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    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Hitman Moderator statement on the MrFreeze2244 situation

    Hitman Moderator statement on the MrFreeze2244 situation

    Moderator statement on the MrFreeze2244 situation

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    hi, r/hitman. as of now, certain claims about MrFreeze have come to light and we're hoping to address some things. (just to be clear, this is us subreddit moderators speaking for ourselves only.)

    recently, claims of MrFreeze being chronically disrespectful to his fans have come to light. our stance is that we will never accept any unwelcoming behavior on this subreddit. this includes the type of behavior that has recently come to light. therefore, we are taking a hardline stance against any posts excusing/promoting this type of behavior as acceptable.

    as these allegations were posted here on the subreddit, we are taking them extremely seriously. our rules are specifically created to allow all members of the Hitman community to engage with each other in a safe and friendly way. we will do everything possible to ensure that wherever we can. while we are not able to verify the accusations directly, rest assured that we are monitoring any developments with the upmost concern.

    also rest assured that we are always for listening to victims' side of the story. the reason we are leaving the allegations up is for visibility reasons, and to not silence them. we will not censor potential victims; that will never happen. victim-blaming is not acceptable, either.

    we hope this clears up our stance on these issues. if you need more context, please see the sources down below. thank you for being an understanding community of Hitman fans.

    ~ r/hitman mods





    submitted by /u/cakeblock941
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    always has been

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    A magazine in Sri Lanka

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Paris is immersive and detailed in a way that most other maps never achieved.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    I've been planning to post something like this for a while, but now that everyone's talking about Paris because of ... reasons, I guess now's a good time. Having not played it in a long while leading up to Hitman 3, I always remembered it as a serviceable map which was a fantastic opener, but nothing too special in hindsight. However, after replaying it and doing all the challenges again after the Hitman 3 maps, I feel that it, along with Miami, were the closest in creating the most believable and immersive world in terms of atmosphere and NPCs.

    Similar to Miami, the entire level revolves around one singular event - and every aspect of the level is designed to remind you of that. The booming of the music heard throughout the palace which rumbles throughout the basement, and the minor NPCs, such as the stylist planning to steal a dress and the waitress crying in the locker room, all serve to help create the feeling that you're not the most important thing in the level. The stage itself is especially impactful in this regard - when you initially enter the room, all the NPCs are scattered and talk amongst themselves. The moment the music and fashion show starts, every single person turns towards the catwalks and starts clapping and taking pictures of the models. As the center of the palace, the stage is very prominent throughout the level, such as through the open hallways above and the window in Dalia's office which overlooks the area. My favorite little detail is how a curious guard in the attic will lean through the window to look down below. More than most levels, it feels the NPCs here are actually invested in something greater than you. Compare this to, say, Sapienza, where most people just seem to mill around with no goal in mind.

    The stylist room is absolutely fascinating to observe. One thing I felt the trilogy always struggled with was trying to realistically show people engaged in something without it seeming robotic or coming across as a caricature. This one room, however, is packed with people simultaneously performing a dozen different animations doing a dozen different things - moving around, getting makeup done, rifling through costumes. When I entered this room I spent a long while just watching everyone go about their business and taking in the detail. The environment itself is also detailed to an absurd degree. There's no reason they had to make it set at a museum - but they did, and in doing so packed entire rooms with paintings and objects that the game never calls attention to and the average player barely notices, but still create the sense of a real, lived-in space.

    Paris has a ton of NPCs that follow a strict schedule. For example, once the fashion show ends, all the models and stylists will come pouring outside and Novikov's loop changes slightly. Meanwhile, back when Mission Stories were called Opportunities, Paris truly took advantage of the name, giving players a hidden time limit to disguise as Helmut Kruger or the sheik, or to kill Novikov on stage, an aspect that was greatly reduced after this level and almost completely eliminated from Hitman 2 onwards. While it's understandable why they chose to focus away from this, it truly gave the player the feeling of interrupting a part of the world for their own advantage, while most other mission stories feel rigid and expressly built for the player.

