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    Monday, March 9, 2020

    Hitman It is a large casino

    Hitman It is a large casino

    It is a large casino

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    My favourite Hitman suit of all time

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Time to answer some questions I’ve heard about 47, some of which are embarrassingly stupid.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    1. Why does Agent 47 have a barcode? Is it because the Agency wants to identify him?

    No, for fucks sake. It's because Ort-Meyer wanted to ID him when he was in the asylum.

    1. What is 47's sexual orientation?

    He couldn't give a single shit about relationships. Wasn't built to.

    1. Does Agent 47 have foreskin?

    Given how Ort Meyer had no care for religious bullshit and hoaxes in his research, and how 47 is immune to pretty much any pathogen (except for the poisons, if that counts) it seems, he probably still has it. That's possibly the worst question I've heard of all dumb questions.

    1. Is 47 good or bad?

    Neither; he was built to be totally amoral. Dance With The Devil from Blood Money symbolized this quite well. There are few breaks in his amoral personality.

    1. What is 47's ethnicity?

    20% German, 20% Austrian, 20% Colombian, 20% Chinese, 10% Kazakh, and 10% Russian.

    1. What is Agent 47's political party?

    Check out the outro to Dance With the Devil from Blood Money.

    1. Where is 47 from?


    1. What if 47 was real?

    He'd be busted fast.

    1. Is 47 rich or poor?

    Probably the former given the expenses one has to pay for a contract, but he doesn't use it for an extravagant lifestyle.

    submitted by /u/serialsatan
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    I C A.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    When you're bad at stealth and just..

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Has anyone else experienced this bug?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Level Idea: Palace Intrigue

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    47, for your next mission, you will be headed to the People's Sovereign Democratic Free Worker's Republic of Khandanyang. Your targets today are Jin Po and his son Tren Po. Jin Po is holding a party celebrating the bestowing of the title of "Sun Po" unto Tren, at their royal palace. Jin Po has Emphysema, and is growing too sick to lead the country in its current state of civil war. Our client has a vested interest in regime change in Khandanyang, and that can't be done with the Po family alive. Good luck 47. I'll leave you to prepare.

    The level:

    The palace is equal parts residence, bunker, military command center, and (if you look hard enough) an interrogation facility.

    Disguises include soldiers, bodyguards, palace staff, waiters, various Khandanyang generals, officials, technicians, and secret police.

    Jin Po is the fortress target, he waits in his chambers until the coronation. Tren Po is the roamer, who goes about the party gladhanding people and discussing the future.



    A western doctor has been kidnapped to treat Jin Po. sneak into the doctor's cell, take his place, and wait for an opportunity to poison the medication.

    enemies closer

    One of Jin Po's loyal generals is feeding information to the rebels. Disguise yourself as a secret police officer, bring the evidence to Po, and be invited to Po's private execution chamber to watch the kill.

    asymmetrical warfare

    An arms dealer is offering to sell some deadly nerve gas to the regime, and has brought a sample of the product. He's waiting for a better offer, but a deal can be facilitated. Gather some tools, break into the arms dealer's room, and sabotage the cylinder to ensure an unforgettable demonstration.

    never meet your heroes

    Tren Po is a big Helmut Kruger fan, and invited him to the coronation. Helmut is debating whether he should go inside to watch the coronation, or just leave. If you get his disguise and go inside, Tren would love to have a drink with you.

    crown of thorns

    The crown that Jin Po is going to put on his son is in a safe. Steal a nasty looking syringe from the interrogation room, break into the safe, affix the syringe to the crown, and wait for the results.


    Tren Po is looking to start exporting drugs out of Khandanyang as a new revenue stream, and he's meeting with a drug kingpin to discuss it. Meet him on his personal golf course, an opportunity or two should present itself.

    Secret opportunity: 1917 again

    To do this, you need to sabotage every escape route that isn't the front door: Sink the Po family yacht, destroy their limo, sabotage their helicopter, flood the bunker, and jam the door on their secret escape tunnel.

    Then, you break into Jin Po's room for the codes to the defense system.

    Go into the bunker, and use the codes to shut down the missile defense battery. A time limit will start.

    If you leave the palace before the time limit ends, you will be treated to the building and its grounds being obliterated by rebel rockets and everyone inside dying.

    submitted by /u/Burnnoticelover
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    Hitman Targets Getting Shot Dialogue

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Shortest mission ever?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    The mission "Slaying a Dragon" from Contracts has to to be the shortest mission I've ever seen in Hitman history. It can literally be completed in under a minute.

    submitted by /u/SharpCourse
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    Mild dissapointment

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I used to be a huge hitman fan. Absolution killed it for me until i discovered hitman 1 and 2 by WBs. Iv yet to play hitman 2 but i have 1. Its great. One thing that gets me is the removal of first person. That is like the one thing that dissapointed me about this game. Could never get my hands on the very first hitman but silent assasins, contracts and blood money i cherished being able to switch back n forth the views. It made me feel alot more in the game. Specially when id go into hotel rooms and look in the mirrors. Id sway back n forth watching the physics of my tie in amusment...am i the only one?

    submitted by /u/jare20x
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    Robert Knox’s face scar

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what the deal with his scar is? Was it ever explained in the game? I'm so curious to know how he got it.

    submitted by /u/OmgJustLetMeExist
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    Why does the community hate Absolution?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I love the Hitman Series and my favourite is Blood Money like most people here. However my number 2 is Absolution. I loved that there was a linear story but still creative ways of killing the targets and nice challenges.

    Maybe it is because Absolution was my first Hitman game that I like it that much but what I don't get is why under every post/video I see comments saying that Absolution sucked and was a big step in the wrong direction.

    Hope someone can enlighten me

    submitted by /u/redbackpack24
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    Hitman 2: The Devil Inside

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:55 PM PDT

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