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    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Hitman Hitman 2 Randomizer Mod [Release]

    Hitman Hitman 2 Randomizer Mod [Release]

    Hitman 2 Randomizer Mod [Release]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT


    I'm happy to announce the release of an item randomizer mod I've been working on for a while. If you have re-played the game a lot and are looking for a fresh experience, this might be exactly what you are looking for. The mod randomizes (almost) all the level items, NPC weapons, stash items and 47's starting gear each time you start a level. The randomizer works under a number of constraints that ensure that all important key and quest items can still be found in the level. The source code and the mod files are available here.

    Some important things you should know before playing:

    • Only the DX12 binary is currently supported. You can change to DX12 in the launcher options. Support for DX11 will follow soon.
    • Restarting, re-planning and loading save files is not supported. If you want to restart, go to the main menu and start a new game.
    • Only the 14 main missions from Hitman 1 & 2 are currently supported. I'll add support for the reworked levels soon if there is an interest in that.
    • I left most of the cut content items in the randomization pool so you might find some interesting items while exploring. Don't be surprise if some of them don't work properly though, there is usually a reason why they are not in the game.
    • IMPORTANT EDIT: You need to have all the game content installed! I'm working on a fix to make the randomizer usable for people who don't have all the maps installed.

    How to install the mod:

    • Drop all the mod files into ..\Steam\steamapps\common\HITMAN2\Retail\ (not ..\dx12Retail\ or anywhere else!)
    • Uninstall the mod by deleting the files.

    Known bugs:

    • Some quests are tied to pickup locations rather than items. The PC dongle in hawke's bay is a good example of this. The ability to unlock the laptop is tied to the pickup location and not the dongle itself, so randomizing the dongle is pointless since the player will always have to pick up the item at the original dongle location. I assume many such cases exist in other levels as well. Please let me know if you find some of those, so I can remove the corresponding items from the randomization.
    • Some guards might hold their weapons in a funny way, nothing I can do about that.
    • You might get random "Non-target killed" popups while playing, this is caused by NPCs mishandling explosives. No real way to fix this without removing explosives from the loot pool which would be boring.
    • Some items can potentially crash the game on some maps. I tried my best to remove them all, but there is a chance that I missed some. If you crash during a load screen, let me know what level it happened on.

    The important part of the post is over but here are some more words about the randomizer for those who are interested in how it all works. My main goal with the randomizer was to make the randomized levels as playable as possible, to achieve this the randomizer follows a number of rules/constraints:

    • All original quest and key items have to be present in the level. In some rare cases they might not be inaccessible though. (Safe key locked in safe…)
    • The number of tools (wrench, screwdriver, ...) in the level doesn't change.
    • Guard weapons are only randomized within the same category (pistol -> pistol, SMG->SMG, etc.) Some of the pistols are already pretty broken damage wise and giving random guards Lancers wouldn't be a good idea.
    • Flash grenades aren't randomized. You don't want to face off against nitro booster throwing guards.
    • 47's Inventory is not completely randomized. Each loadout item is only randomized within it's own category. Picking a frag grenade will result in some random explosive for example.
    • About 160 items are completely excluded from randomization for one reason or another. This includes all glasses, bottles and plates, some prototype/test items, items that only work together with other items (Detonators), multiplayer items and some additional quest items that can't be randomized in a meaningful way (see Sheep dongle example above).

    The randomizer is build in an easily extendable and modifiable way. With some cpp knowledge you should be able to implement your own randomization strategy and plug it into the randomizer. Just take a look at the source code if you are interested in that.

    submitted by /u/PascalTheAnalyst
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    Near-impossible contract?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:12 AM PDT

    Was playing around with Sapienza contracts and found a strange contract 1-03-6898751-75 ("Detect This").

    Apparently, you are supposed to kill Sal Falcone in around a minute through a fall accident (No Bodies Found, No Disguise Change, Perfect Shooter, car exit only).

    Thought it was broken at first, but apparently its creator finished it in exactly 1 minute. Lol how is someone supposed to even complete this thing?

    Speedrunner strategies? I tried and gave up on this one.

    submitted by /u/martinmix52
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    When you wake up the detective in Sapieza with Emetic gas

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    IOI When? I would love a second (again)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    ET The Serial Killer - SA/SO - Propane Flask Sniped in Mid-Air

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    The jordan crosstape....

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    Holy fuck is that thing disturbing i can handle everything in this but that tape is fucking chilling it sounds so real

    submitted by /u/Nicholasrymer
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    Why did they remove the short cinematic for recents missions ?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    By cinematics I mean the short story video that is played in between consecutive missions. I loved those cinematics as they gave a sense of continuum to the story.

    This cinematic is missing after "The Bank" and "Haven Island" missions. Presently, I have to complete the mission to view the short video.

    submitted by /u/NikhilNanjappa
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    How is this possible

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Anyone think that their will their be anymore maps after haven island or was that the last one for hitman 2?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Which DLC did you like better? Hitman 1 vs Hitman 2

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    Which DLC did you enjoy more?

    The hitman 1 version with some significant re-imagining of existing levels.


    The Hitman 2 version, where you get 2 brand new levels, but the 'special assignments' re-imagining of existing levels feel more like a permanent ET on an existing level, not an substantial remake of a level.


    And what kind of DLC would you like to see for Hitman 3?

    submitted by /u/MrAudreyHepburn
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    Which level would you like remade?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    My last topic got me thinking. If you could take a level from any previous hitman game (prior to 2016) and have it remade using hitman 2/3 mechanics which would it be and why?

