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    Saturday, November 14, 2020

    Hitman I guess I'm the hitman when I apply for job interviews.

    Hitman I guess I'm the hitman when I apply for job interviews.

    I guess I'm the hitman when I apply for job interviews.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Why does this Russian target look familiar?...

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:20 AM PST

    Perfect Dismount

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    i need to use the bathroom. - Happy 20 years of needing to use the bathroom!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Suit only, kill everyone, no equipment, no alarm - possible?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:40 AM PST

    I had an idea for an intersting challenge:

    • suit only

    • kill everyone

    • no equipment of any kind at start of the game

    • can't pick up anything at all, except keys and keycards (and stuff required to complete a level). For added challenge - no keys or keycards allowed either

    • no level-wide compromised status - it's okay for someone to spot you, but they have to be dealt with quickly

    • you can't be shot at

    • you can use distractions which don't require any equipment, and you can interact with items if that doesn't require any equipment (eg. push something, disable fusebox, hide in a closet etc.)

    • you can't be caught on camera

    • you can move bodies

    • bodies can be found, as long as it doesn't compromise you

    Would it be possible?

    submitted by /u/MagicByNature
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    Hitman Absolution: Eliminating Wade and his gang (Purist difficulty & Su...

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Being an asshole is fun.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:36 AM PST

    I have come to kill targets and cosplay clowns... and I'm all out of targets

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    So i came up with a challenge....

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:59 AM PST

    Its called the Youtube Kids challenge, you can also call it pacifist, or whatever, it doesnt matter.

    Basically it works like this:

    >You can ONLY interact with the target. (NO pacification, NO killing)

    >You have to get SA. (NO evidence, etc)

    >You can only dress up, with disguises that lay around, NO knocking ppl out!

    >No loadout, that wouldnt be very family friendly to bring something like a pistol with you, right?

    >Difficulty is up to you, however i play on Professional (Hitman 2)

    >No shots heard, or anything like that. The point is, to leave NO CLUES AT ALL behind, as if you where an actual hitman. Knocked out people can still have some traces of dna from you (yes i know, door handles too, but thats not part of the challenge [you CAN try a no door challenge, but i think thats impossible] )

    Its pretty hard. However also very fun to solve. Sapienza was the only one until now that was possible.

    (there is a staff outfit under the kitchen, and by sneaking into the lab you can get a hazard suit to destroy the virus.)

    The point of the challenge is to leave nothing behind. A knocked-out guard, can still explain a bit about yourself, and we dont want that. If you can somehow beat every single level in hitman 2 like this, then i will personally award you as best hitman player ever. As (for example) Bangkok shouldnt be hard, as some disguises lay around, but Paris i guess wouldnt be easy.

    Once again, just imagine yourself as a detective, trying to solve the case behind the assassinations, and how a hitman had to act, to leave no trail behind.

    submitted by /u/Toasti900p
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    Community contract: She`s All That

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Recommendation for one level (please see the image first)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    https://i.imgur.com/A4Kc9R6.png Islands in Miami.

    This map and level would be like Whittleton creek in hitman 2 but bigger and more complex.

    You came on islands as a new house owner. In neighborhood of these two islands there are 2 targets, you have to locate them, and eliminate them. BUT. Almost every house in neighborhood is populated, almost all house have interiors and you cant determinate who are your targets buy simple pressing one key on your keyboard and looking for NPC marked in red.
    You have to spend time in neighborhood slowly infiltrate in area etc. For example you walk on street and you see black SUV parked next to some house, you see people inside, as you walk near that SUV people from it get out and approach you to identify you as you are new face in neighborhood. So target must be near. Later you discover cameras around some hose and so on.

    I would really like to see more serious lvls on hitman. With more serious AI systems. That require more time to finish, not because of the small mazes made of different NPCs ranks, locked doors and unassailable areas for certain class, but because of lack of info and big scale of maps.

    submitted by /u/guywhodo
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    I really hope..

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:29 AM PST

    I have enjoyed last 2 Hitmans very much, like i was enjoying one of the first Hitmans on PS2.

