• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Hitman The construction crew in Santa Fortuna is playing a game of hangman in the shed. The word they're looking for is "hippopotamus."

    Hitman The construction crew in Santa Fortuna is playing a game of hangman in the shed. The word they're looking for is "hippopotamus."

    The construction crew in Santa Fortuna is playing a game of hangman in the shed. The word they're looking for is "hippopotamus."

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    "Your timeless look shall fit right in"

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:14 PM PST

    The Utlimate Mouse Flicks

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:32 AM PST

    Imagine customisable ties!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    The Map of the World according to Agent 47, v3

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:45 AM PST

    Paris pitch meeting

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Paris pitch meeting

    Designer: "I decided to set our Paris mission in a version of the real-life Palais du Luxembourg."


    Boss: "Oh wow, that place looks huge. I wouldn't even know how to fill that with stuff to do."

    Designer: "Yeah, me neither."

    Boss: "Wait, really?"

    Designer: "Kind of. See that top floor? It looks over the courtyard, which is where I'm sticking the fashion show. But I've got nothing else happening on either side of that, and I don't know what to do with it."

    Boss: "How about you fill it with stored art?"

    Designer: "What."

    Boss: "Yeah, how about you turn that entire massive area into attic storage, and fill it with pieces of art, piled up and covered in cobwebs?"

    Designer: "That would take an immense amount of work, and would receive very little recognition."

    Boss: "Yeah, do that. So, that's the top floor. And there must be a lot more going on already in the floor below that."

    Designer: "Much less, actually. Here too, the coolest part is the section that looks down on the fashion show, but you can't really do anything there. And on all sides are spare rooms where you can't do anything at all. Some have NPCs, but most don't even have that."

    Boss: "The ground floor must be absolutely packed then, if everything is down there."

    Designer: "Comparatively, yeah. But we've still got whole wings of museum exhibits where nothing is going on, and don't get me started on the basement."

    Boss: "What's wrong with the basement?"

    Designer: "See, that's where I'm really stumped. I've got huge empty spaces, and I'm out of ideas."

    Boss: "How about you add a kitchen? With chefs?"

    Designer: "Well, we already have a sort of food storage place upstairs, but a full kitchen? That wouldn't really make sense. When there's no fashion show, this place is a museum, no one lives here, and there's no restaurant or anything. For food for this event, we've actually got a caterer delivering sushi."

    Boss: "Put in a kitchen. With chefs."

    Designer: "But I don't have any kind of plan for the chefs integrating into the rest of the level."

    Boss: "This level is in France. I want French chefs."

    Designer: "Fine. That still won't fill all the space, though."

    Boss: "How about you make a room to store wine?"

    Designer: "I already did that with much of the basement."

    Boss: "Make the rest of the basement into other rooms that also store wine."

    Designer: "Yeah, I guess we could do that. And as for the outside, I think it's okay if we leave most of that empty."

    Boss: "'Most of that'? How much space is there outside?"

    Designer: "Take a look:"


    Boss: "That's enormous. This is going to be the biggest level we're going to make in this game!"

    Designer: "And no one who plays it will realize that."

    Boss: "What's going on over there?"

    Designer: "I didn't even see where you pointed, but I'm going to assume the answer is 'nothing'."

    Boss: "We've got to do something with all this space. How about you stick a few more exits, maybe along the east wall?"

    Designer: "We already have one gate in the east wall. I don't really see the point in two more."

    Boss: "Do you have any better ideas about how to use that giant strip of the map?"

    Designer: "Uh, okay, we'll put three exits in the same wall."

    Boss: "And what about this section here? Is that a gazebo?"

    Designer: "Yeah, it's blocked off most of the time. But you can lure Viktor here for one scripted kill."

    Boss: "Oh, let's talk more about the kills!"

    Designer: "There's a barge with fireworks, and if you set them off, you can knock push one target, Dahlia, on top of Viktor, killing both."

    Boss: "Very cool."

    Designer: "And there's a lighting rig you can access from the top floor, which everyone says is rickety and can fall on the catwalk. Pry that loose, and boom, you kill Viktor."

    Boss: "Do you think this'll ever get old? Disguising yourself and then tinkering with some device that has a clear fatal flaw so it blows up in the target's face?"

    Designer: "Someday, maybe. But not yet. Next up, we've got this mission story to kill Viktor called 'Bare-Knuckle Boxer'."

    Boss: "Sounds intriguing. Tell me about Bare-Knuckle Boxer."

    Designer: "You poison Viktor's drink, called the Bare-Knuckle Boxer."

    Boss: "And?"

    Designer: "And then he dies!"

    Boss: "That's ... that's it?"

    Designer: "Oh, it's a big deal. You complete one challenge by finding the drink recipe. Then a second challenge by mixing the drink. Then a third challenge by giving it to Viktor."

    Boss: "This sounds like a basic assassination method that can kill most anyone, not really a mission story."

    Designer: "Yeah, but this kind of works as a tutorial to tell you how poisoning works for the future."

    Boss: "Okay, but I'm also making you design a separate multi-level tutorial, which teaches how to poison drinks."

    Designer: "Oh no. This'll seem kind of lame after that."

    Boss: "You've got other assassination challenges though, right?"

    Designer: "Sure, sure. There's one for dropping a chandelier on Viktor."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll often be able to do to targets, not worthy of us highlighting it as a challenge."

