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    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Hitman When you retrieve the data core on New York and the music kicks in

    Hitman When you retrieve the data core on New York and the music kicks in

    When you retrieve the data core on New York and the music kicks in

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:04 AM PST

    Here's a Timeline for all the Content Released for the game since release!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    How many of my fellow assassins would like to see a skyscraper map in Hitman 3?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    There’s A Glitch in the Matrix (Audio On)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Who else think a theme park themed level would be cool in Hitman 3?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST

    Honestly I think a theme park level would work perfectly. There are so many assassination opportunities you could have with roller coasters and theme park attractions and stuff like that like: hiding a bomb in a roller coaster kart; rigging the speed of the roller coaster; crashing karts into each over; pushing the target out of the kart while the ride is taking place; sniping someone while they're on a roller coaster; sniping someone while they're on a Ferris wheel; you get the idea.

    Also in general I just like the aesthetics of theme parks. They have a weird quirk and charm to them which is kind of hard to explain. It's like a bit surreal in a weird way I just can't explain at all, at least that's what it's been like in the one single theme park I've been too and go too quite often actually (Alton Towers).

    Another thing about a theme park level is, since the theme park I kind of imagine in my head is kind of based on Alton Towers, this could be an opportunity to put a Britain level in a Hitman game. I am aware Contracts and Absolution has Britain levels but those 2 seem like the most hated Hitman games so they don't count (joking but still).

    My only issue with a theme park level is that if it's done wrong it could end up like a flat and boring level (like Colorado which I actually used to like until I replayed it recently in my quest to 100% Hitman 2 on PS4) but I have an easy solution around this - simply just design the level similarly to Sapienza. With how Sapienza is design (loads of vertically and "Swiss cheese" level design) it would be perfect for a theme park level to kind of take inspiration from. At the same time though, the level would still like its own thing with the unique setting, aesthetic and roller coaster kills and shit.

    So yeah that why I want a theme park level. Sorry if a rambled on a bit it's just I have a lot to say but I can't be bothered to type every little one of my ideas to I kind of generalised them in these clustered and messy paragraphs, but I hope you'll at least see my points and stuff. Alright bye have a good day unless ur gonna comment then not bye cos I'll be seeing you in the comments.

    submitted by /u/ShronkDong
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    The silent assassain ranking is so pleasing. Hitman 2 silent assassin replay for nostalgic reasons.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:20 PM PST

    My Fanmade Concept story for the game. Kind of like a Patient Zero thing.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:18 PM PST

    (It doesn't continue the story, but still has 4 missions using 4 different maps. one of which is a legacy map. And no don't worry. It is not Sappienza. I swear)

    First Mission - The New Icon

    Good evening 47. Your destination is Miami, Florida, where the new remake of "The Icon" is being shot. Our client, the world famous movie company L'Avventura Pictures, has informed us that the director and first target, Scott Sinclair, is re-shooting the dangerous scene which the late Dino Bosco was "accidentally" killed performing a stunt. He has second thoughts, but your second target, Ralph Sinclair, who is the target's brother, is pressuring him into shooting the scene anyway. Scott will be around the main set, giving tips to the main actor on his stunt, whilst Ralph is in the former Kronstadt lab, taking questions and speaking with L'Avventura VIPs who have to inspect the shoot. Our client's motive is currently unknown. However, that is not our place to question that. I will leave you to prepare.

    Map - Basically Florida, but at night, you can go on the track, and the entire VIP area is blocked off. L'Aventura guards from the Icon Patrol the building, while specialized Bodyguards follow Ralph.

    Opportunities -

    Not My Tempo

    Abel De Silva, former indie drummer, is striking a deal with the Sinclair family, with Ralph hoping he will invest in the Movie. However, Mr De Silva has second thoughts.

    Racecar backwards is still Racecar

    Mr Ralph is having trouble with the hybrid stock car he purchased from Kowoon industries after he discovered an engine shortage. He now keeps it in his office as a visual trophy. Perhaps you can help him with his technical difficulties.

    Not Again!

    Mr Scott is having nervous breakdowns about the shoot, and is making the Stunt Man consult to as many safety procedures as possible. Perhaps if you disrupt the Stuntman's procedures without killing him, you could cause a diversion in Mr Carter's directing, and get him in a spot.


