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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Hitman This is my favorate kill

    Hitman This is my favorate kill

    This is my favorate kill

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Death of a Showman was a painfully linear level but at least it invokes nostalgia

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    This Month’s Cover

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Finally! After hundreds upon hundreds of hours, I've got 100% on Hitman 1 and 2!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    They took my weapon

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Found a local retro-gameshop in my hometown, so I thought imma get smth. Came back with these bad boys. Happy me.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I think I may have been a bit too slow

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Wouldn't it be sweet. . . ?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I was just thinking of how sweet it would be if there was a YouTuber or someone/something dedicated to testing how realistic things in Hitman are. Like, can the ICA cell phone really explode or electrocute someone? How much charge could it generate or how big if an explosion could a cellphone make? How much shit could 47 actually hold in each individual suit? Does garrotting someone really allow you to drag them? Or would it just rip their head off (using a ballistic dummy of course)? How long would _______ or _______ really take? Do key card scramblers really work? How powerful can a duck bomb be? Etc, etc, etc.

    I know at least one of you has the money and resources to do this. Rich people game too. Hahaha. I'd love to see something like this. Even videos of forging weapons would be sweet, or making 47s suits.

    Anyway, just a thought.

    submitted by /u/NtertainMePlease
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    The Dexter Discordance | level 3 | SA/SO - (0:46)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Here are some Xbox contracts

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Columbia catastrophe:


    Miami madness:


    submitted by /u/brodster14369
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    The mysterious bald clone who seems to pop up all over the world...

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Level suggestion: ITER construction site

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I just watched a german news clip about the starting inner construction of the nuclear fusion plant ITER in France and since my brain is full of Hitman I immediately thought that something like this would be a great potential Hitman level. I guess you call that Tetris effect. 😋

    It would be a good size and layout for a level and would have some good costume opportunities like construction workers, scientist, security, politicians and journalists. You could have a press event taking place with politicians from multiply nations arriving, like seen in the video. There would be some fun kill opportunities with like construction equipment or nuclear power plant stuff. I love the globetrotting aspect of Hitman levels and all the details they work in. As far as I know something like this would be a good fit that we haven't seen before. What do you think? Did you have similar moments where you look at the real world and see a potential Hitman level? 😅

    submitted by /u/Hibikular
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    Story: Hitman 3 Theories

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I could be wrong, but this sub doesn't seem that invested in the lore/story of the Hitman series. And that's fine I guess. It's not exactly known for its story but I feel like it had the potential to be something at some point.

    I guess Absolution didn't help with that.

    I'm a story person, personally. I love stories. They were my main reason for playing games to begin with. They were interactive movies to me. (Before that became an actual genre like Indigo Prophecy/Heavy Rain/Beyond/Detroit/Life is Strange/Walking Dead etc)

    So with all that said, I've been pretty invested with the Hitman story since the beginning of the series. And it seems like the writers themselves are building it up to be big from a story point of view, though it largely seems underwhelming to the majority, I think.

    I still think it could be presented better, feels too James Bond when I'd rather it feel more gritty and dark like Contracts.

    I was just wondering to the people who care or are remotely interested in the story, does anyone have any theories regarding Hitman 3?

    Here are my main theories.


    Someone major is gonna die

    With the way things are currently going, Under the assumption that 47 survives season 3, I think Diana or Lucas Grey is gonna kick the bucket. I feel like it HAS to happen and that is has to be one of the other, or both. I don't think they both can co-exist together in 47's life. They both fill the same role in his life. Olivia Hall is a bit of a wild card. If Lucas goes, she will likely go too, however, it gets a bit complicated with my next theory.

    Diana Burnwood. Lucas Grey. Olivia Hall. Not only will at least one of them betray 47, At least one of them will be a target. Or even the final target.

    The big question here is - where will the series go moving forward? Will it maintain the status quo with 47 and Diana, or will 47 move forward with his long lost "brother"? Or even perhaps by himself?


    Diana has been 47's companion since the beginning of the series. Whether you're new to the Hitman games or have been playing since the beginning, you've heard her voice more than anyone elses. More than 47 himself. They have saved each other multiple times. But thanks to a new plot line and info from the comics... not only does Diana have a darker side and a dark past... 47 was the one who caused it. This could strengthen their relationship... or derail it completely.

