• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Hitman "Good afternoon, 47. Our client has asked that you find a way to lower the property values in Whittleton Creek."

    Hitman "Good afternoon, 47. Our client has asked that you find a way to lower the property values in Whittleton Creek."

    "Good afternoon, 47. Our client has asked that you find a way to lower the property values in Whittleton Creek."

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    New Hitman video game on the way. Source: HIT magazine.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:48 AM PST

    You've heard of the Blue Man Group? I present to you...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:08 AM PST

    After nearly 8 months I've completed all of "The Classics" challenges (Silent Assassin Suit Only Sniper Assassin on all H1&H2 levels)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:04 PM PST

    New Electric phone technique! Easy pre-emptive puddle electrocution

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I found out that if you shoot an electric phone in a puddle, it will still electrocute someone even though the phone vaporizes after you shoot it.

    And the puddle will stay electrified until someone walks into it.

    Video example here: https://streamable.com/b2vku

    Of course, you could just place the phone there. But personally I think it is more interesting to do it this way, and also you don't need to detonate the phone at a particular time to kill someone.

    I was originally looking for a way to perform CJ's car battery kill+coin kill on Andrea Martinez, but there is no car battery on master, so this is a nice backup plan. And normally I don't like the electric phone because it's OP, but this is a technique I think is cool and balanced.

    submitted by /u/lmaogetthatbread
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    Hitman 2 RTX 2080, DX11 crashing after 5-10 minutes, DX12 crashes right after launch, both ways it is 0x80000003.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Hello, I bought the game yesterday and installed it overnight, today I started playing and was having a blast already without seeing even a single enemy and around the time when I logged on the computer in Night Fall (first mission, might be wrong about the title) it crashed, and then I went back on loaded the autosave it crashed again and then again, in different parts. So I started looking online and saw that it is/was a widespread issue dating back over a year (how the hell is it not 100% fixed yet?) and the "main" fix was to launch game in DX12, so I tried doing that, but.. it doesn't launch. Well it kinda does the fullscreen blackscreen appears and ansel notifcation appears from the top-left and it crashes when the said notifications animation is around halfway done. Either way both DX11 crash and DX12 start up crash both produce 0x80000003 in event viewer. Any ideas? It's basically a fresh install of Windows 10, with all newest updates and drivers, with only Chrome/Discord/Steam/NZXT Cam + CSGO and Hitman 2 installed.

    EDIT: I got it to launch by using the "-skip_launcher" launch option, however, I'm not 100% sure if it's DX12 because it doesn't show anywhere in-game, but I got through Nightcall without a crash so perhaps it will be fine, we'll see.

    EDIT2: The "-skip_launcher" trick appears to have worked, been playing for a couple of hours and it has been smooth sailing!

    submitted by /u/krisegli
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    Should 47 be more visually muscular?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:08 AM PST

    In Codename 47 and Blood Money, 47 was JACKED. Fitting for a super strong, advanced genetically altered clone.

    Yet in Hitman 2 (as seen in certain short sleeved outfits and the swimwear from Haven), 47 has a flat stomach that has little muscle tone, and rather 'average' arms. He also has very little to no scarring compared to his shirtless scenes in Absolution (and he should really have a bullet scar on his gut from Contracts)

    Does this bother anyone else, or am I just weird in that way. I'm not muscular by any means but I feel 47 should be considering, for example, he's strong enough to snap necks bare handed with little effort.

    submitted by /u/Quitthesht
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    Amazing sniping in Colorado - Is this possible?!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I watched a SA/SO/AO/no KO run by Cubi Won in Colorado (Legacy pack). Video here:


    This looks like an amazingly fast strategy, so I tried to replicate it. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work. At 0:45 the player snipes through the fence to hit the back of the mower and create an oil leak that will kill Ezra Berg. The problem is that this never works for me. I can hit the mower from a distance easily enough, but it NEVER leaks. If I walk up to it and shoot the exact same spot with a pistol, it leaks.

    I need someone to verify this strategy. How do you create a leak with the sniper rifle? Is it platform-specific or something? (I'm playing on PC.)

    submitted by /u/Glitcher3000
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    Daniel Day Louis should be 47

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Holy crap, I can't believe I haven't thought of this before. He is, hands down, the most versatile actor in Hollywood, perhaps the world.

    Seriously, if you haven't seen anything he been in, watch some vids of him on YT. Especially his accent control. It's ridiculous.

    One glaring issue the games have sorely left alone is the whole disguise thing. 47 could not just put on a uniform and pass for a soldier in some fictional ME country. I know I know it's a game, and it's one that I love. I'm not complaining. Just musing.

    So, logically, 47 would need to excel in acting. Phsysical AS well as verbal. DDL or Ed Norton (who you might disagree w but I'm a fan so in he goes). Maybe Chris Bale, that's one dedicated mf'er.

    Of course, this also approaches the issue of skin tone. It would need to change, but Jesus nut-stomping Christ, I'm not gonna touch that w a ten foot pole.

    Well, eff that, maybe a bit. I thought of a work-around but it involves altering 47's history. Slightly. I was thinking, along w other experiments, Voort-Meyer could have effed w his DNA (or whatevs) to allow 47 to change his skin tone. I was thinking an over-night thing. I.e. - 47 gets in his Star Fox jammies and goes to bed & into a sort of meditative state. Slowly over 4-5 hours his skin tone will change. So there's a built-in handicap, right? Keeps the tension up. He can't just duck around a corner and flurp n' zurp his way out of trouble if he gets spotted.

    And now that I'm thinking about it, why would that be an issue?? 47 would be the first actual trans-racial!! How's that for a strong role model?..that totally kills people for money...

    But that's a different can of worms.

    Idk. Who would be your pick? I would LOVE Helen Miran as Diana, too. Dear God...

    submitted by /u/phippsipoo
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