    Novikov's loop is more dynamic than the average Hitman target, having several automatic interactions and phone calls which pull him away into the grand hall, outside of the hall, and into the east garden. And finally, the level provides several assassination opportunities far less neat and more natural than the established formula of "meet the target alone, kill them and hide their body." For example, killing Novikov outside while everyone is distracted with fireworks, or using the sheik disguise/laptop dongle to bring Dalia to the auction office, a cramped room with transparent doors and windows and no hiding spots. Though not spectacular kills, these kills feel far more vulnerable and less gamified than elsewhere in the series.

    Now, having said all this, I do think that Paris is a great map, but it's far from my favorite, as I feel it's outclassed by the later levels in terms of level design and assassinations (my personal favorites are Hokkaido, Miami, and Mumbai). However, revisiting all this was a pleasant surprise and my opinion of Paris definitely rose, and I do think it has something to offer that other levels don't.

    submitted by /u/throwawaydeviant9
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    Agent 47 begins his new job at Amazon!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Feel Free To Present Your Argument For Or Against

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    worst day of my life

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    When an Axe Is Not an Axe

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    They love my style

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Picking up chicks with Agent 47

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    They haven't come out of the closet yet

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Super let down from the hidden phone call in paris

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    Incase anyone else didn't know this either if you kill one of the targets on the paris map the other one receives a phone call that changes based on how you killed the first target. Killing Dalia through a SA method (poison/accident), Viktor is told that Dalia had an accident and he will be told that Dalia was killed in an accident, which he won't believe before saying that her death was a waste and hanging up. However, if Dalia is killed and it is not considered an accident he will be told that she was murdered instead. He will even show terror, talking about how he knows he is most likely next.

    What really annoys me about this however is that if Dalia's death is not an accident, Viktor will say on the phone to clear out the top floor and that he will be there immediately to discuss this situation. The disappointing part about this however, is that literally nothing will happen. In perfect hitman npc form the second the phone call is over, Viktor hangs up and resumes his course. I followed him around for about 20 minutes to see if he would do or say anything about it, and literally nothing ever happened. Same exact route with the same exact dialogue he has with the npcs he talks to. Nothing happens to the auction or the rest of the top floor either which was super disappointing.

    Incase anyone was wondering btw for Viktor's death, I don't know what happens if he is murdered however in the case of an accident kill Dalia tells the person on the phone to call the police and that they should be kept on the lower levels away from the auction.

    Edit: If Dalia is killed first via accident, Viktor still says he is going to go to the top floor however ofc nothing happens

    submitted by /u/will_die_prov-alone
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    I just noticed that Alexa Carlisle looks a lot like Emma from Evil Genius 2.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    I wanted to use a lethal syringe on him but the stairs made me knock him out instead alerting all the guards and getting me killed fml.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    What have I unleashed?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    Late night convos on these hit different

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Does ICA trust people so much??

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    When an ICA finishes a contract from client,how do they make sure that their client will not rat out the existence of ICA??

    submitted by /u/Bazynoooooob
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    The case for another Sapienza side mission: A Big Fat Italian Wedding

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Like many of us, I think Sapienza is one of the best maps in the franchise. It's large, has multiple relatively self-contained areas (the church area, town square area, the mansion) and in general the map is loaded with DLC opportunities.

    Yet, I've noticed that apart from escalations/elusive targets, Silvio's mansion has never been used by the devs for a DLC/bonus mission like The Icon, Landslide, and the one with the book reading at the church (I forget the name). There's an entire third of the map that remains consistently unused by the devs despite its quality.

    So, my idea for another little Sapienza mission is thus: an evening wedding at the mansion!

    You've got suited private security at the gates, the ruins, and patrolling the grounds. You can steal an invite from someone in the town square bathrooms, or sneak in and take a guest or guard or servant disguise. The guests are primarily located towards the back of the property (garden/veranda/patio/observatory), with bedrooms and other private locations off-limits to all disguises except for guards, staff, Silvio, and the targets and their families.

    The targets? A young, wealthy couple looking to tie the knot before an adoring crowd of friends, and donors to their criminally-implicated Blackwater-like PMC. Of course, the main event isn't until later in the evening, so you have time to investigate, prepare, and execute.

