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    Hitman April Content Calender

    Hitman April Content Calender

    April Content Calender

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Hitman in his mr worldwide disguise

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Unused Disguises: "High Profile DJ" (Mumbai) What a cool logo!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    47 just can't help himself

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    You vs the bald post they told you not to worry about

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Ultimate Virus Assassin, ladies and gentlemen, I present you: COVID-47!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Cassidy. Just Cassidy.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Worst Hitman Missions

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Out of these, which is the worst?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ShronkDong
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    Fan Art - Welcome to Whittleton Creek

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Every Hitman Mission Ranked PART THREE - Hitman: Contracts

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT



    S- Lee Hong Assassination

    A- Meat King's Party, Seafood Massacre, Beldingford Manor

    B- Asylum Aftermath, Rendezvous at Rotterdam

    C- Bjarkhov Bomb, Traditions of the Trade, Hunter and Hunted

    D- Deadly Cargo, Wang Fou Incident

    F- Slaying a Dragon

    12. Slaying a Dragon - Worse version of Kowloon Triads in Gang War. They tried to make it more complex, with having me go across the map to get a disguise, all so I can climb a ladder without the guard freaking out. The actual sniping point is horrible, since there were trees obscuring basically the whole thing. And why have this mission, which was basically an extension to the tutorial in Codename, more than halfway through the game?

    11. Wang Fou Incident - A worse version of Ambush at the Wang Fou. They tried to make it more complex, with having to snipe 2 of the targets, but that just made it worse, since the sniper point sucks, and you have to check over your shoulder constantly to make sure that the guards don't see you.

    10. Deadly Cargo - An improvement over Plutonium Runs Loose, sure, but I still don't think this mission was all that good. Infiltrating the place took a lot of restarts (thanks in part to the AI problems returning, which sucks), and the actual assassination was nothing special. I thought disarming the nuke / clearing the ship in the original was a cooler moment. Sure, it wasn't very Hitman, and the gunplay was worse, but it was more memorable.

    9. Hunter and Hunted - Going for SA on my first attempt may have not been the best idea. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I played it as a shooter, but it was otherwise a fine ending to the game. Certainly better than Meet Your Brother.

    8. Traditions of the Trade - Somehow a downgrade from the original. There were just a lot of really stupid design decisions that made it worse. The worst one is that the thermal bath is locked, so I have to pick one of the doors and risk getting spotted. Also, why include the sniper case if I can't bring it through the front door?

    7. Bjarkhov Bomb - A little too big/long, but not the worst mission I've ever played. I just don't think I ever want to play it again.

    6. Rendezvous at Rotterdam - Short and sweet. Figuring this one out was a little bit too easy in my opinion, but it was still rewarding to pull off, though getting out of the place took more figuring out than it should have.

    5. Asylum Aftermath - A pretty good opening mission. I love the new design of the asylum, and there were no AI issues to speak of, which was my biggest fear when I was coming into it from Hitman 2.

    4. Beldingford Manor - Sorry to all those who claim this was the best hitman mission ever made, but I don't feel the same way. The location was cool, and I liked the variety in ways to finish the mission (The smothering animation was priceless). But this level had some Hitman 2 levels of AI shenanigans, that prevented me from praising it as much as others do. And if I ever have to listen to the guards say "poor bastard" ever again I'm going to go insane.

    3. Seafood Massacre - A remade map that's a massive improvement. It made the level more complex in a way that added to it, instead of making it more tedious like the previous Hong Kong missions. The fact that the original approach of sneaking into the bathroom to plant weapons worked nearly identically (albeit with one extra step), and still got me SA despite dumping a full round into the targets was amazing.

    2. Meat King's Party - Great mission, but I had 2 minor problems with it. First, some guards don't register the meat hook as a weapon, while some do (costing me a few restarts). Second, the fact that there can only be one Opium Waiter walking around at a time is stupid (Why have a spare disguise if that's the case?). If those weren't the case, it would have been higher up.

    1. Lee Hong Assassination - Basically C47's Lee Hong with a few extra steps, mid-mission saves, and a less stressful structure (i.e. not having to risk ruining the run to get a disguise in the basement anymore). I definitely prefer the gloomy, dark restaurant to the original's, even though I couldn't see what was right in front of me at times. Easily the best remade map in the game.

    submitted by /u/HorgeLord
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    Rocco has been playing some hitman

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Why is the cpu usage so incredibly high in hitman 2?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Anyone here know how to play with hotas plugged in?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Just picked up this game and this is getting frustrating, i tried -AO USECONTROLLER=0 and -nocontroller from researching but the problem still persists.

    submitted by /u/runnbl3
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    Looking for someone to do sniper assassin missions multiplayer on Xbox

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Gamer tag Niematoad

    submitted by /u/Withearstosee
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    Do you think they should bring back people waking up after being knocked out to some degree?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    When I was playing Hitman Contracts I forgot how that was the last game in the series to have knockouts work on a timer, after a while whoever you stabbed with the sedative syringe will wake up and likely alert the guards.

    Its not too big an issue in that game since you can do one kill on an enemy to get a disguise and still maintain Silent Assassin, but I thought it added an interesting wrinkle where if you wanted to do a non lethal run it could add a timer to certain activities, like say for example the journalist in Rendezvous at Rotterdam. In that case I think he counts as an innocent so you have to knock him out, not kill him, to get the disguise and Silent Assassin.

    Since Blood Money knockouts have gotten more powerful, maybe too powerful, now you can knockout as many people as you want, they stay unconscious for the rest of the level unless someone else finds them, and there's tons of hiding spots you can stash them into which makes it impossible for them to ever get found. There's really not that much preventing you from doing so.

    I know partly this is probably related to the vast increase in scope of the levels, back in the days of Contracts you could run through everything much quicker, and there were less moving parts overall that you had to consider, having people wake up after a while is significant additional complicating factor that could just make some things more frustrating. Still, I think it adds an interesting layer all the same, you need to be more efficient and quicker to do what you need to do, you need to be more mindful of the utility of knocking out people in the first place, since at the moment it can be very overpowered and it adds a little bit more realism to proceedings.

    Maybe if this was restricted to the highest difficulty setting it could be more viable so as to not interfere with the way people usually play. Additionally maybe you could have a system in place where 47 could lock someone he knocked out inside a box or closet he leaves them in. That way they could wake up but be trapped inside, unable to alert anyone else, but could bang on the doors and cause a lot of sound which could attract someone else who'll then let them out, which would prompt you to make sure you leave people in places off the beaten track. In contracts you can do something like this a couple of times, most notably at the start of the Meat Kings party where you lock the unconscious butcher in the starting truck container so when he wakes up he can't get out.

    I dunno, just a few thoughts because I find this is one of those mechanics I kind of miss.

    submitted by /u/Khwarezm
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