    Diana is highly intelligent. More than she lets on or is shown. And while I've only read the first issue of the Agent 47 comics (which are canon), it is shown that she is highly manipulative and will gladly use people to get what she wants. In fact, it's how she got to where she is. Not to mention, at one point during her youth, she was a capable fighter able to take down a guy twice her size.

    "You can gasp on the shore and die or you evolve, develop the tools to survive and use them. Like people. Everyone is the nail when you're the hammer. People are infinitely useful." - Diana Burnwood (Agent 47: Birth of the Hitman issue #1)

    Does Diana have dark intentions that have been hidden this whole time? Or will her finding out that 47 and Grey killed her parents push her over the edge? Maybe she's already known. When Lucas Grey talks to her about her parents death in the cutscene before The Ark Society, she glares toward Grey and says "I like to think that no one is untouchable." She knows 47 better than anyone else, and was once his target before. If 47 wanted her dead, she would not be an easy target. She has the connections, the intelligence, and a understated ability to manipulate.

    This plot point of 47 and Grey killing her parents was introduced in the comic a year before Hitman season 2 was released. I don't know what will happen for sure, but I do know it will definitely be a major component in season 3. It s being built up for a reason.

    Will she forgive 47? Will she opt for revenge? Has she known this whole time and been a large manipulator of events? Or has she just been sitting on it, unsure of what to do? She drugged 47 in Blood Money against his will and without his knowledge or consent and revived him, locking him in a gated church with His silver ballers against an army of armed men. Was it because she knew he was capable? Or was it a gamble? Did she do it because The franchise would be caught off guard and it would give 47 the chance to live, or was she just doing it to save her own ass with no regard to 47?

    Her bond with 47 is undeniable, but, could she be colder than 47 himself? Would she throw that away without second thought if her goals no longer aligned with his? You could ask the same of 47.

    Lucas Grey

    While a relatively new character, Lucas is 47's past. He's his long lost "brother" who were both determined to destroy the institution that created them. He spent his life running from providence. And now, he will do anything to destroy them, and has gotten 47 on his crusade. He is also shown to be a manipulator. How much does he really care for 47? More than anything else, his mission is what matters to him. How much would he sacrifice to ensure Providence is defeated?

    Admittedly I have less to say about him than Diana, but mainly because thus far, his character is fairly straightforward and there is less info about him. (Excluding anything that's made known in the comics that I have yet to read) His end game and what he wants is clear. But how he is willing to go about it, is not.

    Olivia Hall

    She is Lucas Grey's sidekick. She is Diana to Lucas's 47, in a way. Even less is known about her. And that is what makes her dangerous. She is the true wild card. She could easily be working for Providence or coerced into working for them. Or she could become 47's greatest ally. Or the weak link in this 4 man team that leads to their fall.

    Honestly, if I had to rate who would most likely betray him with the way the story is going, it would be Diana, Olivia, and Lucas least likely. I feel as if it's a tie between Diana and Olivia. The fact that we know so little about Olivia is what makes her exceedingly untrustworthy... While Diana has the most motive but it almost seems too obvious. As for Grey, he's gone through too much trouble to take down Providence just to be a traitor, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his own personal motives beyond taking down Providence.

    Keep in mind, The constant tells 47 in the HItman season 3 trailer "You have found yourself alone"... before panning to a shot of Lucas looking out of a building then to a long shot of Diana turning and facing the camera.... kinda puts a sinister vibe in the trailer with all this stuff in mind

    This team will not last one way or another. There will be conflict. And I believe it will be conflict from within whether Providence is directly involved or not.

    But yeah that's my really long winded theory that I probably put way too much time into but I got nothing else to do today 😅

    Tl;Dr: Someone is gonna betray 47 and they will be a target. Bare minimum, two people on Team 47 will die.

    Anyone else got any theories?

    submitted by /u/Rehallow
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    I finally unlocked the Phantom Suit.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Are you a completionist?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    So many moons ago (like, 2004) I played my first Hitman game: Contracts. Had a blast and even got SA ranking with Professional difficulty. Did the same for Hitman 2 and Blood Money. Never bothered to do it with Absolution since it seemed like more of an action game.