    The bride and groom will spend the beginning of their loops together in the garden, looking the part of a happy couple, mingling, meeting, etc. Then they separate, with the bride remaining in the garden area, and the groom heading down to the cavern, where the Ether lab has been replaced by a bachelor party complete with dancers, cocktail waitresses, and partying men.

    Now, onto opportunities. You can isolate and eliminate the targets via the standard methods, or you can get achievements for the following:

    Eliminating both targets with a cannon as they trade vows

    Electrocute both targets on the wet grass as they trade vows (extra achievement if done as the priest)

    Snipe both targets at the same time as they trade vows

    Poison both target's champagne glasses as they toast after trading vows (extra achievement if done as the priest)

    Use a propane canister to kill them at the outdoor fireplace (like the Silvio elimination from WoT)

    Reveal to the bride that there's a bachelor party, and she goes down to confront the groom. This causes everyone to leave the cave, giving you an opportunity to perhaps kill them with a single stalactite, or perhaps by blowing up a space heater.

    ALTERNATIVELY, you can choose to let the argument play out, which ends with uncertainty as the bride says she needs to rethink things. She calls her father to meet her at the ruins for a cigarette, and to talk to him about the groom. He will start walking there, but she will get their first. You can either plant a joint at the ruins, which she will smoke and be eliminated, or take her father's disguise and push her off the tower.

    If you choose to follow the groom, he will retreat to De Santis's room from WoT (easily repurposed as the bride and groom's suite), where he will compulsively drink (another poisoning opportunity) until the bride returns from her talk with dad, intent on healing things... or not. Take the groom's disguise and do what 47 does best.

    Ideally the observatory would have guest inside checking out the telescope/plague doctor outfit. I suppose you could try and kill a target by dropping the chandalier.

    Take the role of photographer and take pictures of the bride and groom at the veranda. Ask to take solo shots, have them turn around to face the sea, and push them over the edge one after the other.

    And lastly (though I welcome all suggestions), Silvio himself can be seen looping through the grounds and the mansion. You can steal his disguise and kill them at a meeting in one of the mansion's private rooms, or give him evidence showing that the couple have been overcharging him for the PMC services, which will cause him to murder them by blowing up their seaplane as they leave for their honeymoon.

    And a lastly-last idea: custom suits and unlockables. Example: Italian tuxedo, hipster photographer, Italian clown-juggler (the guy down by the beach in WoT entertaining tourists has been hired for the event). Perhaps that lawyer from Landslide has been invited as well.


    Private security guard

    Elite PSG

    Silvio Caruso

    The Priest

    The Clown

    The Plague Doctor




    Mansion butler

    The Lawyer

    Wedding guest


    The Photographer

    Musician (reusing the disguise from Sgail, only without the eyes covered).

    I don't have H3 yet, so if there are other disguise ideas from that game, please let me know.

    Oh, and extra: Jason Portman is there complaining about the hors d'oeuvres.

    Alright! That's my idea. I'm open to suggestions, criticisms, etc.

    Edit 1: I forgot to mention that they could reuse the singer from Landslide as the wedding singer

    submitted by /u/slavsquatSF
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    I saw this while completing 'The Living Dead' challenge

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    If you fire the guard in End of an Era, you can find him jumping off a walkway later.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    Should Hitman end when David Bateson is done playing character?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    I don't think anyone else would work well with playing the character of Agent 47, and I rather have a proper ending to Agent 47 story then have them do a reboot or a new character something like John Wick possibly so it'd keep the series interesting and refresh.

    Agent 47 is a Assassin and a Assassin is political in nature. Hitman and assassins are 2 different types of contract killers. Hitman are usually with Gangs or criminal groups, seen in John Wick. I like Agent 47, I just feel they are running out of ideas of what can happen with him.

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Fox117
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    Something seems off about the Tactlneck description...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    This is from the hitman mobile game 'hitman sniper'. I don't know if this is a mistake or they did this on purpose. But its cheaper to buy 5x £0.99 packs to get 25,000 than the £5.99 one.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:26 AM PDT

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