    Personally I LOVE the hotel levels, so the hotel from contracts would be my pick. That is probably my favorite level from that game. I loved assassinating the guy by cranking up the heat in the sauna!

    submitted by /u/Torneasunder
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    Hitman Paris Silent Assassin Suit only Master Difficulty.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:01 AM PDT

    Is there another way to achieve silent assassin without retrieving the fireworks remote?

    submitted by /u/canmike43
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    My Ideas for future locations

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    So I have been seeing countless (three or four) posts about what people want to see for future maps. using some of those for a basis, here are my ideas for possible locations. Please share what your ideas are, it would be interesting to know what you guys think would be cool.

    - Skyscrapers. In a skyscraper map, you would have a set of four skyscrapers. all security would be routed to a singular location, in one of the skyscrapers. to disable surveillance, you cut the wires from the cameras in an underground maintenance area. cutting the wires would trigger a hidden timer, at the end of which the security would catch on to the fact that you cut them. there would be a way to make a loop on the cameras to make the timer last longer. the more towers you cut the faster the timer goes. the only other way to actually wipe the security cameras would be to go through the off limits security skyscraper, where all the guards know their coworkers (enforcers for guard disguise), preventing a disguise infiltration. two or more targets, based in two of the towers, and the fourth tower would be either an office building, or an under construction building, that would be a perfect location for sniping from.

    - Airport. Both you and the target are here to catch a plane. the target arrived a few minutes ago, and is already through security. the opening would deposit you in a line up to verify your ticket. you proceed through (or around) security, and reach the area your target is in. the target mills about the area for X amount of minutes, meeting up with people, before finally going to their plane. when they reach their plane, you have 5 minutes to board, kill them, and get off if you have not killed them yet. the singular escape route is through a commercial airliner (Which you picked up the tickets for), and has a second security before you get on board. if the target is found, your plane is either delayed and searched, or your flight is cancelled, any you get a different ending (Where Diana and/or Grey are mad, since you now have to book another flight, delaying your next mission).

    - Cruise Ship. Target is wealth business man throwing party. a large multitude of activities and disguises are available. party is a cover up for a shady deal that happens X minutes in the cargo hold. a secondary target is to steal the item that is switching hands. once the deal is made, the item enters a much higher security, preventing you from picking it up without an extremely large amount of effort. not entirely a timer like the airport idea, but like the skyscraper idea, its really hard if a timer times out.

    - An Undersea Lab. The level is based around two domes, with three tunnels in between them. two tunnels can be collapsed to cause chaos, and limit potential NPC pathing routes. guns and explosives cannot be smuggled in, and the only way to collapse aforementioned tunnels would be to somehow detonate barrels that get brought through them. This level would be hard to use due to the current issues with AI pathing, so I'm not going to go into too much more detail on how the target would be, what escapes could be, or where major locations would be.

    - An Antarctic Lab. This may seem similar to the other, and could have some of the same problems. An antarctic lab would be a location, where the target is a researcher looking into something they shouldn't be. the mission would be go in, kill target, wipe files, and destroy/hide the thing they were researching. there would be a set of locations scattered around a compound, and to go between locations, you would have to wear specific 'Warm suits' again, AI pathing may be an issue because they don't know how to differentiate where they can and cannot go.

    - A location off of earth. A moon hab, a space station with artificial (Centrifugal) gravity, a mars hab, there are many options here. however for the same reasons EXACTLY as the Undersea lab they cant really work. you depressurize a section with a gun (Or explosive), and unless you can head outside there is no way to continue. but allowing the player outside would allow the NPCs outside, and the AI pathing is not the best at keeping NPCs out of areas they aren't allowed in. they would all march outside and die if something bad happened. Limiting the sections that could depressurize in any level like this would result in a loss of immersion. not allowing you to have guns or explosions at all (Not even ones in the level) would remove a lot of potential ways to assassinate your target, really limiting the game in ways that i personally wouldnt like. until pathing is fixed, this is just a dream.

    These are some of the locations i would be interested in. I've seen many more ideas, some that would or wouldn't work, and was wondering what your ideas were, what they would look like, and if they would or wouldn't work

    submitted by /u/BlazingImp77151
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    Sniper Mode Siberia Silent Assassin

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Multi-Tool idea

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Would anyone like to see a multi-tool that you could bring with you, that's a combination of screwdriver & wrench, maybe just a screwdriver/lock pick combo? Or do you think that'd make it too easy? (Although you could always not use it, but I find myself always looking for tools in case I need them)

    submitted by /u/anrii
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    Which first

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    Hello. I bought the Hitman pack on Steam and Hitman 2016. Of the pack, that has all the games, and 2016 which one should I download first?

    submitted by /u/RetroGamer1224
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    Hitman 2 GOTY?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    Will there be a GOTY edition similar to Hitman 2016 that I should wait for, or should I just buy Hitman 2 now for $24?

    submitted by /u/GrammarNaziCarrot
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    Running Hitman 2016 poorly

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    I upgraded my graphics card two weeks ago from a radeon r9 380 to a 1660 Ti and I honestly don't feel a difference in performance. The difference in performance is clear in other games though. I was able to go from low settings with 40-55 FPS to ultra settings and 60-80 fps in Witcher 3. In Battlefront II I went from high settings 1920x1080 with 50-70 fps to 2560 × 1440 ultra settings and above 60 fps constantly. But I don't see much of a difference if even any difference when playing Hitman. Any idea as to why I don't feel a performance increase? Is it because of a bottleneck with mu CPU and GPU?

    My specs:

    GPU: 1660 TI

    CPU: i5-4690k

    Ram: 16 gigs

    submitted by /u/PatrickRavnBoi
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