    Then I got Hitman 2016 recently. I tried to do SA on Professional again but found myself starting over a ton of times. It wasn't fun and I felt like it was better to just run around and experiment.

    I'm not sure why I stopped being a completionist. Got older and more responsibilities/less free time? Maybe getting SA ranking feels like a chore? Dissatisfaction with completing the mission only to get arbitrarily busted by a rando near the exit? Not sure.

    Were you a completionist back in the day? Are you still?

    Edit: On a side note, I wish they scrapped the scoring system and kept the stealth/aggression ratings with titles (mass murderer, cleaner, silent assassin, terrorist, etc). It made the play style feel less judgmental and it was more fun to see what kinds you could get rather than just play close to SA style all the time.

    submitted by /u/Oniwaban31
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    Just published my first actual contract!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    If you could get IOI to revisit the location of a classic mission (not remake the mission with the same targets, but just put it in the same location with different targets and objectives) what would it be?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    For me, it's gonna have to be the slaughterhouse (Meat Kings Party; Contracts), Beldingford Manor (Contracts), the Shamal Hotel (A House of Cards; Blood Money), or the Sharks Club (Dance with the Devil; Blood Money)

    The slaughterhouse could be the week after Meat King's Party where the Romanian police have seized the building.

    Instead of the Afrikaner and Saudis in the Shamal Hotel, how about… Sergei's successor to the Zavorotko crime empire with some others.

    The Sharks Club can have the floors themed like something that isn't heaven or hell. After all, there were explicitly rental props in there.

    I dont know, i really just want Hitman III to have the same gist to it that Contracts did. Contracts is the best in the series hands down if you ask me.

    submitted by /u/The_SerialSatan
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    Openworld-Hitman; would it work? (2, without a mistake), and if yes, why do you thibk it would work?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    I dont think it would work, because works because its unique Locations

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TheOneFromtheuskand
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    Drop your unpopular opinions below

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I'll start off - I enjoyed absolution and think it's a great shame that we never got to see the story continue in a sequel, it would have been nice to see what happened with Victoria

    submitted by /u/BasedZoomer_
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    [ASIA SERVER] Hitman normal Legacy Pack still unavailable until today?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    [ASIA SERVER] Hitman normal Legacy Pack still unavailable until today?

    The issue is still not fixed. 'Legacy Pack' supposed to be free, not force us to buy 'GOTY Legacy Pack' when we own Hitman 1 already. I do not own Hitman 2 but I do own Hitman 1 due to PS+ during 2019. I noted that the IOI website already stated these issues have been fixed for ASIA SERVER last year but it still not, or maybe it BUGGED again?? There is no selection to 'Legacy Pack' no matter in PS store (website) or PS4 store (console). Also no selection of 'Legacy Pack' in Hitman1/Hitman2 in-game store.


    Image A is my in-game store of Hitman 1 which does not have 'Legacy Pack' to download.

    Image B is from others (get from website) who have 'Legacy Pack' to download.

    Image C is from PS store (website) with no normal 'Legacy Pack' to download but only have 'GOTY Legacy Pack' which is unavailable due to I do not own Hitman 2.

    But now I just want to play Hitman 1 missions with Hitman 2 system since all the progress and achievements cannot be transferred. And now is almost August 2020 and this is still not fixed.

    submitted by /u/DxLightningx
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    Contract: The Heart of an Assassin (PS4 Exclusive) [Extremely Difficult] - Contract ID: 2-10-4373440-91

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    This contract is set in Hokkaido and your targets are Katashi Ito, Akira Nakamura, Yui Uemura, Jason Portman and Amos Dexter. (ALL COMPLICATIONS) - (8:00 time limit) Do you have what it takes to be a true assassin?

    submitted by /u/WIFI908
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    This scene ��

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    What is your favourite assassination?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Inspired by u/Seals3051

    Mine is pushing Andrea Martinez into the river where she is torn to shreds by piranhas

    submitted by /u/subtopapafelix
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