "you better watch out" in Hitman bloodmoney

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Good to see an old friend in the new game. My favourite outfit from Blood Money. Dance with the Devil mission would fit really well with the tone of the new trilogy.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:25 AM PST

    Are Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 (2018) maps also getting visual improvements with Hitman III?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:34 AM PST

    So, I watched the GameInformer gameplay and man, those graphics look good! So I wanted to know if the Hitman and Hitman 2 maps also get these visual improvements when we port the maps to Hitman III.

    submitted by /u/KHANNAX
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    Completed my first ever Suit Only, Silent Assassin tonight!!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:22 AM PST

    Been a fan of Hitman games for awhile, but was always afraid to attempt a suit only silent assassin run. I was able to do it on Paris tonight by pushing Dalia off the balcony and having her fall on Novikov. Such a great feeling!! Looking forward to attempting more

    submitted by /u/ThorOnADyna
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    [Fan-Art] Shadows

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:00 AM PST

    HITMAN 3 | First 5 Minutes Opening Dubai Mission Gameplay | Detailed Breakdown

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:21 PM PST

    I am actually struggling to sleep because I'm so excited for hitman III

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    I'm not kidding when I say I can't sleep because I'm constantly thinking about hitman III so I will have to live through it for 20 days lol

    submitted by /u/bruh_inspector
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    HAPPY NEW YEAR 42 Days of suits (Day 23)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Hitman 2 was one of the best games I played in 2020

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST

    So I guess I should first admit, I'm a bit late to the show. I loved Hitman 2016 when I played it last year (yeah I know also late) but this year I also played Hitman 2 and wow! I thought Hitman 2016 was amazing but Hitman 2 blew my socks off. Every level was impressive and amazing, the style and design was great, and the targets were so interesting.

    Miami might be one of my favorite levels in any game, because there's so much to do, it's such a diverse area, and both targets are interesting to kill. It feels like it delivers on the promise of what Sapienza was supposed to be. Then the Columbian mission had so many interesting approaches, I love the feeling of Mumbai's crowds, Whittleton Creek feels like a really strange but amazing level with almost a 50s feel to it, and the Isle of Spaig felt weak when I first started but on my third or fourth run I really fell for it, and it's the perfect "Finale" for Hitman 2.

    And that replayability is so good, I have over 70 hours into this game and feel like I need to go back for more. Having the Hitman 2016 levels appear was a great touch (I really hope they do the same for Hitman 3) and the small improvements are noticeable (the AI that doesn't instantly go berserk when you walk over an invisible line). I can't get over how big these games are.

    IO Interactive have done a fantastic job with this series, and I can't wait to play the next game... or at least will be looking forward to it being on Steam. I'm also now extremely hopeful for Project 007, because that should be interesting as well.

    I just felt like sharing some of my love. At the end of the year I think back to what really stood out in gaming for a year, and Hitman 2 was one of my favorites, even if its a bit dated, and I thought I'd share some of my praise since this subreddit has meant a lot to me.

    I love seeing the memes, the tricks, the speed runs and everything. This is a great community surrounding an amazing game that has so much depth, that I'm tempted to stick around as people dive into Hitman 3 and show off what they find in the new game.

    I actually did a video on the best games I played in 2020, if anyone wants to see more, it's available here

    submitted by /u/Kinglink
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    Going from Hitman 2 to 3

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    As I understand, The Items and suits that you've unlocked so far will be carried over to the new game. Is this accurate? Will completed challenges and feats carryover as well?

    submitted by /u/redblack2142
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    Fun Fact

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:10 PM PST

    Hitman 3 releases on the same day as the presidential inauguration. Here's the live countdown https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210120T09&p0=900&msg=Inauguration+2021&font=sanserif

    submitted by /u/tomdog1014
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    Miami - Silent Assassin, Suit Only, No Knockouts w/ Default Loadout (1:10)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Hitman 3 deluxe edition future proof?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:08 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been asked, but if I buy Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition will I be futureproof? Does it mean that I also will get the DLC/Expansions for "free"?

    submitted by /u/PapaLevy
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