    I'm not the biggest fan, and i have not played every Hitman game that are out there, but i really enjoyed last 2 installments. I'm not the kind that have all achievements on all levels, but i have played all levels more then 2 times.

    So my message to devs is, that after 2 iterations, more of the same is not enough. Another 6 maps, with similar size of maps from last 2 games, similar mechanics, same weapons, wont be enough.
    I will still buy the game, still play it, but i wont feel happy about it after i finish it. I will be lukewarm. So when next hitman come (hitman 4) i would not go further then just watching the trailer.

    So keep in mind that while we wont more of the same, we also need something new, really new, not MK2 new.

    My suggestion is, make a better AI. I have made a video in which on master lvl in Whittleton Creek, i have put to sleep all NPCs and align them in one backyard. Player should not be able to do that on master lvl of difficulty.

    In other scenario on same map, i was shooting every one with unsuppressed weapons and bombs around Cassidy' house. After i finished, i went to Janus area, where every bodyguard was chilling like nothing is happening. It goes even worst then that, like bomb exploding in house 5 meters from undercover agent, with no reactions from him. Challenges should not be only reason why you choose to play stealth way in this game.

    submitted by /u/guywhodo
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    Hitman 3 wishlist: Make it clear when glass is bullet-proof

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    In Hitman 2, most glass can be shot through, but not all. For example, the hospital director's office in Hokkaido. Not even piercing rounds will go through. An annoying surprise.

    As for the pun on clear, sorry folks, couldn't be helped.

    submitted by /u/Wootery
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    What about a fake body bag?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Think about it, if 47 is dressed up as a guard, he can use a fake body bag to drag bodies across the map! And if 47 isn't dressed up as a guard he can put the fake bodybag on and leave it, causing no loss to his found bodies rating. Is this a good idea or op?

    submitted by /u/ZealousidealBody2
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    Anybody else having trouble with Legacy content on PS5??

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:47 AM PST

    I installed Hitman 2 and all of it's DLC but am not seeing an option to download the legacy levels from the first game (that I own as well). It's not even searchable in the store.

    Anyone else running into this issue?

    submitted by /u/JFCDoomblade
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    Contract Ideas 2

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    There seem to be a lot of enjoyment of my last batch of contracts so I've decided I'll release another idea.

    Contract 3: Good evening 47. Your destination is Rocco's Fun World in Salt Lake City Utah. After your previous contract we did some digging into the human trafficking that was going on at the arcade. We've discovered that it wasn't just a small time operation in Los Angeles. It turns out that the victims were being shipped around the globe. Interpol has been working with the FBI to track down the clients and they have been traced to this Mafia owned amusement park. Donna Williams (the mother of one of the victims who wasn't recovered) would prefer it if none of the buyers ever made it to trial. For this reason she has put out a contract for the elimination of five organized crime leaders. First is Russian mobster Sergei Stroganoff. After having been deported from his motherland of Russia he now makes his money in forced prostitution and high-profile assassinations. Up next is Yakuza leader Sakamoto Akeshi. The majority of his wealth is tied up in training child assassins and running opium. Your third target is Milanese Mafia don Thomas Luciano. He has recently moved to the US and now resides in Tampa Florida. Whatever would get him to travel all this way it must be very important. Your fourth target is the leader of a faction of Triads Chang Kai Tan. His money is tied up in sweatshop labor. He has a plane nearby so he may try to flee if he feels his life is in danger. Finally, you will need to eliminate the park's owner Leeroy Greene. However if there are no surviving members of the trafficking ring then it will be hard for the police to track down the remaining members. That is why you need to ensure the survival of the park's accountant. If Nathan Thomas is killed or his body is hidden then the contract is canceled. It's high time we finally put this dark chapter in world history to rest. I will leave you to prepare.

    submitted by /u/DatSpicyBoi17
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    Community Contract: Corrupt Cops (HARD version) - Happy 20 Years HITMAN

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Im playing on series x and i want to have a best experience,are these the best settings possible on 4K tv??

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

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