    Scott takes medication for his shaky hands, and consults help from a Hokkaido helicopter pilot named Needles. He also goes to meet other shady people for Antipsychotics due to his apparent schizophrenic symptoms. He heads to the Parking Lot by himself every once in a while to meet the dealers, so you could possibly intercept the one of them, and get to him yourself.

    Objectives -

    Eliminate Scott Sinclair

    Eliminate Ralph Sinclair


    Second Mission - To Each Their Own

    Good Afternoon 47. Your next destination will be Wittleton Creek, USA. This small Vermont neighborhood is being set up as a movie set for the new horror movie,"Wednesday the 666th," by L'Avventura's main competitor, Mooney Productions. The main Target, Joseph Sinclair, betrayed L'Avventura in 2016, after their stocks fell. He has been working for Mooney since than. He is a violent sociopath, who is seeing the world famous Dr Oscar Lafayette for his mental instability. He has also been arrested twice, but had plead insanity, which caused him to be set free. The movie and the therapy session is currently being funded by your second and third target, Michelle Henassay, and Mike Brand. This power couple runs the entirety of Mooney, and is extra powerful with someone like Joseph around. Joseph is most likely alternating throughout the movie set, until he is called for the therapy session. You could possibly look into that. Mike will be going from house to house, promoting his own company and movie, while Michelle will be in the make shift photo shoot area photographing the main actress Jessica Highmore. I will leave you to prepare.

    Map - Wittleton Creek, Night, Half of the map is fenced for the movie set. You have to sneak in.


    Ooh La La

    Henassay is funding a photoshoot with Helmut Krueger and Jessica Highmore, the lead Actor and Actress of the Movie, but Mr Krueger is having troubles with an overexited fan by the name of Jason Portman. Never hurts to knock a man out twice.

    May I have a minute of your time?

    Mr Brand is visiting the residents of Wittleton Creek, showing off the film and buying off people. A con-artist and painter, he want's every person on his side. One of the houses, previously owned by Mr Janus, has a family who has gone on vacation. All that's in the way is a man, who has stayed behind to watch over the house.

    Come Sit Down

    Joseph has scheduled a session with Dr Laffayette, famous for his cases on Jordan Cross and Silvio Caruso, and both shall meet in the rented out home near the Creek. Time for a Therapy Session!

    Here Comes The Punchline

    In the movie, the main killer, played by Helmut Krueger, is a clown on the brink of insanity, and becomes a demon, monster clown that fights Bats. Joseph had three copies of the out fit made. One is with Mr Krueger, one is torn and damaged, and the last one is with Joseph. However, the outfit has appeared to have missing, and the other one is lost in a suitcase. Joseph, who has shown signs of fearing inanimate objects in his past, have issued a search for it. I wonder what would happen if he sees you in it.

    Objectives -

    Eliminate Joseph Sinclair

    Eliminate Michelle Henassay

    Eliminate Mike Brand


    Third Mission - The Loose End

    1. Our client has asked us to carry out another extremely fragile assignment. Your destination is Paris, France, at Palais de Walewska, where we are to, believe it or not, eliminate the head of L'Avventura. An old man named Edgar Sinclair. We do not know what the client is on about, but we are also tasked on killing Edward Sinclair, one of his only sons still alive. 47, this is somewhat abnormal as every single main target has been part of the Sinclair family, and a son, or grandson of Edgar. The ICA is also questioning the motive here, which is violating our "No Questions Asked" policy. Most peculiar however, the client has stressed that, Jonah Sinclair, another brother, is not to be harmed. Kill the targets, but 47. Please find intelligence on the individual, as I am positive L'Avventura would not kill its own VIPs. I will leave you to prepare.

    Map - Paris, During the Day, Militia Guards. When you start the map, It is immediately Hostile Area.

    Opportunities -

    Strut your stuff!

    Edward has a line of fashion he wants to sell to sanguine, which consists of a Vampririal, Victorian style of clothing. Sanguine however, doesn't want to by from L'Aventura after an incident happened between him and the late CEO, Dalia Margolis. Most strange however, an undercover agent from Sanguine has been sent to disrupt the works, and possibly steal the clothing. If that were to, "unfortunately happen, " then there isn't any tell what Edward would do.

    I Know Your Secret

    Edward has been payed Millions of Dollars by the Delgado Cartel to allow VIP Hector Delgado to stock up in the Abandoned basement. It is being guarded by dozens of Narcos, but Edward always goes down to have a snort every once in a while.

