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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Hitman Trespasser!

    Hitman Trespasser!


    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Freddy vs Jason? Nah, I'm all about Sean 2 vs 47

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:01 AM PST

    Expansion Pass Discount

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Has the dlc ever been on a discount, I know it's only 40$ but I don't wanna end up paying up and then few days later it's price has a sale :(

    submitted by /u/per_iod
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    What years do the non-remake missions in Hitman: Contracts take place?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:16 PM PST

    There's: •Meat King's Party •B'yarkhov Bomb •Beldingford Manor •Rendezvous in Rotterdam

    Not counting Hunter & Hunted because we know when it's set. March 17, 2004. All of these were clearly after the Hong Kong missions at least. This game is brutally going back and forth in time.

    The Meat King's Party. Set in Romania. I am in doubt that it's set in 2000 given how Ort Meyer assigned all of 47's first missions. And given the events of both The Setup and Asylum Aftermath, Romanian police were on 47's ass. I'm pretty sure Ort Meyer provided them with a description of the suspicious person. I'd give it at least a year after the events of C47, so 2001-2004.

    B'yarkhov Bomb. Connected to all the Fuchs Family drama. It mentions that "The Fuchs must not get a dirty bomb" or something like that in the briefing. Only three Fuchs have been confirmed to be around. I'm sort of skeptical this one could've been done by Ort Meyer. The flag flying on B'yarkhov's base is the Chechen separatist flag, and the separatist government dissolved in 2000. Probably just him continuing his Chechen separatist sympathy. I'm going with 2000.

    Beldingford Manor. This one is difficult. No connection to the other's as far as I'm concerned. Gonna pass.

    Rendezvous in Rotterdam. Same outlaw MC from C47 and Deadly Cargo. Zero connection to Arkadiy/Boris it seems. Given how "Immortal" by Clutch is playing, it's gotta be at least 2001. Which reminds me, Deadly Cargo is clearly in 2000, but has 2002 music playing in the Strip Club. Odd. Maybe the former two are just 47's memory being garbled with music he's heard.

    TL;DR It's too enigmatic for me to pin exact dates, or even know genuinely, if I'm mistaken please correct me

    submitted by /u/serialsatan
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    Crunchies potato chips. Extra dry! 100% eat!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Does anyone else still feel disappointed about Mark Parchezzi III?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Given how badass he looked in the trailer, I'm disappointed he only appeared once in game and wasn't very prominent. He was very easy to beat, and I am still ticked that his lifespan was ridiculously short. Those two facts really made me view the Franchise as laughably dumb, rather than dangerous and sneaky like the game's story wants you to think. If he had a longer lifespan, survived 47's intervention, and then appeared again and again in post-Blood Money games as a recurring antagonist, it would've been pretty nice.

    submitted by /u/serialsatan
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    hitman 1 levels in hitman 2

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:08 PM PST

    I'm having trouble completing hitman 1 levels in hitman 2 please give me some tips if you have any. pls upvote nearly my cake day.

    submitted by /u/guscraft05
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    Bangkok - SA/SO/Sniper Assassin(3:38)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:18 AM PST

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