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    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    Hitman Very Perceptive...

    Hitman Very Perceptive...

    Very Perceptive...

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Finally nailed my first flying axe after only a Stupid™️ amount of attempts

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Part 3 of my Ladies of WOA postcard series — Miss Yamazaki

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Am I the only one seeing this?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    New Bonus Mission Leaked

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    How to get a free emetic(s) on (nearly) anyone

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Blowing up Ken Morgan with 30 explosives in Bangkok!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    My First Flying Battle Axe

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Just imagine a gamemode where YOU are the target in a certain scenario.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Imagine being Agent Davenport during Agent Montgomery's confrontation Berlin and you have to kill Agent 47 before he kills you.

    Imagine being a guard in Dubai and having to find Agent 47 while Carl and Marcus evacuate.

    Imagine having to stop Agent 47 from killing one of the targets while everybody else is distracted by the fireworks show in Paris.

    The possibilities are seemingly endless.

    submitted by /u/Terlinilia
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    Tamara Vidal: You are going to die, I have You Five Against One. 47:-

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    attack of the saints from absolution was decent, but it could've been better.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Is it weird that I feel the urge to scale this?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    Gone, Gone, Gone

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    My favorite: When a noticed kill sets off a chain reaction, and gives a cool opportunity for traps:

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    HITMAN 2 FILM Detective David Bateson (Daddy Mish Cinematic)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:01 AM PDT


    David Bateson is a private investigator, formerly a contract killer. The story of how the Russian mafia hired a detective to investigate the murder of their man in America.

    submitted by /u/sertolovogun102
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    Questions from a newbie

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    I'm new to the Hitman games, so I'm looking for advice from all of you vets. How do you play the game? Do you go through each map quickly to complete the storyline and then go back to get 100% completion or do you finish a map completely before moving on the next one? Do you keep notes of where you can find various items?

    I just finished the story in Hitman 3 and I'm going back through each map completing contracts and trying to get 100%. For some of the contracts I'm really wishing I had kept notes when I went through the maps the first time. I usually ended up with about 5 screwdrivers but now that I'm trying out some contracts, I can't find one to save my life! I'm sure I could find a website that would tell me where everything is but that feels like cheating to me, so I'd rather figure it out myself.

    Any suggestions on different ways to enjoy the game?

    submitted by /u/PitVipers7666
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    I love playing Hitman VR like the hitman from No Country for Old Men

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    New Item Idea - Water Bottle

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    The electrocution phone was removed because IOI thought that it was too overpowered, but I just had the idea of something like a glass water bottle that you could drop/place and create a small pool of water, which you could then electrocute someone with. It would be less powerful than the phone because you would need to take the micro taser, or some electrical item in the map, but would be pretty good. Let me know if you see blind spots or what you think.

    submitted by /u/DanTheMan4096
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    Two simple fixes I'd make to Sniper Assassin: Allow players to save like in regular missions and make it so that accidental kills do NOT trigger target evacuation

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Sniper assassin maps are usually fun for only about 30 minutes before I go back to playing the regular maps. While there is plenty of room for improvement for the game mode as a whole, I feel like these two simple changes would make the mode a lot more enjoyable without changing too much.

    Allow saving in sniper maps like in regular maps

    Not being able to save in this mode is really frustrating, especially the fact that a lot of the challenges require you to wait and do nothing for a certain amount of minutes for a specific opportunity to begin in order to complete one specific challenge. If you mess up during that opportunity or miss it, you are forced to restart and wait eight minutes AGAIN for that same opportunity and hope that you do not mess up or miss it again (I'm just using eight minutes as an example number, I'm aware that some challenges require you to wait more or less than eight minutes)! It would be very beneficial if you could save a few seconds before a certain opportunity and just reload that save if you fail or miss that opportunity. This would also be beneficial for experimenting with regular silent assassin runs. Maybe you are able to quickly kill some targets immediately at the start of the mission, but have to wait a little to kill the rest of the targets. (This is how I usually play the mode normally, IDK if others do the same, maybe it's just me) It would be nice if you could save after you kill those immediate targets so that if you messed up your SA run, you can load back and start AFTER you killed those immediate targets without having to kill those easy targets again. Also, this game mode is not an exception to the bugs and inconsistencies that plague the entire game, so sometimes losing silent assassin isn't even your fault, so saving would be very helpful.

    Accidental Kills should NOT trigger target evacuation

    Accidental kills not voiding your silent assassin rating is a core part of HITMAN, so it is so strange how this mode actually punishes you for getting accidental kills. If you kill targets with an accidental kill and the bodies are discovered, the target evacuation will start and you are forced to quickly kill your running targets. The game still rewards you with extra points for the accident kill, but it means nothing if your silent assassin rating is voided. I currently only use accident kills in this mode for two scenarios: killing the last 1-3 remaining targets so that the game immediately ends after the targets are killed and there is no time for anyone to find the body OR if the accident kill involves hiding the body, but usually shooting the target into a container or pile or shockwave ammo off a cliff is easier and more reliable than hoping the explosion throws the body into a hidden area. Hitman maps are all full of accident opportunities and sniper maps are no different. The amount of electrocution and explosion opportunities in the maps are great and would be a lot of fun, IF the found bodies as a result of these accidents did NOT trigger the evacuation. If a regular civilian finds a body in an accidental kill: you either kill that civilian witness before they trigger the evacuation (voiding SA obviously) or do your best to pick off the rest of your targets as they evacuate (basically impossible to do silently). Accident kills in sniper assassin should work like in normal modes: if a body is found due to an accident kill, the main three targets should be escorted to a safe space. After some time has passed, they return to their normal loops and the bodies are bagged and dragged into a pile, just like in regular maps. I should be REWARDED for killing targets with accidents, not punished!

    Bonus idea: Let Sniper Maps be playable offline

    "What?! You're telling me sniper assassin isn't even PLAYABLE offline?!"

    Yes, the entire sniper assassin game mode is one of the many things unavailable offline in HITMAN 3, a single player game. It would be nice if this entire game mode was available offline!


    I personally feel that these changes are not too drastic, but could really make the entire game mode more enjoyable overall. I understand that IO isn't too focused on this mode right now, but I feel like some small, simple changes, could make this entire mode better. If the map is not brand new, then I personally can only play sniper assassin for 30 minutes max before going back to regular maps (especially since I already completed every challenge back in H2).

    What do you think of my changes? What changes would you personally want in sniper assassin?

    submitted by /u/Dylpooh
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    Outfits For Sapienza

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    47 offers you a glass of Choccy Milk

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    The woman in Miami who yells "OH MY GAAAAWSH!"

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    You know who I'm talking about.

    submitted by /u/AHughes1078
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    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PDT

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