    The Future is Now

    Poor Mr Edgar Sinclair has been diagnosed with Alzheimers, and can no longer think for himself. He spends his time in the Main Office, signing papers with companies planning on buying off his studio. Due to his frail brain, he can't think very well on who to sell to. Maybe if you push him in the wrong direction, Edward might hear about it.

    Objectives -

    Eliminate Edgar Sinclair

    Eliminate Edward Sinclair

    Do Not Eliminate Jonah Sinclair

    Find 0/3 Pieces of Evidence


    Last Mission - The End of a Dynasty

    Good day 47. We have been given orders by a new client who claims to be Jonah Sinclair. He has informed us that the client was none other than Richard Sinclair, his estranged brother, who wanted all of his siblings to be killed to get the 25 billion dollar inheritance. He is our first target, along with his wife, Roshani Alvarado, South African supermodel, Sanguine stock holder, and Social Media star, and his other brother who he planned the scheme with, George Sinclair. They are staying in Mumbai, India, who are also hosting a party for purchasing a new Bollywood company owned by the late Dawood Rangan. They are also staying in Dawood Rangan's now complete 11 story luxury apartment, which the party is taking place. A police squad has taken the lower half of the building after a dead body was found in the bathroom, and are currently asking around for any witnesses. Let us fulfill Jonah's wish, and take away 3 less rich scumbags from the world. I will leave you to prepare.

    Map - Mumbai, but it is only the skyscraper as the map. It is at night, and the sky scraper is 12 stories long (if you include the basement).

    Till Death Do You Part

    Richard has made a divorce claim that Mrs Alvarado has been having an Affair. While true, she has denied it, and her lover, one of Richard's bodyguards, has hidden himself in the basement of the building. I'm sure he would be willing to do anything to escape. Anything.

    3rd Rate Contractors

    Richard's office has a bottom view of the Grand Chandelier that was built just above the 11th floor. The flimsy nature of it could be the cause of a grand accident.

    The Death of An Irishman

    Ceasre Mc'Loughlin, an Irish Lawyer and Ex Hitman, has been hired to destroy a document signed by Mr George and Mr Richard regarding the affair claim, and eliminate them both. However, his body was found in the lower bathroom with his throat slit. This may have been a retaliation by George himself, as he hasn't been seen at the party. Richard has claimed no responsibility for the murder.

    Keeping up with the Highmores

    Jessica Highmore has been invited to the party by Roshani to help with the Affair scandal, but has cold feet. She sent her right hand man, Hansel Wendel Brussels, to talk to Roshani, but she doesn't want to talk unless he gets background checked. This may be the only time which she gets in a private space, so this is a good opportunity.

    Objectives -

    Eliminate Richard Sinclair

    Eliminate Roshani Alvarado

    Identify and Eliminate George Sinclair


    Thank you if you read this entire thing. This has been in my mind for half a year. Criticism is welcome. :D

    submitted by /u/CaRbEs702
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    This must be that sexy shower level I saw advertised

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:54 AM PST

    Patient zero

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:54 PM PST

    What locations from hitman 2 would be good for the patient zero campaign? I'm thinking haven island or Miami.

    submitted by /u/thiccshrecc
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    Can I play the finished escalations again?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:29 PM PST

    Blood Money: if i shoot the target and throw him over the ledge, does the game register it as an accident?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    I heard somewhere that it does, so im wondering. Would help a lot with SA rating.

    Also, does knocking out people with my gun (human shield) lower my chance of SA rating?

    submitted by /u/Moanguspickard
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    When it's your first day as guard and clearly can't remember who's allowed

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Does anyone know the name of the drum&bass song that plays in Miami's Kronstadt paddock?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:44 PM PST

    [This extended edit] is the only result on youtube, i tried audiotag.info but it couldn't find anything. Since the driver's lounge House track is real i assume this one is aswell...

    submitted by /u/fizio900
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    You want the phantom suit I will help you

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Possible Easter Egg/Himmelstein Question.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    Ok so to the left of the helicopter, in what looks like an aqueduct. If you use instinct and look towards the middle of the aqueduct, there is a person laying there? I have shot this person and it immediately alerts EVERYBODY. Does anybody have any info about this??

    submitted by /u/dylp420
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    How to play special assignments?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    I've owned hitman 2 gold edition for about 3 weeks and cant figure out how acces these, havent found them in any section of the menus

    submitted by /u/guyfrom719
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    Ghost Mode - Never Compromised, Fiber Wire Only (5:48)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    Can't Install GOTY edition! (Rest in comments)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST

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