    Designer: "There's one for killing him in a gas explosion."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll often be able to do to targets, not worthy of us highlighting it as a challenge."

    Designer: "There's one for drowning him."

    Boss: "In the river?"

    Designer: "That too, but there's also one for just drowning him, by pushing him into a toilet."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll always be able to do to targets, not worthy of us highlighting it as a challenge."

    Designer: "Oh, but we really have something fun planned for Dahlia. You disguise yourself as a male model who looks exactly like 47 and happens to also be an assassin ... "

    Boss: "Is he an escaped clone?

    Designer: "Uh, sure, let's go with that. And this gives you free private access to Dahlia. But first, you walk the runway, in French fashion clothing and wearing makeup!"

    Boss: "Yeah, this sounds like a proper mission story all right, but I don't really get why, before getting to talk to Dahlia, you need to walk the runway."

    Designer: "Because this way, you get to walk the runway."

    Boss: "Will our audience of gamers, playing a murder simulator, seriously get a kick out of putting on makeup and walking the runway as a model?"

    Designer: "You're goddam right they will."

    Boss: "Okay, what other assassinations have you got for Dahlia?"

    Designer: "You can push her onto Viktor during the fireworks."

    Boss: "You mentioned that already."

    Designer: "Oh, okay. You get a challenge for poisoning her."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll always be able to do to targets, not worthy of us highlighting it as a challenge."

    Designer: "You get a challenge for drowning her."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll always be able to do to targets, not worthy of us highlighting it as a challenge."

    Designer: "You get a challenge for dropping a chandelier on her. And for killing her in a gas explosion."

    Boss: "Seems like something you'll—"

    Designer: "Yeah yeah, I get it. Oh, this next one's a little more bespoke. If you find a USB drive, you can plug that into a computer to get Dahlia alone."

    Boss: "And how do you kill her then?"

    Designer: "By ... uh ... snapping her neck?"

    Boss: "We're really going to have to work on building cooler death set pieces going forward."

    Designer: "Yeah, I'll get on that. I'm sure we can do better. Let's start on the other episodes."

    Boss: "Yeah. Time to move on."











    (And in case you missed them, here are a couple more pitch meetings: Sapienza, Santa Fortuna)

    submitted by /u/dontironit
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    Ready for HITMAN 3! Just got 100% on everything today!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    I'm sorry, 47. I can't let you do that.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Agent 47 is a master of disguise

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:24 PM PST

    fuck this challenge, last one i had for Miami and i just ended up shooting everyone and putting on their outfit until i got the challenge.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Uh ma’am, you’re wiping the air.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:57 PM PST

    As someone who isn't usually very good at Hitman, this felt good!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:15 PM PST

    Change my view: There's no reason to wait for the Steam release to buy Hitman 3.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    Every now and again, I see a comment from people on here that they're going to wait for the Steam release to get Hitman 3. I own both of the last two games on Steam and, all things being equal, I also prefer it to Epic as a platform. But I don't want to wait a year, so I'm still going to get it on Epic.

    So for those who are waiting, why? I mean, Epic's probably not going anywhere, and you get to transfer your progress over (that's the kind of thing that WOULD be a deal breaker for me if you couldn't). If it's the same kind of quality as the previous games, I want to support IOI as a developer, because I can count on one hand the number of games in the last five years I've gotten this much enjoyment out of. So what's the deal? You just like having all your games in one place? Achievements?

    submitted by /u/captureorbit
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    Killer view [Pun intended]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:31 AM PST

    Does anyone think the Franchise will be mentioned in Hitman 3 by one of the major characters since they weren't mentioned in H1&H2 and they played a major role in The Hitman series and 47's story.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:56 AM PST

    I understand they were wiped out but they have to be mentioned at some point even know they were wiped it, there bodies would have been found or did the ICA clean everything up after that? I mean the wheelchair guy likely have some connections to providence. I mean I hope they get a few mentions at least since The Whitehouse mission was mentioned, the Delgados were mentioned, we got to see 47 kill one of the delagos and we got to kill the remaining heads of Delago cartel, also the paris mission was mentioned so a lot of missions were already mentioned expect the Franchise since they played a major role and should be mentioned at some point.

    submitted by /u/shangtsung190
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    I want a Courthouse/Jail Level in a future Hitman Game.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    This Mission 47 has to kill a Corrupt Judge, Court DA and a Prisoner.

    submitted by /u/shangtsung190
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    "Hey, can you take this call?" "Sure."

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Well that’s one way to hide a weapon

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:37 AM PST

    Ummmm excuse me??? Sorry for bad quality pic

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:13 PM PST

    Map in Hitman 3 most excited for

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:05 AM PST

    I believe Khedanyang mentioned in sniper assassin Pen and Sword mission as well as Miami will be either the 5th or 6th location

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Black_Hand_002
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    About hitman 3

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    If i bought Hitman 2 and then bought the legacy pack (all on steam) will i be able to carry over the legacy levels to hitman 3?

    submitted by /u/lazy_llama_licker
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    Un dramma in quattro atti alla Sapienza

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:40 PM PST

    42 Days of suits (Day 25) Casual Undercover

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:22 PM PST

    I repainted a Blood Money picture to make this meme

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

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